@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
World::World (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& renderer, const boost::filesystem::path& dataDir,
const std::string& master, const std::string& startCell, bool newGame)
const std::string& master, bool newGame)
: mSkyManager (0), mScene (renderer), mPlayerPos (0), mCurrentCell (0), mGlobalVariables (0),
mSky (false), mCellChanged (false)
@ -177,13 +177,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
mEsm.open (masterPath.file_string());
mStore.load (mEsm);
mInteriors[startCell].loadInt (startCell, mStore, mEsm);
mCurrentCell = &mInteriors[startCell];
insertInteriorScripts (mInteriors[startCell]);
mPlayerPos = new MWRender::PlayerPos (mScene.getCamera(), mStore.npcs.find ("player"));
mPlayerPos->setCell (&mInteriors[startCell]);
// global variables
mGlobalVariables = new Globals (mStore);
@ -194,19 +188,8 @@ namespace MWWorld
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("chargenstate", 1);
// This connects the cell data with the rendering scene.
mActiveCells.insert (std::make_pair (&mInteriors[startCell],
new MWRender::InteriorCellRender (mInteriors[startCell], mScene)));
// Load the cell and insert it into the renderer
for (CellRenderCollection::iterator iter (mActiveCells.begin());
iter!=mActiveCells.end(); ++iter)
mSkyManager =
MWRender::SkyManager::create(renderer.getWindow(), mScene.getCamera());