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Add Navigator and Lua API function to find nearest position on navmesh

This commit is contained in:
elsid 2023-02-04 13:49:31 +01:00
parent 1322f7b75b
commit 94b085af9e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4DE04C198CBA7625
8 changed files with 205 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -3,11 +3,15 @@
#include <components/detournavigator/navigator.hpp>
#include <components/detournavigator/navigatorutils.hpp>
#include <components/lua/luastate.hpp>
#include <components/misc/constants.hpp>
#include <components/settings/values.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwphysics/raycasting.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cell.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/scene.hpp"
#include "luamanagerimp.hpp"
#include "objectlists.hpp"
@ -262,6 +266,39 @@ namespace MWLua
*MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getNavigator(), agentBounds, from, to, includeFlags);
api["findNearestNavMeshPosition"] = [](const osg::Vec3f& position, const sol::optional<sol::table>& options) {
DetourNavigator::AgentBounds agentBounds = defaultAgentBounds;
std::optional<osg::Vec3f> searchAreaHalfExtents;
DetourNavigator::Flags includeFlags = defaultIncludeFlags;
if (options.has_value())
if (const auto& t = options->get<sol::optional<sol::table>>("agentBounds"))
if (const auto& v = t->get<sol::optional<DetourNavigator::CollisionShapeType>>("shapeType"))
agentBounds.mShapeType = *v;
if (const auto& v = t->get<sol::optional<osg::Vec3f>>("halfExtents"))
agentBounds.mHalfExtents = *v;
if (const auto& v = options->get<sol::optional<osg::Vec3f>>("searchAreaHalfExtents"))
searchAreaHalfExtents = *v;
if (const auto& v = options->get<sol::optional<DetourNavigator::Flags>>("includeFlags"))
includeFlags = *v;
if (!searchAreaHalfExtents.has_value())
const bool isEsm4 = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorldScene()->getCurrentCell()->getCell()->isEsm4();
const float halfExtents = isEsm4
? (1 + 2 * Constants::ESM4CellGridRadius) * Constants::ESM4CellSizeInUnits
: (1 + 2 * Constants::CellGridRadius) * Constants::CellSizeInUnits;
searchAreaHalfExtents = osg::Vec3f(halfExtents, halfExtents, halfExtents);
return DetourNavigator::findNearestNavMeshPosition(*MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getNavigator(),
agentBounds, position, *searchAreaHalfExtents, includeFlags);
return LuaUtil::makeReadOnly(api);

View file

@ -944,4 +944,58 @@ namespace
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NotSupportedAgentBounds, DetourNavigatorNavigatorNotSupportedAgentBoundsTest,
TEST_F(DetourNavigatorNavigatorTest, find_nearest_nav_mesh_position_should_return_nav_mesh_position)
const HeightfieldSurface surface = makeSquareHeightfieldSurface(defaultHeightfieldData);
const int cellSize = mHeightfieldTileSize * (surface.mSize - 1);
auto updateGuard = mNavigator->makeUpdateGuard();
mNavigator->addHeightfield(mCellPosition, cellSize, surface, updateGuard.get());
mNavigator->update(mPlayerPosition, updateGuard.get());
mNavigator->wait(WaitConditionType::requiredTilesPresent, &mListener);
const osg::Vec3f position(250, 250, 0);
const osg::Vec3f searchAreaHalfExtents(1000, 1000, 1000);
EXPECT_THAT(findNearestNavMeshPosition(*mNavigator, mAgentBounds, position, searchAreaHalfExtents, Flag_walk),
Optional(Vec3fEq(250, 250, -62.5186)));
TEST_F(DetourNavigatorNavigatorTest, find_nearest_nav_mesh_position_should_return_nullopt_when_too_far)
const HeightfieldSurface surface = makeSquareHeightfieldSurface(defaultHeightfieldData);
const int cellSize = mHeightfieldTileSize * (surface.mSize - 1);
auto updateGuard = mNavigator->makeUpdateGuard();
mNavigator->addHeightfield(mCellPosition, cellSize, surface, updateGuard.get());
mNavigator->update(mPlayerPosition, updateGuard.get());
mNavigator->wait(WaitConditionType::requiredTilesPresent, &mListener);
const osg::Vec3f position(250, 250, 250);
const osg::Vec3f searchAreaHalfExtents(100, 100, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(findNearestNavMeshPosition(*mNavigator, mAgentBounds, position, searchAreaHalfExtents, Flag_walk),
TEST_F(DetourNavigatorNavigatorTest, find_nearest_nav_mesh_position_should_return_nullopt_when_flags_do_not_match)
const HeightfieldSurface surface = makeSquareHeightfieldSurface(defaultHeightfieldData);
const int cellSize = mHeightfieldTileSize * (surface.mSize - 1);
auto updateGuard = mNavigator->makeUpdateGuard();
mNavigator->addHeightfield(mCellPosition, cellSize, surface, updateGuard.get());
mNavigator->update(mPlayerPosition, updateGuard.get());
mNavigator->wait(WaitConditionType::requiredTilesPresent, &mListener);
const osg::Vec3f position(250, 250, 0);
const osg::Vec3f searchAreaHalfExtents(1000, 1000, 1000);
EXPECT_EQ(findNearestNavMeshPosition(*mNavigator, mAgentBounds, position, searchAreaHalfExtents, Flag_swim),

