mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into newlauncher
Conflicts: CMakeLists.txt apps/openmw/main.cpp components/esm/defs.hpp components/esm/loadappa.hpp components/esm/loadbody.hpp components/esm/loadclas.hpp components/esm/loadcrea.hpp components/esm/loadsndg.hpp components/interpreter/installopcodes.cpppull/21/head
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include "journal.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/environment.hpp"
namespace MWDialogue
Quest& Journal::getQuest (const std::string& id)
TQuestContainer::iterator iter = mQuests.find (id);
if (iter==mQuests.end())
std::pair<TQuestContainer::iterator, bool> result =
mQuests.insert (std::make_pair (id, Quest (id)));
iter = result.first;
return iter->second;
Journal::Journal (MWWorld::Environment& environment)
: mEnvironment (environment)
void Journal::addEntry (const std::string& id, int index)
StampedJournalEntry entry =
StampedJournalEntry::makeFromQuest (id, index, *mEnvironment.mWorld);
mJournal.push_back (entry);
Quest& quest = getQuest (id);
quest.addEntry (entry, *mEnvironment.mWorld); // we are doing slicing on purpose here
void Journal::setJournalIndex (const std::string& id, int index)
Quest& quest = getQuest (id);
quest.setIndex (index, *mEnvironment.mWorld);
void Journal::addTopic (const std::string& topicId, const std::string& infoId)
TTopicContainer::iterator iter = mTopics.find (topicId);
if (iter==mTopics.end())
std::pair<TTopicContainer::iterator, bool> result
= mTopics.insert (std::make_pair (topicId, Topic (topicId)));
iter = result.first;
iter->second.addEntry (JournalEntry (topicId, infoId), *mEnvironment.mWorld);
int Journal::getJournalIndex (const std::string& id) const
return 0;
Journal::TEntryIter Journal::begin() const
return mJournal.begin();
Journal::TEntryIter Journal::end() const
return mJournal.end();
Journal::TQuestIter Journal::questBegin() const
return mQuests.begin();
Journal::TQuestIter Journal::questEnd() const
return mQuests.end();
Journal::TTopicIter Journal::topicBegin() const
return mTopics.begin();
Journal::TTopicIter Journal::topicEnd() const
return mTopics.end();
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include "journalentry.hpp"
#include "quest.hpp"
namespace MWWorld
struct Environment;
namespace MWDialogue
/// \brief The player's journal
class Journal
typedef std::deque<StampedJournalEntry> TEntryContainer;
typedef TEntryContainer::const_iterator TEntryIter;
typedef std::map<std::string, Quest> TQuestContainer; // topc, quest
typedef TQuestContainer::const_iterator TQuestIter;
typedef std::map<std::string, Topic> TTopicContainer; // topic-id, topic-content
typedef TTopicContainer::const_iterator TTopicIter;
MWWorld::Environment& mEnvironment;
TEntryContainer mJournal;
TQuestContainer mQuests;
TTopicContainer mTopics;
Quest& getQuest (const std::string& id);
Journal (MWWorld::Environment& environment);
void addEntry (const std::string& id, int index);
///< Add a journal entry.
void setJournalIndex (const std::string& id, int index);
///< Set the journal index without adding an entry.
int getJournalIndex (const std::string& id) const;
///< Get the journal index.
void addTopic (const std::string& topicId, const std::string& infoId);
TEntryIter begin() const;
///< Iterator pointing to the begin of the main journal.
/// \note Iterators to main journal entries will never become invalid.
TEntryIter end() const;
///< Iterator pointing past the end of the main journal.
TQuestIter questBegin() const;
///< Iterator pointing to the first quest (sorted by topic ID)
TQuestIter questEnd() const;
///< Iterator pointing past the last quest.
TTopicIter topicBegin() const;
///< Iterator pointing to the first topic (sorted by topic ID)
/// \note The topic ID is identical with the user-visible topic string.
TTopicIter topicEnd() const;
///< Iterator pointing past the last topic.
