-- @field #string affectedAttribute @{#ATTRIBUTE} or nil
-- @field #string affectedSkill Optional skill ID
-- @field #string affectedAttribute Optional attribute ID
-- @field #string id Magic effect id
-- @field #string name Localized name of the effect
-- @field #number magnitudeThisFrame The magnitude of the effect in the current frame. This will be a new random number between minMagnitude and maxMagnitude every frame. Or nil if the effect has no magnitude.
@ -498,17 +498,17 @@
-- @field #number Target Ranged spell
--- Possible @{#MagicSchool} values
--- Possible @{#MagicSchool} values (DEPRECATED use @{#Skill})
-- @field [parent=#Magic] #MagicSchool SCHOOL
--- `core.magic.SCHOOL`
-- @type MagicSchool
-- @field #number Alteration Alteration
-- @field #number Conjuration Conjuration
-- @field #number Destruction Destruction
-- @field #number Illusion Illusion
-- @field #number Mysticism Mysticism
-- @field #number Restoration Restoration
-- @field #string Alteration alteration
-- @field #string Conjuration conjuration
-- @field #string Destruction destruction
-- @field #string Illusion illusion
-- @field #string Mysticism mysticism
-- @field #string Restoration restoration
--- Possible @{#MagicEffectId} values
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@
-- @field #string id Effect ID
-- @field #string icon Effect Icon Path
-- @field #string name Localized name of the effect
-- @field #number school @{#MagicSchool}
-- @field #string school Skill ID
-- @field #number baseCost
-- @field openmw.util#Color color
-- @field #boolean harmful
@ -728,8 +728,8 @@
-- @type MagicEffectWithParams
-- @field #MagicEffect effect @{#MagicEffect}
-- @field #string affectedSkill @{#SKILL} or nil
-- @field #string affectedAttribute @{#ATTRIBUTE} or nil
-- @field #string affectedSkill Optional skill ID
-- @field #string affectedAttribute Optional attribute ID
-- @field #number range
-- @field #number area
-- @field #number magnitudeMin
@ -738,8 +738,8 @@
-- @type ActiveEffect
-- @field #string affectedSkill @{#SKILL} or nil
-- @field #string affectedAttribute @{#ATTRIBUTE} or nil
-- @field #string affectedSkill Optional skill ID
-- @field #string affectedAttribute Optional attribute ID
-- @field #string id Effect id string
-- @field #string name Localized name of the effect