View file

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
#include "navigatorutils.hpp"
#include "debug.hpp"
#include "findrandompointaroundcircle.hpp"
#include "navigator.hpp"
#include "raycast.hpp"
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
namespace DetourNavigator
std::optional<osg::Vec3f> findRandomPointAroundCircle(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds,
@ -37,4 +40,41 @@ namespace DetourNavigator
return std::nullopt;
return fromNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, *result);
std::optional<osg::Vec3f> findNearestNavMeshPosition(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds,
const osg::Vec3f& position, const osg::Vec3f& searchAreaHalfExtents, const Flags includeFlags)
const auto navMesh = navigator.getNavMesh(agentBounds);
if (navMesh == nullptr)
return std::nullopt;
const auto& settings = navigator.getSettings();
const osg::Vec3f navMeshPosition = toNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, position);
const auto lockedNavMesh = navMesh->lockConst();
dtNavMeshQuery navMeshQuery;
if (const dtStatus status
= navMeshQuery.init(&lockedNavMesh->getImpl(), settings.mDetour.mMaxNavMeshQueryNodes);
Log(Debug::Error) << "Failed to init dtNavMeshQuery for findNearestNavMeshPosition: "
<< WriteDtStatus{ status };
return std::nullopt;
dtQueryFilter queryFilter;
osg::Vec3f nearestNavMeshPos;
const osg::Vec3f endPolyHalfExtents = toNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, searchAreaHalfExtents);
dtPolyRef polyRef;
if (const dtStatus status = navMeshQuery.findNearestPoly(
navMeshPosition.ptr(), endPolyHalfExtents.ptr(), &queryFilter, &polyRef, nearestNavMeshPos.ptr());
dtStatusFailed(status) || polyRef == 0)
return std::nullopt;
return fromNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, nearestNavMeshPos);

View file

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ namespace DetourNavigator
* @brief findPath fills output iterator with points of scene surfaces to be used for actor to walk through.
* @param agentBounds allows to find navmesh for given actor.
* @param agentBounds defines which navmesh to use.
* @param start path from given point.
* @param end path at given point.
* @param includeFlags setup allowed surfaces for actor to walk.
* @param includeFlags setup allowed navmesh areas.
* @param out the beginning of the destination range.
* @param endTolerance defines maximum allowed distance to end path point in addition to agentHalfExtents
* @return Status.
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ namespace DetourNavigator
* @brief findRandomPointAroundCircle returns random location on navmesh within the reach of specified location.
* @param agentBounds allows to find navmesh for given actor.
* @param agentBounds defines which navmesh to use.
* @param start is a position where the search starts.
* @param maxRadius limit maximum distance from start.
* @param includeFlags setup allowed surfaces for actor to walk.
* @param includeFlags setup allowed navmesh areas.
* @return not empty optional with position if point is found and empty optional if point is not found.
std::optional<osg::Vec3f> findRandomPointAroundCircle(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds,
@ -53,14 +53,25 @@ namespace DetourNavigator
* @brief raycast finds farest navmesh point from start on a line from start to end that has path from start.
* @param agentBounds allows to find navmesh for given actor.
* @param agentBounds defines which navmesh to use.
* @param start of the line
* @param end of the line
* @param includeFlags setup allowed surfaces for actor to walk.
* @param includeFlags setup allowed navmesh areas.
* @return not empty optional with position if point is found and empty optional if point is not found.
std::optional<osg::Vec3f> raycast(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds,
const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end, const Flags includeFlags);
* @brief findNearestNavMeshPosition finds nearest position on navmesh within given area having given flags.
* @param agentBounds defines which navmesh to use.
* @param position is a center of the search area.
* @param searchAreaHalfExtents defines AABB like area around given postion.
* @param includeFlags setup allowed navmesh areas.
* @return not empty optional with position if position is found and empty optional if position is not found.
std::optional<osg::Vec3f> findNearestNavMeshPosition(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds,
const osg::Vec3f& position, const osg::Vec3f& searchAreaHalfExtents, const Flags includeFlags);