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#include "journalentry.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <components/esm_store/store.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/world.hpp"
namespace MWDialogue
JournalEntry::JournalEntry() {}
JournalEntry::JournalEntry (const std::string& topic, const std::string& infoId)
: mTopic (topic), mInfoId (infoId)
std::string JournalEntry::getText (const ESMS::ESMStore& store) const
const ESM::Dialogue *dialogue = store.dialogs.find (mTopic);
for (std::vector<ESM::DialInfo>::const_iterator iter (dialogue->mInfo.begin());
iter!=dialogue->mInfo.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->id==mInfoId)
return iter->response;
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown info ID " + mInfoId + " for topic " + mTopic);
JournalEntry JournalEntry::makeFromQuest (const std::string& topic, int index,
const MWWorld::World& world)
return JournalEntry (topic, idFromIndex (topic, index, world));
std::string JournalEntry::idFromIndex (const std::string& topic, int index,
const MWWorld::World& world)
const ESM::Dialogue *dialogue = world.getStore().dialogs.find (topic);
for (std::vector<ESM::DialInfo>::const_iterator iter (dialogue->mInfo.begin());
iter!=dialogue->mInfo.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->data.disposition==index) /// \todo cleanup info structure
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown journal index for topic " + topic);
: mDay (0), mMonth (0), mDayOfMonth (0)
StampedJournalEntry::StampedJournalEntry (const std::string& topic, const std::string& infoId,
int day, int month, int dayOfMonth)
: JournalEntry (topic, infoId), mDay (day), mMonth (month), mDayOfMonth (dayOfMonth)
StampedJournalEntry StampedJournalEntry::makeFromQuest (const std::string& topic, int index,
const MWWorld::World& world)
int day = world.getGlobalVariable ("dayspassed").mLong;
int month = world.getGlobalVariable ("day").mLong;
int dayOfMonth = world.getGlobalVariable ("month").mLong;
return StampedJournalEntry (topic, idFromIndex (topic, index, world), day, month, dayOfMonth);
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include <string>
namespace ESMS
struct ESMStore;
namespace MWWorld
class World;
namespace MWDialogue
/// \brief A quest or dialogue entry
struct JournalEntry
std::string mTopic;
std::string mInfoId;
JournalEntry (const std::string& topic, const std::string& infoId);
std::string getText (const ESMS::ESMStore& store) const;
static JournalEntry makeFromQuest (const std::string& topic, int index,
const MWWorld::World& world);
static std::string idFromIndex (const std::string& topic, int index,
const MWWorld::World& world);
/// \biref A quest entry with a timestamp.
struct StampedJournalEntry : public JournalEntry
int mDay;
int mMonth;
int mDayOfMonth;
StampedJournalEntry (const std::string& topic, const std::string& infoId,
int day, int month, int dayOfMonth);
static StampedJournalEntry makeFromQuest (const std::string& topic, int index,
const MWWorld::World& world);
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#include "quest.hpp"
#include <components/esm_store/store.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/world.hpp"
namespace MWDialogue
: Topic(), mIndex (0), mFinished (false)
Quest::Quest (const std::string& topic)
: Topic (topic), mIndex (0), mFinished (false)
const std::string Quest::getName (const MWWorld::World& world) const
const ESM::Dialogue *dialogue = world.getStore().dialogs.find (mTopic);
for (std::vector<ESM::DialInfo>::const_iterator iter (dialogue->mInfo.begin());
iter!=dialogue->mInfo.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->questStatus==ESM::DialInfo::QS_Name)
return iter->response;
return "";
int Quest::getIndex() const
return mIndex;
void Quest::setIndex (int index, const MWWorld::World& world)
const ESM::Dialogue *dialogue = world.getStore().dialogs.find (mTopic);
for (std::vector<ESM::DialInfo>::const_iterator iter (dialogue->mInfo.begin());
iter!=dialogue->mInfo.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->data.disposition==index && iter->questStatus!=ESM::DialInfo::QS_Name)
mIndex = index;
if (iter->questStatus==ESM::DialInfo::QS_Finished)
mFinished = true;
else if (iter->questStatus==ESM::DialInfo::QS_Restart)
mFinished = false;
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown journal index for topic " + mTopic);
bool Quest::isFinished() const
return mFinished;
void Quest::addEntry (const JournalEntry& entry, const MWWorld::World& world)
int index = -1;
const ESM::Dialogue *dialogue = world.getStore().dialogs.find (entry.mTopic);
for (std::vector<ESM::DialInfo>::const_iterator iter (dialogue->mInfo.begin());
iter!=dialogue->mInfo.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->id==entry.mInfoId)
index = iter->data.disposition; /// \todo cleanup info structure
if (index==-1)
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown journal entry for topic " + mTopic);
setIndex (index, world);
for (TEntryIter iter (mEntries.begin()); iter!=mEntries.end(); ++iter)
if (*iter==entry.mInfoId)
mEntries.push_back (entry.mInfoId);
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "topic.hpp"
namespace MWDialogue
/// \brief A quest in progress or a compelted quest
class Quest : public Topic
int mIndex;
bool mFinished;
Quest (const std::string& topic);
const std::string getName (const MWWorld::World& world) const;
///< May be an empty string
int getIndex() const;
void setIndex (int index, const MWWorld::World& world);
///< Calling this function with a non-existant index while throw an exception.
bool isFinished() const;
virtual void addEntry (const JournalEntry& entry, const MWWorld::World& world);
///< Add entry and adjust index accordingly.
