@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
ScriptsContainer::ScriptsContainer(LuaUtil::LuaState* lua, std::string_view namePrefix)
: mNamePrefix(namePrefix)
, mLua(*lua)
, mThis(std::make_shared<ScriptsContainer*>(this))
registerEngineHandlers({ &mUpdateHandlers });
mPublicInterfaces = sol::table(lua->sol(), sol::create);
@ -74,6 +75,16 @@ namespace LuaUtil
script.mHiddenData[sScriptIdKey] = ScriptId{ this, scriptId };
script.mHiddenData[sScriptDebugNameKey] = debugName;
script.mPath = path;
script.mStats.mCPUusage = 0;
const auto oldMemoryUsageIt = mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage.find(scriptId);
if (oldMemoryUsageIt != mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage.end())
script.mStats.mMemoryUsage = oldMemoryUsageIt->second;
script.mStats.mMemoryUsage = 0;
@ -146,8 +157,10 @@ namespace LuaUtil
catch (std::exception& e)
mScripts[scriptId].mHiddenData[sScriptIdKey] = sol::nil;
auto iter = mScripts.find(scriptId);
iter->second.mHiddenData[sScriptIdKey] = sol::nil;
mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage[scriptId] = iter->second.mStats.mMemoryUsage;
Log(Debug::Error) << "Can't start " << debugName << "; " << e.what();
return false;
@ -162,6 +175,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
if (script.mInterface)
removeInterface(scriptId, script);
script.mHiddenData[sScriptIdKey] = sol::nil;
mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage[scriptId] = script.mStats.mMemoryUsage;
for (auto& [_, handlers] : mEngineHandlers)
removeHandler(handlers->mList, scriptId);
@ -192,7 +206,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
LuaUtil::call(*script.mOnOverride, *prev->mInterface);
LuaUtil::call({ this, scriptId }, *script.mOnOverride, *prev->mInterface);
catch (std::exception& e)
@ -203,7 +217,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
LuaUtil::call(*next->mOnOverride, *script.mInterface);
LuaUtil::call({ this, nextId }, *next->mOnOverride, *script.mInterface);
catch (std::exception& e)
@ -242,7 +256,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
prevInterface = *prev->mInterface;
LuaUtil::call(*next->mOnOverride, prevInterface);
LuaUtil::call({ this, nextId }, *next->mOnOverride, prevInterface);
catch (std::exception& e)
@ -298,16 +312,17 @@ namespace LuaUtil
EventHandlerList& list = it->second;
for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
const Handler& h = list[i];
sol::object res = LuaUtil::call(list[i].mFn, data);
sol::object res = LuaUtil::call({ this, h.mScriptId }, h.mFn, data);
if (res != sol::nil && !res.as<bool>())
break; // Skip other handlers if 'false' was returned.
catch (std::exception& e)
Log(Debug::Error) << mNamePrefix << "[" << scriptPath(list[i].mScriptId) << "] eventHandler["
<< eventName << "] failed. " << e.what();
Log(Debug::Error) << mNamePrefix << "[" << scriptPath(h.mScriptId) << "] eventHandler[" << eventName
<< "] failed. " << e.what();
@ -322,7 +337,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
LuaUtil::call(onInit, deserialize(mLua.sol(), data, mSerializer));
LuaUtil::call({ this, scriptId }, onInit, deserialize(mLua.sol(), data, mSerializer));
catch (std::exception& e)
@ -358,7 +373,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
sol::object state = LuaUtil::call(*script.mOnSave);
sol::object state = LuaUtil::call({ this, scriptId }, *script.mOnSave);
savedScript.mData = serialize(state, mSerializer);
catch (std::exception& e)
@ -421,7 +436,7 @@ namespace LuaUtil
sol::object state = deserialize(mLua.sol(), scriptInfo.mSavedData->mData, mSavedDataDeserializer);
sol::object initializationData = deserialize(mLua.sol(), scriptInfo.mInitData, mSerializer);
LuaUtil::call(*onLoad, state, initializationData);
LuaUtil::call({ this, scriptId }, *onLoad, state, initializationData);
catch (std::exception& e)
@ -464,14 +479,18 @@ namespace LuaUtil
for (auto& [_, script] : mScripts)
script.mHiddenData[sScriptIdKey] = sol::nil;
*mThis = nullptr;
// Note: shouldn't be called from destructor because mEngineHandlers has pointers on
// external objects that are already removed during child class destruction.
void ScriptsContainer::removeAllScripts()
for (auto& [_, script] : mScripts)
for (auto& [id, script] : mScripts)
script.mHiddenData[sScriptIdKey] = sol::nil;
mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage[id] = script.mStats.mMemoryUsage;
for (auto& [_, handlers] : mEngineHandlers)
@ -540,12 +559,12 @@ namespace LuaUtil
auto it = script.mRegisteredCallbacks.find(callbackName);
if (it == script.mRegisteredCallbacks.end())
throw std::logic_error("Callback '" + callbackName + "' doesn't exist");
LuaUtil::call(it->second, t.mArg);
LuaUtil::call({ this, t.mScriptId }, it->second, t.mArg);
int64_t id = std::get<int64_t>(t.mCallback);
LuaUtil::call({ this, t.mScriptId }, script.mTemporaryCallbacks.at(id));
@ -571,4 +590,60 @@ namespace LuaUtil
updateTimerQueue(mGameTimersQueue, gameTime);
static constexpr float CPUusageAvgCoef = 1.0 / 30; // averaging over approximately 30 frames
void ScriptsContainer::CPUusageNextFrame()
for (auto& [scriptId, script] : mScripts)
// The averaging formula is: averageValue = averageValue * (1-c) + newValue * c
script.mStats.mCPUusage *= 1 - CPUusageAvgCoef;
if (script.mStats.mCPUusage < 5)
script.mStats.mCPUusage = 0; // speeding up converge to zero if newValue is zero
void ScriptsContainer::addCPUusage(int scriptId, int64_t CPUusage)
auto it = mScripts.find(scriptId);
if (it != mScripts.end())
it->second.mStats.mCPUusage += CPUusage * CPUusageAvgCoef;
void ScriptsContainer::addMemoryUsage(int scriptId, int64_t memoryDelta)
int64_t* usage;
auto it = mScripts.find(scriptId);
if (it != mScripts.end())
usage = &it->second.mStats.mMemoryUsage;
auto [rIt, _] = mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage.emplace(scriptId, 0);
usage = &rIt->second;
*usage += memoryDelta;
if (mLua.getSettings().mLogMemoryUsage)
int64_t after = *usage;
int64_t before = after - memoryDelta;
// Logging only if one of the most significant bits of used memory size was changed.
// Otherwise it is too verbose.
if ((before ^ after) * 8 > after)
Log(Debug::Verbose) << mNamePrefix << "[" << scriptPath(scriptId) << "] memory usage " << before
<< " -> " << after;
void ScriptsContainer::collectStats(std::vector<ScriptStats>& stats) const
for (auto& [id, script] : mScripts)
stats[id].mCPUusage += script.mStats.mCPUusage;
stats[id].mMemoryUsage += script.mStats.mMemoryUsage;
for (auto& [id, mem] : mRemovedScriptsMemoryUsage)
stats[id].mMemoryUsage += mem;