View file

@ -182,6 +182,17 @@
-- values (default: @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Walk} + @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Swim} + @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.OpenDoor}
-- + @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.UsePathgrid}).
-- A table of parameters for @{#nearby.findNearestNavMeshPosition}
-- @type FindNearestNavMeshPositionOptions
-- @field [parent=#NavMeshOptions] #AgentBounds agentBounds Identifies which navmesh to use.
-- @field [parent=#NavMeshOptions] #number includeFlags Allowed areas for agent to move, a sum of @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS}
-- values (default: @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Walk} + @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Swim} + @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.OpenDoor}
-- + @{#NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.UsePathgrid}).
-- @field [parent=#NavMeshOptions] openmw.util#Vector3 searchAreaHalfExtents Defines AABB like area half extents around
-- given position (default: (1 + 2 * CellGridRadius) * CellSize * (1, 1, 1) where CellGridRadius and depends on cell
-- type to cover the whole active grid).
-- Find path over navigation mesh from source to destination with given options. Result is unstable since navigation
-- mesh generation is asynchronous.
@ -234,4 +245,22 @@
-- agentBounds = Actor.getPathfindingAgentBounds(self),
-- })
-- Finds a nearest position on navigation mesh to the given position within given search area.
-- @function [parent=#nearby] findNearestNavMeshPosition
-- @param openmw.util#Vector3 position Search area center.
-- @param #FindNearestNavMeshPositionOptions options An optional table with additional optional arguments.
-- @return openmw.util#Vector3, #nil
-- @usage local navMeshPosition = nearby.findNearestNavMeshPosition(position)
-- @usage local navMeshPosition = nearby.findNearestNavMeshPosition(position, {
-- includeFlags = nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Swim,
-- })
-- @usage local navMeshPosition = nearby.findNearestNavMeshPosition(position, {
-- agentBounds = Actor.getPathfindingAgentBounds(self),
-- })
-- @usage local navMeshPosition = nearby.findNearestNavMeshPosition(position, {
-- searchAreaHalfExtents = util.vector3(1000, 1000, 1000),
-- includeFlags = nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Walk,
-- })
return nil

View file

@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ testing.registerLocalTest('findPath',
local status, path = nearby.findPath(src, dst, options)
testing.expectEqual(status, nearby.FIND_PATH_STATUS.Success, 'Status')
testing.expectLessOrEqual((path[path:size()] - dst):length(), 1, 'Last path point')
testing.expectLessOrEqual((path[path:size()] - dst):length(), 1,
'Last path point ' .. testing.formatActualExpected(path[path:size()], dst))
@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ testing.registerLocalTest('findRandomPointAroundCircle',
includeFlags = nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Walk,
local result = nearby.findRandomPointAroundCircle(position, maxRadius, options)
testing.expectGreaterThan((result - position):length(), 1, 'Random point')
testing.expectGreaterThan((result - position):length(), 1,
'Random point ' .. testing.formatActualExpected(result, position))
@ -106,7 +108,22 @@ testing.registerLocalTest('castNavigationRay',
includeFlags = nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Walk + nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Swim,
local result = nearby.castNavigationRay(src, dst, options)
testing.expectLessOrEqual((result - dst):length(), 1, 'Navigation hit point')
testing.expectLessOrEqual((result - dst):length(), 1,
'Navigation hit point ' .. testing.formatActualExpected(result, dst))
local position = util.vector3(4096, 4096, 1000)
local options = {
agentBounds = types.Actor.getPathfindingAgentBounds(self),
includeFlags = nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Walk + nearby.NAVIGATOR_FLAGS.Swim,
searchAreaHalfExtents = util.vector3(1000, 1000, 1000),
local result = nearby.findNearestNavMeshPosition(position, options)
local expected = util.vector3(4096, 4096, 872.674)
testing.expectLessOrEqual((result - expected):length(), 1,
'Navigation mesh position ' .. testing.formatActualExpected(result, expected))
return {

View file

@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ tests = {
testing.runLocalTest(player, 'castNavigationRay')
{'findNearestNavMeshPosition', function()
testing.runLocalTest(player, 'findNearestNavMeshPosition')
{'teleport', testTeleport},
{'getGMST', testGetGMST},

View file

@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ function M.expectThat(value, matcher, msg)
function M.formatActualExpected(actual, expected)
return string.format('actual: %s, expected: %s', actual, expected)
local localTests = {}
local localTestRunner = nil