@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ int load(const Arguments& info, ESMData* data)
std::cout<<"Printing raw TES4 file is not supported: "<< info.filename<<"\n";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cout<<"Printing raw TES4 file is not supported: "<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(info.filename)<<"\n";
@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ int clone(const Arguments& info)
std::cout<<"\nSaving records to: "<< info.outname<<"...\n";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cout<<"\nSaving records to: "<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(info.outname)<<"...\n";
@ -565,14 +566,14 @@ int comp(const Arguments& info)
std::cout<<"Failed to load "<< info.filename<<", aborting comparison."<<std::endl;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cout<<"Failed to load "<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(info.filename)<<", aborting comparison."<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Failed to load "<< info.outname<<", aborting comparison."<<std::endl;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cout<<"Failed to load "<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(info.outname)<<", aborting comparison."<<std::endl;
constautoglobalDataDir=QString(mGameSettings.getGlobalDataDir().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
// Dialog wizard and setup will fail if the config directory does not already exist
QDiruserConfigDir=QDir(QString::fromStdString(mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath().string()));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths, in Qt 6 it's possible to convert directly from std::filesystem::path to QDir and that would solve the issue
QStringuserPath=QString::fromUtf8(mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
QStringlocalPath=QString::fromUtf8(mCfgMgr.getLocalPath().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
QStringuserPath=QString::fromUtf8(mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
QStringglobalPath=QString::fromUtf8(mCfgMgr.getGlobalPath().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
QStringuserPath=QString::fromUtf8(mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
// Create the file if it doesn't already exist, else the importer will fail
QStringpath(QString::fromUtf8(mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath().string().c_str()));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
unsortedFiles.emplace_back(reader.getName().filename().string(),dependencies);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::stringextension=filename.extension().string();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cerr<<"ERROR: \""<< path <<"\" is not a nif file, bsa file, or directory!"<<std::endl;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cerr<<"ERROR: \""<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(path)<<"\" is not a nif file, bsa file, or directory!"<<std::endl;
QStringextension=QString::fromStdString(mFileToLoad.extension().string()).toLower();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
throwstd::runtime_error("Can not create project file: "+mProjectPath.string());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
throwstd::runtime_error("Can not create project file: "+Files::pathToUnicodeString(mProjectPath));
contentFiles.push_back(iter->filename().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
emitnextStage(document, path.filename().string(),steps);//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
QString::fromUtf8 (("--data=\""+mProjectPath.parent_path().string()+"\"").c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
<<QString::fromUtf8 (("--content="+mProjectPath.filename().string()).c_str());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
std::stringname=iter->filename().string();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
std::filesystem::pathpath(name.toUtf8().data());//TODO(Project579): Replace with char8_t in C++20
std::stringextension=Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(path.extension().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
setWindowTitle(QString::fromUtf8((std::string("Opening ")+document->getSavePath().filename().string()).c_str()));//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
stream<< mDocument->getSavePath().filename().string();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
messageBox.setWindowTitle(QString::fromUtf8(document->getSavePath().filename().string().c_str()));//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
mFiles->addItem(QString::fromUtf8 (iter->filename().string().c_str()));//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Error: Failed to read "<<windowIcon<<": "<<result.message()<<" code "<<result.status();//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Error: Failed to read "<<windowIcon<<": "<<result.message()<<" code "<<result.status();
it->begin()->mPath.parent_path().filename().string())))//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(controllerBindingsFile.string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(userControllerBindingsFile.string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::stringfileExt=Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(path.extension().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
