-- @field openmw.util#Vector3 startingPosition The object original position
-- @field openmw.util#Transform startingRotation The object original rotation
-- @field #string ownerRecordId NPC who owns the object (nil if missing). Global and self scripts can set the value.
-- @field #string ownerFactionId Faction who owns the object (nil if missing). Global and self scripts can set the value.
-- @field #number ownerFactionRank Rank required to be allowed to pick up the object (`nil` if any rank is allowed). Global and self scripts can set the value.
-- @field #ObjectOwner owner Ownership information
-- @field #Cell cell The cell where the object currently is. During loading a game and for objects in an inventory or a container `cell` is nil.
-- @field #GameObject parentContainer Container or actor that contains (or has in inventory) this object. It is nil if the object is in a cell.
-- @field #any type Type of the object (one of the tables from the package @{openmw.types#types}).
@ -174,6 +172,14 @@
-- @field #string recordId Returns record ID of the object in lowercase.
-- @field #string globalVariable Global Variable associated with this object(read only).
-- Object owner information
-- @type ObjectOwner
-- @field #string recordId NPC who owns the object (nil if missing). Global and self scripts can set the value.
-- @field #string factionId Faction who owns the object (nil if missing). Global and self scripts can set the value.
-- @field #number factionRank Rank required to be allowed to pick up the object (`nil` if any rank is allowed). Global and self scripts can set the value.
-- Does the object still exist and is available.
-- Returns true if the object exists and loaded, and false otherwise. If false, then every