@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
#include <osg/LightSource>
#include <osg/PolygonMode>
#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/esm/fogstate.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadcell.hpp>
@ -18,7 +16,6 @@
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/visitor.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/shadow.hpp>
#include <components/files/memorystream.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
@ -541,11 +538,10 @@ bool LocalMap::isPositionExplored (float nX, float nY, int x, int y)
nX = std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, nX));
nY = std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, nY));
int texU = static_cast<int>((sFogOfWarResolution - 1) * nX);
int texV = static_cast<int>((sFogOfWarResolution - 1) * nY);
int texU = static_cast<int>((ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution - 1) * nX);
int texV = static_cast<int>((ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution - 1) * nY);
uint32_t clr = ((const uint32_t*)segment.mFogOfWarImage->data())[texV * sFogOfWarResolution + texU];
uint8_t alpha = (clr >> 24);
uint8_t alpha = ((const uint8_t*)segment.mFogOfWarImage->data())[texV * ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution + texU];
return alpha < 200;
@ -580,9 +576,9 @@ void LocalMap::updatePlayer (const osg::Vec3f& position, const osg::Quat& orient
// explore radius (squared)
const float exploreRadius = 0.17f * (sFogOfWarResolution-1); // explore radius from 0 to sFogOfWarResolution-1
const float exploreRadius = 0.17f * (ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution-1); // explore radius from 0 to sFogOfWarResolution-1
const float sqrExploreRadius = square(exploreRadius);
const float exploreRadiusUV = exploreRadius / sFogOfWarResolution; // explore radius from 0 to 1 (UV space)
const float exploreRadiusUV = exploreRadius / ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution; // explore radius from 0 to 1 (UV space)
// change the affected fog of war textures (in a 3x3 grid around the player)
for (int mx = -mCellDistance; mx<=mCellDistance; ++mx)
@ -611,23 +607,21 @@ void LocalMap::updatePlayer (const osg::Vec3f& position, const osg::Quat& orient
if (!segment.mFogOfWarImage || !segment.mMapTexture)
uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)segment.mFogOfWarImage->data();
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)segment.mFogOfWarImage->data();
bool changed = false;
for (int texV = 0; texV<sFogOfWarResolution; ++texV)
for (int texV = 0; texV<ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution; ++texV)
for (int texU = 0; texU<sFogOfWarResolution; ++texU)
for (int texU = 0; texU<ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution; ++texU)
float sqrDist = square((texU + mx*(sFogOfWarResolution-1)) - u*(sFogOfWarResolution-1))
+ square((texV + my*(sFogOfWarResolution-1)) - v*(sFogOfWarResolution-1));
float sqrDist = square((texU + mx*(ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution-1)) - u*(ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution-1))
+ square((texV + my*(ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution-1)) - v*(ESM::FogTexture::sFogOfWarResolution-1));
uint32_t clr = *(uint32_t*)data;
uint8_t alpha = (clr >> 24);
uint8_t alpha = *data;
alpha = std::min( alpha, (uint8_t) (std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, (sqrDist/sqrExploreRadius)))*255) );
uint32_t val = (uint32_t) (alpha << 24);
if ( *data != val)
if ( *data != alpha)
*data = val;
*data = alpha;
changed = true;
@ -670,15 +664,7 @@ void LocalMap::MapSegment::createFogOfWarTexture()
void LocalMap::MapSegment::initFogOfWar()
mFogOfWarImage = new osg::Image;
// Assign a PixelBufferObject for asynchronous transfer of data to the GPU
mFogOfWarImage->setPixelBufferObject(new osg::PixelBufferObject);
mFogOfWarImage->allocateImage(sFogOfWarResolution, sFogOfWarResolution, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
std::vector<uint32_t> data;
data.resize(sFogOfWarResolution*sFogOfWarResolution, 0xff000000);
memcpy(mFogOfWarImage->data(), &data[0], data.size()*4);
mFogOfWarImage = ESM::FogState::initFogOfWar();
@ -686,34 +672,9 @@ void LocalMap::MapSegment::initFogOfWar()
void LocalMap::MapSegment::loadFogOfWar(const ESM::FogTexture &esm)
const std::vector<char>& data = esm.mImageData;
if (data.empty())
// TODO: deprecate tga and use raw data instead
osgDB::ReaderWriter* readerwriter = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension("tga");
if (!readerwriter)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Unable to load fog, can't find a tga ReaderWriter" ;
Files::IMemStream in(&data[0], data.size());
osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult result = readerwriter->readImage(in);
if (!result.success())
Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Failed to read fog: " << result.message() << " code " << result.status();
mFogOfWarImage = ESM::FogState::loadFogOfWar(esm);
if (!mFogOfWarImage)
mFogOfWarImage = result.getImage();
@ -725,27 +686,7 @@ void LocalMap::MapSegment::saveFogOfWar(ESM::FogTexture &fog) const
if (!mFogOfWarImage)
std::ostringstream ostream;
osgDB::ReaderWriter* readerwriter = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension("tga");
if (!readerwriter)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Unable to write fog, can't find a tga ReaderWriter";
// extra flips are unfortunate, but required for compatibility with older versions
osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult result = readerwriter->writeImage(*mFogOfWarImage, ostream);
if (!result.success())
Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Unable to write fog: " << result.message() << " code " << result.status();
std::string data = ostream.str();
fog.mImageData = std::vector<char>(data.begin(), data.end());
ESM::FogState::saveFogOfWar(mFogOfWarImage, fog);