constautoabsolutePath=mVFS->getAbsoluteFileName(name);//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
mTechniqueFileMap[absolutePath.stem().string()]=absolutePath;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Reloaded technique : "<<mTechniqueFileMap[technique->getName()].string();//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Error: Failed to read "<<file<<", no png readerwriter found";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Error: Failed to read "<<file<<", no png readerwriter found";
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Error: Failed to read "<<file<<": "<<result.message()<<" code "<<result.status();//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Error: Failed to read "<<file<<": "<<result.message()<<" code "<<result.status();
slot->mPath.parent_path().filename().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
character->getPath().filename().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
throwstd::runtime_error("File "+ reader->getName().string() +" asks for parent file "//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
throwstd::runtime_error("File "+Files::pathToUnicodeString(reader->getName()) +" asks for parent file "
+", but it is not available or has been loaded in the wrong order. "
if(!mMasterFileFormat.has_value()&&(Misc::StringUtils::ciEndsWith(reader->getName().string(),".esm")//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
||Misc::StringUtils::ciEndsWith(reader->getName().string(),".omwgame")))//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
constautoit=mLoaders.find(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(filepath.extension().string()));//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
conststd::stringfilename=filepath.filename().string();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
msg+=filepath.string();//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
@ -2963,8 +2964,8 @@ namespace MWWorld
constFiles::MultiDirCollection&col=fileCollections.getCollection(filename.extension().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
std::cout<<"dialogue_merging_test successful, results printed to "<< file <<std::endl;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cout<<"dialogue_merging_test successful, results printed to "<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(file)<<std::endl;
// Note: here we don't test records that don't use string names (e.g. Land, Pathgrid, Cell)
std::cout<<"diagnostics_test successful, results printed to "<< file <<std::endl;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::cout<<"diagnostics_test successful, results printed to "<<Files::pathToUnicodeString(file)<<std::endl;
EXPECT_TRUE(mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),{},osg::Shader::VERTEX));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
constautoshader=mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
constautoshader=mManager.getShader(templateName2.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
constautoshader=mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
constautoshader=mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
constautoshader=mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
EXPECT_FALSE(mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
EXPECT_FALSE(mManager.getShader(templateName.string(),mDefines,osg::Shader::VERTEX));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
// global and local data directories are not part of any profile
constautoglobalDataDir=QString(gameSettings.getGlobalDataDir().string().c_str());//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
strncpy_s(mShm->mStartup.mLogFilePath,sizeofmShm->mStartup.mLogFilePath,Misc::StringUtils::char8_to_char(str.c_str()),length);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
db=std::make_unique<NavMeshDb>((userDataPath/"navmesh.db").string(), settings.mMaxDbFileSize);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
std::stringfnamecandidate=reader->getName().filename().string();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Warning: Encountered invalid water level in cell "<<mName<<" defined in "<<esm.getContext().filename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Warning: Encountered invalid water level in cell "<<mName<<" defined in "<<esm.getContext().filename;
conststd::stringextension=Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(std::filesystem::path(file).extension().string());//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
std::filesystem::pathgetPath(conststd::string&file)const;//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
///< Return full path (including filename) of \a file.
/// If the file does not exist in any of the collection's
/// directories, an exception is thrown. \a file must include the
/// extension.
booldoesExist(conststd::string&file)const;//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
///< \return Does a file with the given name exist?