/// \note Redundant entries are ignored, but the index is still adjusted.
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#include "topic.hpp"
#include <components/esm_store/store.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/world.hpp"
namespace MWDialogue
Topic::Topic (const std::string& topic)
: mTopic (topic)
void Topic::addEntry (const JournalEntry& entry, const MWWorld::World& world)
if (entry.mTopic!=mTopic)
throw std::runtime_error ("topic does not match: " + mTopic);
for (TEntryIter iter = begin(); iter!=end(); ++iter)
if (*iter==entry.mInfoId)
mEntries.push_back (entry.mInfoId);
Topic::TEntryIter Topic::begin()
return mEntries.begin();
Topic::TEntryIter Topic::end()
return mEntries.end();
JournalEntry Topic::getEntry (const std::string& infoId)
return JournalEntry (mTopic, infoId);
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "journalentry.hpp"
namespace MWWorld
class World;
namespace MWDialogue
/// \brief Collection of seen responses for a topic
class Topic
typedef std::vector<std::string> TEntryContainer;
typedef TEntryContainer::const_iterator TEntryIter;
std::string mTopic;
TEntryContainer mEntries; // info-IDs
Topic (const std::string& topic);
virtual ~Topic();
virtual void addEntry (const JournalEntry& entry, const MWWorld::World& world);
///< Add entry
/// \note Redundant entries are ignored.
TEntryIter begin();
///< Iterator pointing to the begin of the journal for this topic.
TEntryIter end();
///< Iterator pointing past the end of the journal for this topic.
JournalEntry getEntry (const std::string& infoId);
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#include "dialogueextensions.hpp"
#include <components/compiler/extensions.hpp>
#include <components/interpreter/interpreter.hpp>
#include <components/interpreter/runtime.hpp>
#include <components/interpreter/opcodes.hpp>
#include "../mwdialogue/journal.hpp"
#include "interpretercontext.hpp"
namespace MWScript
namespace Dialogue
class OpJournal : public Interpreter::Opcode0
virtual void execute (Interpreter::Runtime& runtime)
MWScript::InterpreterContext& context
= static_cast<MWScript::InterpreterContext&> (runtime.getContext());
std::string quest = runtime.getStringLiteral (runtime[0].mInteger);
Interpreter::Type_Integer index = runtime[0].mInteger;
context.getEnvironment().mJournal->addEntry (quest, index);
class OpSetJournalIndex : public Interpreter::Opcode0
virtual void execute (Interpreter::Runtime& runtime)
MWScript::InterpreterContext& context
= static_cast<MWScript::InterpreterContext&> (runtime.getContext());
std::string quest = runtime.getStringLiteral (runtime[0].mInteger);
Interpreter::Type_Integer index = runtime[0].mInteger;
context.getEnvironment().mJournal->setJournalIndex (quest, index);
class OpGetJournalIndex : public Interpreter::Opcode0
virtual void execute (Interpreter::Runtime& runtime)
MWScript::InterpreterContext& context
= static_cast<MWScript::InterpreterContext&> (runtime.getContext());
std::string quest = runtime.getStringLiteral (runtime[0].mInteger);
int index = context.getEnvironment().mJournal->getJournalIndex (quest);
runtime.push (index);
const int opcodeJournal = 0x2000133;
const int opcodeSetJournalIndex = 0x2000134;
const int opcodeGetJournalIndex = 0x2000135;
void registerExtensions (Compiler::Extensions& extensions)
extensions.registerInstruction ("journal", "cl", opcodeJournal);
extensions.registerInstruction ("setjournalindex", "cl", opcodeSetJournalIndex);
extensions.registerFunction ("getjournalindex", 'l', "c", opcodeGetJournalIndex);
void installOpcodes (Interpreter::Interpreter& interpreter)
interpreter.installSegment5 (opcodeJournal, new OpJournal);
interpreter.installSegment5 (opcodeSetJournalIndex, new OpSetJournalIndex);
interpreter.installSegment5 (opcodeGetJournalIndex, new OpGetJournalIndex);
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
namespace Compiler
class Extensions;
namespace Interpreter
class Interpreter;
namespace MWScript
/// \brief Dialogue/Journal-related script functionality
namespace Dialogue
void registerExtensions (Compiler::Extensions& extensions);
void installOpcodes (Interpreter::Interpreter& interpreter);
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#ifndef PATH__HPP
#define PATH__HPP
#include <OgrePlatform.h>
#include <string>
#include <OSX/macUtils.h>
namespace OMW
class Path
enum PathTypeEnum
static std::string getPath(PathTypeEnum parType, const std::string parApp, const std::string parFile);
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <string>
namespace Files
enum PathTypeEnum
std::string getPath (PathTypeEnum parType, const std::string parApp, const std::string parFile);
Reference in New Issue