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Improve in-game text

This commit is contained in:
Abdu Sharif 2024-02-23 12:37:20 +00:00 committed by Alexei Kotov
parent 35f547ad7c
commit 83ab028bef
5 changed files with 61 additions and 61 deletions

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Programmers
Nicolay Korslund - Project leader 2008-2010
scrawl - Top contributor
Adam Hogan (aurix)

View file

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
Camera: "OpenMW Camera"
settingsPageDescription: "OpenMW Camera settings"
settingsPageDescription: "OpenMW camera settings."
thirdPersonSettings: "Third person mode"
thirdPersonSettings: "Third Person Mode"
viewOverShoulder: "View over the shoulder"
viewOverShoulder: "View Over the Shoulder"
viewOverShoulderDescription: |
Controls third person view mode.
No: view is centered on the character's head. Crosshair is hidden.
Yes: while weapon sheathed the camera is positioned behind the character's shoulder, crosshair is always visible.
shoulderOffsetX: "Shoulder view horizontal offset"
shoulderOffsetX: "Shoulder View Horizontal Offset"
shoulderOffsetXDescription: >
Horizontal offset of the over-the-shoulder view.
For the left shoulder use a negative value.
shoulderOffsetY: "Shoulder view vertical offset"
shoulderOffsetY: "Shoulder View Vertical Offset"
shoulderOffsetYDescription: >
Vertical offset of the over-the-shoulder view.
autoSwitchShoulder: "Auto switch shoulder"
autoSwitchShoulder: "Auto Switch Shoulder"
autoSwitchShoulderDescription: >
When there are obstacles that would push the camera close to the player character,
this setting makes the camera automatically switch to the shoulder farther away from the obstacles.
zoomOutWhenMoveCoef: "Zoom out when move coef"
zoomOutWhenMoveCoef: "Zoom Out When Move Coef"
zoomOutWhenMoveCoefDescription: >
Moves the camera away (positive value) or towards (negative value) the player character while the character is moving.
Works only if "view over the shoulder" is enabled. Set this to zero to disable (default: 20.0).
previewIfStandStill: "Preview if stand still"
previewIfStandStill: "Preview if Stand Still"
previewIfStandStillDescription: >
Prevents the player character from turning towards the camera direction while they're idle and have their weapon sheathed.
deferredPreviewRotation: "Deferred preview rotation"
deferredPreviewRotation: "Deferred Preview Rotation"
deferredPreviewRotationDescription: |
If enabled then the character smoothly rotates to the view direction after exiting preview or vanity mode.
If disabled then the camera rotates rather than the character.
ignoreNC: "Ignore 'No Collision' flag"
ignoreNC: "Ignore 'No Collision' Flag"
ignoreNCDescription: >
Prevents the camera from clipping through objects that have NC (No Collision) flag turned on in the NIF model.
@ -46,27 +46,27 @@ move360Description: >
Makes the movement direction independent from the camera direction while the player character's weapon
is sheathed. For example, the player character will look at the camera while running backwards.
move360TurnSpeed: "Move 360 turning speed"
move360TurnSpeed: "Move 360 Turning Speed"
move360TurnSpeedDescription: "Turning speed multiplier (default: 5.0)."
slowViewChange: "Smooth view change"
slowViewChange: "Smooth View Change"
slowViewChangeDescription: "Makes the transition from 1st person to 3rd person view non-instantaneous."
povAutoSwitch: "First person auto switch"
povAutoSwitch: "First Person Auto Switch"
povAutoSwitchDescription: "Auto switch to the first person view if there is an obstacle right behind the player."
headBobbingSettings: "Head bobbing in first person view"
headBobbingSettings: "Head Bobbing in First Person View"
headBobbing_enabled: "Enabled"
headBobbing_enabledDescription: ""
headBobbing_step: "Base step length"
headBobbing_step: "Base Step Length"
headBobbing_stepDescription: "The length of each step (default: 90.0)."
headBobbing_height: "Step height"
headBobbing_height: "Step Height"
headBobbing_heightDescription: "The amplitude of the head bobbing (default: 3.0)."
headBobbing_roll: "Max roll angle"
headBobbing_roll: "Max Roll Angle"
headBobbing_rollDescription: "The maximum roll angle in degrees (default: 0.2)."