throwstd::runtime_error("Error while reading \""+fileName.string()+"\" to get hash: "+std::string(e.what()));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
throwstd::runtime_error("Error while reading \""+Files::pathToUnicodeString(fileName)+"\" to get hash: "+ e.what());
if(!equal(extension,path.extension().string()))//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these extensions on windows or this will break
std::stringfilename=path.filename().string();//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
throwstd::runtime_error("Failed to open '"+path.string()+"' for reading: "+std::strerror(errno));//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
throwstd::runtime_error("Failed to open '"+Files::pathToUnicodeString(path)+"' for reading: "+std::strerror(errno));
,mFileName((std::filesystem::path(Technique::sSubdir)/(mName+Technique::sExt)).string())//TODO(Project579): let's hope unicode characters are never used in these filenames on windows or this will break
assert(mData.empty());// Shouldn't be used before loading
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Loading Lua storage \""<<path<<"\" ("<<std::filesystem::file_size(path)<<" bytes)";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Saving Lua storage \""<<path<<"\" ("<<serializedData.size()<<" bytes)";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Verbose)<<"NIF Debug: Reading record of type "<<rec<<", index "<<i<<" ("<<filename<<")";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Verbose)<<"NIF Debug: Reading record of type "<<rec<<", index "<<i<<" ("<<filename<<")";
Log(Debug::Verbose)<<"Controller "<<strdata->string<<" present more than once in "<<nif->getFilename()<<", ignoring later version";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Verbose)<<"Controller "<<strdata->string<<" present more than once in "<<nif->getFilename()<<", ignoring later version";
@ -485,20 +485,20 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled effect "<<nifNode->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled effect "<<nifNode->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled NiTextureEffect type "<<textureEffect->textureType<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled NiTextureEffect type "<<textureEffect->textureType<<" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Info)<<"NiTextureEffect missing source texture in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"NiTextureEffect missing source texture in "<<mFilename;
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled NiTextureEffect coordGenType "<<textureEffect->coordGenType<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled NiTextureEffect coordGenType "<<textureEffect->coordGenType<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
// These controllers are handled elsewhere
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled controller "<<ctrl->recName<<" on node "<<nifNode->recIndex<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled controller "<<ctrl->recName<<" on node "<<nifNode->recIndex<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected material controller "<<ctrl->recType<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected material controller "<<ctrl->recType<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected texture controller "<<ctrl->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected texture controller "<<ctrl->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
// unused
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled particle modifier "<<affectors->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled particle modifier "<<affectors->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled particle collider "<<colliders->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled particle collider "<<colliders->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"No particle controller found in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"No particle controller found in "<<mFilename;
@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Verbose)<<"Out of bounds UV set "<<uvSet<<" on shape \""<<name<<"\" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Verbose)<<"Out of bounds UV set "<<uvSet<<" on shape \""<<name<<"\" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected blend mode: "<<mode<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected blend mode: "<<mode<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected blend mode: "<<mode<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected blend mode: "<<mode<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected stencil function: "<<func<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected stencil function: "<<func<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected stencil operation: "<<op<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unexpected stencil operation: "<<op<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled internal pixel format "<<pixelData->fmt<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled internal pixel format "<<pixelData->fmt<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Palettized texture in "<<mFilename<<" is invalid, ignoring";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Palettized texture in "<<mFilename<<" is invalid, ignoring";
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled texture stage "<<i<<" on shape \""<<nodeName<<"\" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled texture stage "<<i<<" on shape \""<<nodeName<<"\" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Base texture is in use but empty on shape \""<<nodeName<<"\" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Base texture is in use but empty on shape \""<<nodeName<<"\" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled texture stage "<<i<<" on shape \""<<nodeName<<"\" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled texture stage "<<i<<" on shape \""<<nodeName<<"\" in "<<mFilename;
@ -1859,10 +1859,10 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unhandled BSShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unhandled BSShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unknown BSShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unknown BSShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unhandled BSLightingShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unhandled BSLightingShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unknown BSLightingShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Unknown BSLightingShaderType "<<type<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled "<<property->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Info)<<"Unhandled "<<property->recName<<" in "<<mFilename;
@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ namespace NifOsg
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Unrecognized NiAccumulator in "<<mFilename;//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Unrecognized NiAccumulator in "<<mFilename;
returnosgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult(mImageManager->getImage(filePath.string()),//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Shader "<<fileName<<" error: Failed to open include "<<includePath.string();//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Shader "<<fileName<<" error: Failed to open include "<<includePath;
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ namespace Shader
Log(Debug::Error)<<"Failed to open "<<path.string();//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Warning: found duplicate file for '"<<proper<<"', please check your file system for two files with the same name in different cases.";//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths
Log(Debug::Warning)<<"Warning: found duplicate file for '"<<proper<<"', please check your file system for two files with the same name in different cases.";
archive->listResources(mIndex,mStrict?&strict_normalize_char:&nonstrict_normalize_char);//TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths