Merge branch 'ulfricstormcloakjarlofwindhelm' into 'master'

Revise storm wind effect on velocity (bug #8206)

Closes #8206

See merge request OpenMW/openmw!4426
Evil Eye 2 months ago
commit b288448893

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
Bug #8172: Openmw-cs crashes when viewing `Dantooine, Sea`
Bug #8187: Intervention effects should use Chebyshev distance to determine the closest marker
Bug #8191: NiRollController does not work for sheath meshes
Bug #8206: Moving away from storm wind origin should make you faster
Bug #8207: Using hand-to-hand while sneaking plays the critical hit sound when the target is not getting hurt
Bug #8208: The launcher's view distance option's minimum value isn't capped to Vanilla's minimum
Feature #1415: Infinite fall failsafe

@ -178,15 +178,10 @@ namespace MWPhysics
// Now that we have the effective movement vector, apply wind forces to it
if (worldData.mIsInStorm && velocity.length() > 0)
osg::Vec3f stormDirection = worldData.mStormDirection;
float angleDegrees = osg::RadiansToDegrees(
std::acos(stormDirection * velocity / (stormDirection.length() * velocity.length())));
static const float fStromWalkMult = MWBase::Environment::get()
velocity *= 1.f - (fStromWalkMult * (angleDegrees / 180.f));
const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = *MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore();
const float fStromWalkMult = store.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fStromWalkMult")->mValue.getFloat();
const float angleCos = worldData.mStormDirection * velocity / velocity.length();
velocity *= 1.f + fStromWalkMult * angleCos;
Stepper stepper(collisionWorld, actor.mCollisionObject);
