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synced 2025-03-01 05:39:41 +00:00
Improve skinning performance
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 70 additions and 23 deletions
@ -114,19 +114,60 @@ bool RigGeometry::initFromParentSkeleton(osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
return false;
typedef std::map<unsigned short, std::vector<BoneWeight> > Vertex2BoneMap;
Vertex2BoneMap vertex2BoneMap;
for (std::map<std::string, BoneInfluence>::const_iterator it = mInfluenceMap->mMap.begin(); it != mInfluenceMap->mMap.end(); ++it)
Bone* b = mSkeleton->getBone(it->first);
if (!b)
Bone* bone = mSkeleton->getBone(it->first);
if (!bone)
std::cerr << "RigGeometry did not find bone " << it->first << std::endl;
mResolvedInfluenceMap[b] = it->second;
const BoneInfluence& bi = it->second;
const std::map<unsigned short, float>& weights = it->second.mWeights;
for (std::map<unsigned short, float>::const_iterator weightIt = weights.begin(); weightIt != weights.end(); ++weightIt)
std::vector<BoneWeight>& vec = vertex2BoneMap[weightIt->first];
BoneWeight b = std::make_pair(std::make_pair(bone, bi.mInvBindMatrix), weightIt->second);
for (Vertex2BoneMap::iterator it = vertex2BoneMap.begin(); it != vertex2BoneMap.end(); it++)
return true;
void accummulateMatrix(const osg::Matrixf& invBindMatrix, const osg::Matrixf& matrix, float weight, osg::Matrixf& result)
osg::Matrixf m = invBindMatrix * matrix;
float* ptr = m.ptr();
float* ptrresult = result.ptr();
ptrresult[0] += ptr[0] * weight;
ptrresult[1] += ptr[1] * weight;
ptrresult[2] += ptr[2] * weight;
ptrresult[4] += ptr[4] * weight;
ptrresult[5] += ptr[5] * weight;
ptrresult[6] += ptr[6] * weight;
ptrresult[8] += ptr[8] * weight;
ptrresult[9] += ptr[9] * weight;
ptrresult[10] += ptr[10] * weight;
ptrresult[12] += ptr[12] * weight;
ptrresult[13] += ptr[13] * weight;
ptrresult[14] += ptr[14] * weight;
void RigGeometry::update(osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
if (!mSkeleton)
@ -158,29 +199,28 @@ void RigGeometry::update(osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
osg::Vec3Array* positionDst = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(getVertexArray());
osg::Vec3Array* normalDst = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(getNormalArray());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<positionDst->size(); ++i)
(*positionDst)[i] = osg::Vec3f(0,0,0);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<positionDst->size(); ++i)
(*normalDst)[i] = osg::Vec3f(0,0,0);
for (ResolvedInfluenceMap::const_iterator it = mResolvedInfluenceMap.begin(); it != mResolvedInfluenceMap.end(); ++it)
for (Bone2VertexMap::const_iterator it = mBone2VertexMap.begin(); it != mBone2VertexMap.end(); ++it)
const BoneInfluence& bi = it->second;
Bone* bone = it->first;
osg::Matrixf resultMat (0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
// Here we could cache the (weighted) matrix for each combination of bone weights
osg::Matrixf finalMatrix = bi.mInvBindMatrix * bone->mMatrixInSkeletonSpace * geomToSkel;
for (std::map<unsigned short, float>::const_iterator weightIt = bi.mWeights.begin(); weightIt != bi.mWeights.end(); ++weightIt)
for (std::vector<BoneWeight>::const_iterator weightIt = it->first.begin(); weightIt != it->first.end(); ++weightIt)
unsigned short vertex = weightIt->first;
Bone* bone = weightIt->first.first;
const osg::Matrix& invBindMatrix = weightIt->first.second;
float weight = weightIt->second;
const osg::Matrixf& boneMatrix = bone->mMatrixInSkeletonSpace;
accummulateMatrix(invBindMatrix, boneMatrix, weight, resultMat);
resultMat = resultMat * geomToSkel;
osg::Vec3f a = (*positionSrc)[vertex];
(*positionDst)[vertex] += finalMatrix.preMult(a) * weight;
(*normalDst)[vertex] += osg::Matrix::transform3x3((*normalSrc)[vertex], finalMatrix) * weight;
for (std::vector<unsigned short>::const_iterator vertexIt = it->second.begin(); vertexIt != it->second.end(); ++vertexIt)
unsigned short vertex = *vertexIt;
(*positionDst)[vertex] = resultMat.preMult((*positionSrc)[vertex]);
(*normalDst)[vertex] = osg::Matrix::transform3x3((*normalSrc)[vertex], resultMat);
@ -47,8 +47,15 @@ namespace SceneUtil
osg::ref_ptr<InfluenceMap> mInfluenceMap;
typedef std::map<Bone*, BoneInfluence> ResolvedInfluenceMap;
ResolvedInfluenceMap mResolvedInfluenceMap;
typedef std::pair<Bone*, osg::Matrixf> BoneBindMatrixPair;
typedef std::pair<BoneBindMatrixPair, float> BoneWeight;
typedef std::vector<unsigned short> VertexList;
typedef std::map<std::vector<BoneWeight>, VertexList> Bone2VertexMap;
Bone2VertexMap mBone2VertexMap;
bool initFromParentSkeleton(osg::NodeVisitor* nv);
Reference in a new issue