View file

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
ControlsPage: "OpenMW Controls"
ControlsPageDescription: "Additional settings related to player controls"
ControlsPageDescription: "Additional settings related to player controls."
MovementSettings: "Movement"
alwaysRun: "Always run"
alwaysRun: "Always Run"
alwaysRunDescription: |
If this setting is true, the character is running by default, otherwise the character is walking by default.
The shift key will temporarily invert this setting, and the caps lock key will invert this setting while it's "locked".
If this setting is true, the character will run by default, otherwise the character will walk by default.
The Shift key will temporarily invert this setting, and the Caps Lock key will invert this setting while it's "locked".
toggleSneak: "Toggle sneak"
toggleSneak: "Toggle Sneak"
toggleSneakDescription: |
This setting causes the sneak key (bound to Ctrl by default) to toggle sneaking on and off
rather than requiring the key to be held down while sneaking.
This setting makes the Sneak key (bound to Ctrl by default) toggle sneaking instead of having to be held down to sneak.
Players that spend significant time sneaking may find the character easier to control with this option enabled.
smoothControllerMovement: "Smooth controller movement"
smoothControllerMovement: "Smooth Controller Movement"
smoothControllerMovementDescription: |
Enables smooth movement with controller stick, with no abrupt switch from walking to running.
Enables smooth controller stick movement. This makes the transition from walking to running less abrupt.
TogglePOV_name: "Toggle POV"
TogglePOV_description: "Toggle between first and third person view. Hold to enter preview mode."
@ -25,61 +24,61 @@ Zoom3rdPerson_name: "Zoom In/Out"
Zoom3rdPerson_description: "Moves the camera closer / further away when in third person view."
MoveForward_name: "Move Forward"
MoveForward_description: "Can cancel out with Move Backward"
MoveForward_description: "Can cancel out with Move Backward."
MoveBackward_name: "Move Backward"
MoveBackward_description: "Can cancel out with Move Forward"
MoveBackward_description: "Can cancel out with Move Forward."
MoveLeft_name: "Move Left"
MoveLeft_description: "Can cancel out with Move Right"
MoveLeft_description: "Can cancel out with Move Right."
MoveRight_name: "Move Right"
MoveRight_description: "Can cancel out with Move Left"
MoveRight_description: "Can cancel out with Move Left."
Use_name: "Use"
Use_description: "Attack with a weapon or cast a spell depending on current stance"
Use_description: "Attack with a weapon or cast a spell depending on the current stance."
Run_name: "Run"
Run_description: "Hold to run/walk, depending on the Always Run setting"
Run_description: "Hold to run/walk depending on the Always Run setting."
AlwaysRun_name: "Always Run"
AlwaysRun_description: "Toggle the Always Run setting"
AlwaysRun_description: "Toggle the Always Run setting."
Jump_name: "Jump"
Jump_description: "Jump whenever you are on the ground"
Jump_description: "Jump whenever you are on the ground."
AutoMove_name: "Auto Run"
AutoMove_description: "Toggle continous forward movement"
AutoMove_description: "Toggle continuous forward movement."
Sneak_name: "Sneak"
Sneak_description: "Hold to sneak, if the Toggle Sneak setting is off"
Sneak_description: "Hold to sneak if the Toggle Sneak setting is off."
ToggleSneak_name: "Toggle Sneak"
ToggleSneak_description: "Toggle sneak, if the Toggle Sneak setting is on"
ToggleSneak_description: "Toggle sneak if the Toggle Sneak setting is on."
ToggleWeapon_name: "Ready Weapon"
ToggleWeapon_description: "Enter or leave the weapon stance"
ToggleWeapon_description: "Enter or leave the weapon stance."
ToggleSpell_name: "Ready Magic"
ToggleSpell_description: "Enter or leave the magic stance"
ToggleSpell_description: "Enter or leave the magic stance."
Inventory_name: "Inventory"
Inventory_description: "Open the inventory"
Inventory_description: "Open the inventory."
Journal_name: "Journal"
Journal_description: "Open the journal"
Journal_description: "Open the journal."
QuickKeysMenu_name: "QuickKeysMenu"
QuickKeysMenu_description: "Open the quick keys menu"
QuickKeysMenu_name: "Quick Menu"
QuickKeysMenu_description: "Open the quick keys menu."
SmoothMoveForward_name: "Smooth Move Forward"
SmoothMoveForward_description: "Forward movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions"
SmoothMoveForward_description: "Forward movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions."
SmoothMoveBackward_name: "Smooth Move Backward"
SmoothMoveBackward_description: "Backward movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions"
SmoothMoveBackward_description: "Backward movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions."
SmoothMoveLeft_name: "Smooth Move Left"
SmoothMoveLeft_description: "Left movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions"
SmoothMoveLeft_description: "Left movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions."
SkmoothMoveRight_name: "SmoothMove Right"
SkmoothMoveRight_description: "Right movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions"
SkmoothMoveRight_name: "Smooth Move Right"
SkmoothMoveRight_description: "Right movement adjusted for smooth Walk-Run transitions."

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ PhysicsProfiler: "Physics Profiler"
# Messages
AskLoadLastSave: "The most recent save is '%s'. Do you want to load it?"
BuildingNavigationMesh: "Building navigation mesh"
BuildingNavigationMesh: "Building Navigation Mesh"
InitializingData: "Initializing Data..."
LoadingExterior: "Loading Area"
LoadingFailed: "Failed to load saved game"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ MissingContentFilesListCopy: |-
OverwriteGameConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to overwrite this saved game?"
SelectCharacter: "Select Character..."
TimePlayed: "Time played"
TimePlayed: "Time Played"
# Settings menu
@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ PrimaryLanguageTooltip: "Localization files for this language have the highest p
QualityHigh: "High"
QualityLow: "Low"
QualityMedium: "Medium"
RainRippleDetail: "Rain ripple detail"
RainRippleDetail: "Rain Ripple Detail"
RainRippleDetailDense: "Dense"
RainRippleDetailSimple: "Simple"
RainRippleDetailSparse: "Sparse"
RebindAction: "Press a key or button to rebind this control."
ReflectionShaderDetail: "Reflection shader detail"
ReflectionShaderDetail: "Reflection Shader Detail"
ReflectionShaderDetailActors: "Actors"
ReflectionShaderDetailGroundcover: "Groundcover"
ReflectionShaderDetailObjects: "Objects"
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ SensitivityHigh: "High"
SensitivityLow: "Low"
SettingsWindow: "Options"
Subtitles: "Subtitles"
TestingExteriorCells: "Testing exterior cells"
TestingInteriorCells: "Testing interior cells"
TestingExteriorCells: "Testing Exterior Cells"
TestingInteriorCells: "Testing Interior Cells"
TextureFiltering: "Texture Filtering"
TextureFilteringBilinear: "Bilinear"
TextureFilteringDisabled: "None"
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ ViewDistance: "View Distance"
VSync: "VSync"
VSyncAdaptive: "Adaptive"
Water: "Water"
WaterShader: "Water shader"
WaterShaderTextureQuality: "Texture quality"
WaterShader: "Water Shader"
WaterShaderTextureQuality: "Texture Quality"
WindowBorder: "Window Border"
WindowMode: "Window Mode"
WindowModeFullscreen: "Fullscreen"

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ KeyboardControls: |
Shift+Left-Arrow > Deactive shader
Shift+Up-Arrow > Move shader up
Shift+Down-Arrow > Move shader down
PostProcessHUD: "Postprocess HUD"
PostProcessHUD: "Post Processor HUD"
ResetShader: "Reset shader to default state"
ShaderLocked: "Locked"
ShaderLockedDescription: "Cannot be toggled or moved, controlled by external Lua script"
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ BloomDescription: "Bloom shader performing its calculations in (approximately) l
DebugDescription: "Debug shader."
DebugHeaderDepth: "Depth Buffer"
DebugHeaderNormals: "Normals"
DisplayDepthFactorName: "Depth colour factor"
DisplayDepthFactorName: "Depth Colour Factor"
DisplayDepthFactorDescription: "Determines correlation between pixel depth value and its output colour. High values lead to brighter image."
DisplayDepthName: "Visualize depth buffer"
DisplayNormalsName: "Visualize pass normals"
NormalsInWorldSpace: "Show normals in world space"
DisplayDepthName: "Visualize Depth Buffer"
DisplayNormalsName: "Visualize Pass Normals"
NormalsInWorldSpace: "Show Normals in World Space"
ContrastLevelDescription: "Constrast level."
ContrastLevelName: "Constrast"
GammaLevelDescription: "Gamma level."