Merge branch 'saveformat' into 'master'

Drop support for old saves

See merge request OpenMW/openmw!3629
jvoisin 1 year ago
commit b67d89f2e0

@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
Feature #6447: Add LOD support to Object Paging
Feature #6491: Add support for Qt6
Feature #6556: Lua API for sounds
Feature #6624: Drop support for old saves
Feature #6726: Lua API for creating new objects
Feature #6864: Lua file access API
Feature #6922: Improve launcher appearance

@ -779,8 +779,6 @@ namespace MWClass
const ESM::CreatureState& creatureState = state.asCreatureState();
if (state.mVersion > 0)
if (!ptr.getRefData().getCustomData())
if (creatureState.mCreatureStats.mMissingACDT)
@ -801,10 +799,6 @@ namespace MWClass
ptr); // in openmw 0.30 savegames not all state was saved yet, so need to load it regardless.
CreatureCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asCreatureCustomData();

@ -1333,8 +1333,6 @@ namespace MWClass
const ESM::NpcState& npcState = state.asNpcState();
if (state.mVersion > 0)
if (!ptr.getRefData().getCustomData())
if (npcState.mCreatureStats.mMissingACDT)
@ -1348,10 +1346,6 @@ namespace MWClass
ptr); // in openmw 0.30 savegames not all state was saved yet, so need to load it regardless.
NpcCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asNpcCustomData();

@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ namespace MWDialogue
void Journal::readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type)
if (type == ESM::REC_JOUR || type == ESM::REC_JOUR_LEGACY)
if (type == ESM::REC_JOUR)
ESM::JournalEntry record;

@ -411,10 +411,25 @@ void MWState::StateManager::loadGame(const Character* character, const std::file
ESM::ESMReader reader;;
if (reader.getFormatVersion() > ESM::CurrentSaveGameFormatVersion)
throw VersionMismatchError(
"This save file was created using a newer version of OpenMW and is thus not supported. Please upgrade "
"to the newest OpenMW version to load this file.");
ESM::FormatVersion version = reader.getFormatVersion();
if (version > ESM::CurrentSaveGameFormatVersion)
throw VersionMismatchError("#{OMWEngine:LoadingRequiresNewVersionError}");
else if (version < ESM::MinSupportedSaveGameFormatVersion)
const char* release;
// Report the last version still capable of reading this save
if (version <= ESM::OpenMW0_48SaveGameFormatVersion)
release = "OpenMW 0.48.0";
// Insert additional else if statements above to cover future releases
static_assert(ESM::MinSupportedSaveGameFormatVersion <= ESM::OpenMW0_49SaveGameFormatVersion);
release = "OpenMW 0.49.0";
auto l10n = MWBase::Environment::get().getL10nManager()->getContext("OMWEngine");
std::string message = l10n->formatMessage("LoadingRequiresOldVersionError", { "version" }, { release });
throw VersionMismatchError(message);
std::map<int, int> contentFileMap = buildContentFileIndexMap(reader);
@ -457,7 +472,6 @@ void MWState::StateManager::loadGame(const Character* character, const std::file
MWBase::Environment::get().getJournal()->readRecord(reader, n.toInt());
@ -607,11 +621,7 @@ void MWState::StateManager::loadGame(const Character* character, const std::file
std::vector<std::string> buttons;
std::string error;
if (typeid(e) == typeid(VersionMismatchError))
error = "#{OMWEngine:LoadingFailed}: #{OMWEngine:LoadingRequiresNewVersionError}";
error = "#{OMWEngine:LoadingFailed}: " + std::string(e.what());
std::string error = "#{OMWEngine:LoadingFailed}: " + std::string(e.what());
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->interactiveMessageBox(error, buttons);

@ -252,16 +252,16 @@ namespace
if (!record)
if (state.mVersion < 15)
if (state.mVersion <= ESM::MaxOldRestockingFormatVersion)
fixRestocking(record, state);
if (state.mVersion < 17)
if (state.mVersion <= ESM::MaxClearModifiersFormatVersion)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ESM::Creature>)
MWWorld::convertMagicEffects(state.mCreatureStats, state.mInventory);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ESM::NPC>)
MWWorld::convertMagicEffects(state.mCreatureStats, state.mInventory, &state.mNpcStats);
else if (state.mVersion < 20)
else if (state.mVersion <= ESM::MaxOldCreatureStatsFormatVersion)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ESM::Creature> || std::is_same_v<T, ESM::NPC>)

@ -334,12 +334,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
if (player.mObject.mNpcStats.mIsWerewolf)
if (player.mObject.mNpcStats.mWerewolfDeprecatedData)
else if (reader.getFormatVersion() <= ESM::MaxOldSkillsAndAttributesFormatVersion)
if (reader.getFormatVersion() <= ESM::MaxOldSkillsAndAttributesFormatVersion)
if (player.mSetWerewolfAcrobatics)

@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ namespace

@ -146,8 +146,6 @@ namespace ESM
// format 0 - saved games
REC_SAVE = esm3Recname("SAVE"),
REC_JOUR_LEGACY = esm3Recname("\xa4UOR"), // "\xa4UOR", rather than "JOUR", little oversight when magic numbers
// were calculated by hand, needs to be supported for older files now
REC_JOUR = esm3Recname("JOUR"),
REC_QUES = esm3Recname("QUES"),
REC_GSCR = esm3Recname("GSCR"),

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace ESM
mHitRecovery = false;
mBlock = false;
mRecalcDynamicStats = false;
if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxWerewolfDeprecatedDataFormatVersion)
if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxUnoptimizedCharacterDataFormatVersion)
esm.getHNOT(mDead, "DEAD");
esm.getHNOT(mDeathAnimationFinished, "DFNT");
@ -46,13 +46,9 @@ namespace ESM
mDeathAnimationFinished = true;
esm.getHNOT(mDied, "DIED");
esm.getHNOT(mMurdered, "MURD");
if (esm.isNextSub("FRHT"))
esm.skipHSub(); // Friendly hits, no longer used
esm.getHNOT(mTalkedTo, "TALK");
esm.getHNOT(mAlarmed, "ALRM");
esm.getHNOT(mAttacked, "ATKD");
if (esm.isNextSub("HOST"))
esm.skipHSub(); // Hostile, no longer used
if (esm.isNextSub("ATCK"))
esm.skipHSub(); // attackingOrSpell, no longer used
esm.getHNOT(mKnockdown, "KNCK");
@ -82,9 +78,6 @@ namespace ESM
mMovementFlags = 0;
esm.getHNOT(mMovementFlags, "MOVE");
if (esm.isNextSub("ASTR"))
esm.skipHSub(); // attackStrength, no longer used
mFallHeight = 0;
esm.getHNOT(mFallHeight, "FALL");
@ -92,7 +85,7 @@ namespace ESM
mLastHitAttemptObject = esm.getHNORefId("LHAT");
if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxWerewolfDeprecatedDataFormatVersion)
if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxUnoptimizedCharacterDataFormatVersion)
esm.getHNOT(mRecalcDynamicStats, "CALC");
mDrawState = 0;

@ -22,14 +22,6 @@ namespace ESM
esm.getHNT(reaction, "INTV");
mChangedFactionReaction[faction][faction2] = reaction;
// no longer used
while (esm.isNextSub("REAC"))

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace ESM
esm.getExact(, imageSize);
if (dataFormat <= MaxOldForOfWarFormatVersion)
if (dataFormat <= MaxOldFogOfWarFormatVersion)

@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ namespace ESM
inline constexpr FormatVersion CurrentContentFormatVersion = 1;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldWeatherFormatVersion = 1;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldDeathAnimationFormatVersion = 2;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldForOfWarFormatVersion = 6;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxWerewolfDeprecatedDataFormatVersion = 7;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldFogOfWarFormatVersion = 6;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxUnoptimizedCharacterDataFormatVersion = 7;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldTimeLeftFormatVersion = 8;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxIntFallbackFormatVersion = 10;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldRestockingFormatVersion = 14;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxClearModifiersFormatVersion = 16;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldAiPackageFormatVersion = 17;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxOldSkillsAndAttributesFormatVersion = 18;
@ -26,6 +27,10 @@ namespace ESM
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxUseEsmCellIdFormatVersion = 26;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MaxActiveSpellSlotIndexFormatVersion = 27;
inline constexpr FormatVersion CurrentSaveGameFormatVersion = 29;
inline constexpr FormatVersion MinSupportedSaveGameFormatVersion = 1;
inline constexpr FormatVersion OpenMW0_48SaveGameFormatVersion = 21;
inline constexpr FormatVersion OpenMW0_49SaveGameFormatVersion = CurrentSaveGameFormatVersion;

@ -22,14 +22,6 @@ namespace ESM
ObjectState state;
// obsolete
if (esm.isNextSub("SLOT"))
int32_t slot;
mEquipmentSlots[index] = slot;
state.mRef.loadId(esm, true);

@ -41,46 +41,6 @@ namespace ESM
for (auto& skill : mSkills)
skill.load(esm, intFallback);
mWerewolfDeprecatedData = false;
if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxWerewolfDeprecatedDataFormatVersion && esm.peekNextSub("STBA"))
// we have deprecated werewolf skills, stored interleaved
// Load into one big vector, then remove every 2nd value
mWerewolfDeprecatedData = true;
std::vector<StatState<float>> skills(mSkills.begin(), mSkills.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(mSkills); ++i)
StatState<float> skill;
skill.load(esm, intFallback);
int i = 0;
for (std::vector<StatState<float>>::iterator it = skills.begin(); it != skills.end(); ++i)
if (i % 2 == 1)
it = skills.erase(it);
if (skills.size() != std::size(mSkills))
throw std::runtime_error(
"Invalid number of skill for werewolf deprecated data: " + std::to_string(skills.size()));
std::copy(skills.begin(), skills.end(), mSkills.begin());
// No longer used
bool hasWerewolfAttributes = false;
esm.getHNOT(hasWerewolfAttributes, "HWAT");
if (hasWerewolfAttributes)
StatState<int32_t> dummy;
for (int i = 0; i < ESM::Attribute::Length; ++i)
dummy.load(esm, intFallback);
mWerewolfDeprecatedData = true;
mIsWerewolf = false;
esm.getHNOT(mIsWerewolf, "WOLF");
@ -93,14 +53,6 @@ namespace ESM
mWerewolfKills = 0;
esm.getHNOT(mWerewolfKills, "WKIL");
// No longer used
if (esm.isNextSub("PROF"))
esm.skipHSub(); // int profit
// No longer used
if (esm.isNextSub("ASTR"))
esm.skipHSub(); // attackStrength
mLevelProgress = 0;
esm.getHNOT(mLevelProgress, "LPRO");
@ -116,14 +68,6 @@ namespace ESM
mTimeToStartDrowning = 0;
esm.getHNOT(mTimeToStartDrowning, "DRTI");
// No longer used
float lastDrowningHit = 0;
esm.getHNOT(lastDrowningHit, "DRLH");
// No longer used
float levelHealthBonus = 0;
esm.getHNOT(levelHealthBonus, "LVLH");
mCrimeId = -1;
esm.getHNOT(mCrimeId, "CRID");
@ -195,7 +139,6 @@ namespace ESM
void NpcStats::blank()
mWerewolfDeprecatedData = false;
mIsWerewolf = false;
mDisposition = 0;
mBounty = 0;

@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ namespace ESM
bool mIsWerewolf;
bool mWerewolfDeprecatedData;
std::map<ESM::RefId, Faction> mFactions;
int32_t mDisposition;
std::array<StatState<float>, ESM::Skill::Length> mSkills;

@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ namespace ESM
mFlags = 0;
esm.getHNOT(mFlags, "FLAG");
// obsolete
int32_t unused;
esm.getHNOT(unused, "LTIM");
// FIXME: assuming "false" as default would make more sense, but also break compatibility with older save files

@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ namespace ESM
void QuickKeys::load(ESMReader& esm)
if (esm.isNextSub("KEY_"))
esm.getSubHeader(); // no longer used, because sub-record hierachies do not work properly in esmreader
while (esm.isNextSub("TYPE"))
QuickKey key;
@ -18,9 +15,6 @@ namespace ESM
key.mId = esm.getHNRefId("ID__");
if (esm.isNextSub("KEY_"))
esm.getSubHeader(); // no longer used, because sub-record hierachies do not work properly in esmreader

@ -32,10 +32,6 @@ namespace ESM
int32_t current = 0;
esm.getHNOT(current, "STCU");
mCurrent = static_cast<T>(current);
int32_t oldDamage = 0;
esm.getHNOT(oldDamage, "STDA");
mDamage = static_cast<float>(oldDamage);

@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ BuildingNavigationMesh: "Baue Navigationsgitter"
#LoadingRequiresNewVersionError: |-
# This save file was created using a newer version of OpenMW and is thus not supported.
# Please upgrade to the newest OpenMW version to load this file.
# LoadingRequiresOldVersionError: |-
# This save file was created using an older version of OpenMW in a format that is no longer supported.
# Load and save this file using {version} to upgrade it.
#NewGameConfirmation: "Do you want to start a new game and lose the current one?"
#SaveGameDenied: "The game cannot be saved right now."
#SavingInProgress: "Saving..."

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ LoadingInProgress: "Loading Save Game"
LoadingRequiresNewVersionError: |-
This save file was created using a newer version of OpenMW and is thus not supported.
Please upgrade to the newest OpenMW version to load this file.
LoadingRequiresOldVersionError: |-
This save file was created using an older version of OpenMW in a format that is no longer supported.
Load and save this file using {version} to upgrade it.
NewGameConfirmation: "Do you want to start a new game and lose the current one?"
SaveGameDenied: "The game cannot be saved right now."
SavingInProgress: "Saving..."

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ LoadingInProgress: "Chargement de la sauvegarde"
LoadingRequiresNewVersionError: |-
Ce fichier de sauvegarde provient d'une version plus récente d'OpenMW, il n'est par consequent pas supporté.
Mettez à jour votre version d'OpenMW afin de pouvoir charger cette sauvegarde.
# LoadingRequiresOldVersionError: |-
# This save file was created using an older version of OpenMW in a format that is no longer supported.
# Load and save this file using {version} to upgrade it.
NewGameConfirmation: "Voulez-vous démarrer une nouvelle partie ? Toute progression non sauvegardée sera perdue."
SaveGameDenied: "Sauvegarde impossible"
SavingInProgress: "Sauvegarde en cours..."

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ LoadingInProgress: "Загрузка сохранения"
LoadingRequiresNewVersionError: |-
Это сохранение создано более новой версией OpenMW и поэтому не может быть загружено.
Обновите OpenMW до последней версии, чтобы загрузить этот файл.
LoadingRequiresOldVersionError: |-
Это сохранение создано старой версией OpenMW и использует формат, который больше не поддерживается.
Загрузите и сохраните этот файл в {version}, чтобы обновить его.
NewGameConfirmation: "Вы хотите начать новую игру? Текущая игра будет потеряна."
SaveGameDenied: "В данный момент игру нельзя сохранить."
SavingInProgress: "Сохранение..."

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ LoadingInProgress: "Laddar sparat spel"
LoadingRequiresNewVersionError: |-
Denna sparfil skapades i en nyare version av OpenMW och stöds därför inte.
Uppgradera till den senaste versionen av OpenMW för att ladda filen.
# LoadingRequiresOldVersionError: |-
# This save file was created using an older version of OpenMW in a format that is no longer supported.
# Load and save this file using {version} to upgrade it.
NewGameConfirmation: "Vill du starta ett nytt spel och förlora det pågående spelet?"
SaveGameDenied: "Spelet kan inte sparas just nu."
SavingInProgress: "Sparar..."
