-- @field #number soulValue The soul value of the creature record
-- @field #number type The @{#Creature.TYPE} of the creature
-- @field #number baseGold The base barter gold of the creature
-- @field #list<#string> servicesOffered The services of the creature, in a table. Value is if the service is provided or not, and they are indexed by: Spells, Spellmaking, Enchanting, Training, Repair, Barter, Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Books, Ingredients, Picks, Probes, Lights, Apparatus, RepairItems, Misc, Potions, MagicItems, Travel.
-- @field #map<#string, #boolean> servicesOffered The services of the creature, in a table. Value is if the service is provided or not, and they are indexed by: Spells, Spellmaking, Enchanting, Training, Repair, Barter, Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Books, Ingredients, Picks, Probes, Lights, Apparatus, RepairItems, Misc, Potions, MagicItems, Travel.
--- @{#NPC} functions
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
-- @field #number baseGold The base barter gold of the NPC
-- @field #bool isMale The gender setting of the NPC
-- @field #list<#string> servicesOffered The services of the NPC, in a table. Value is if the service is provided or not, and they are indexed by: Spells, Spellmaking, Enchanting, Training, Repair, Barter, Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Books, Ingredients, Picks, Probes, Lights, Apparatus, RepairItems, Misc, Potions, MagicItems, Travel.
-- @field #map<#string, #boolean> servicesOffered The services of the NPC, in a table. Value is if the service is provided or not, and they are indexed by: Spells, Spellmaking, Enchanting, Training, Repair, Barter, Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Books, Ingredients, Picks, Probes, Lights, Apparatus, RepairItems, Misc, Potions, MagicItems, Travel.
-- Whether the character generation for this player is finished.
-- @function [parent=#Player] isCharGenFinished
@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@
-- @param #ArmorRecord armor A Lua table with the fields of a ArmorRecord, with an additional field `template` that accepts a @{#ArmorRecord} as a base.
-- @return #ArmorRecord A strongly typed Armor record.
-- @usage local armorTemplate = types.Armor.record('orcish_cuirass')
-- --This is the new record we want to create, with a record provided as a template.
-- local recordDraft = types.Armor.createRecordDraft(armorTable)--Need to convert the table into the record draft
-- local newRecord = world.createRecord(recordDraft)--This creates the actual record
@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@
-- @param #ClothingRecord clothing A Lua table with the fields of a ClothingRecord, with an additional field `template` that accepts a @{#ClothingRecord} as a base.
-- @return #ClothingRecord A strongly typed clothing record.
-- @usage local clothingTemplate = types.Clothing.record('exquisite_robe_01')