mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git
Merge branch 'camera_settings' into 'master'
In-game camera settings Closes #6715 See merge request OpenMW/openmw!1924combined_windows_build
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
#include "luabindings.hpp"
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/store.hpp"
namespace MWLua
static sol::table initSettingsPackage(const Context& context, bool player)
LuaUtil::LuaState* lua = context.mLua;
sol::table config(lua->sol(), sol::create);
// Access to settings.cfg. Temporary, will be removed at some point.
auto checkRead = [player](std::string_view category)
if ((category == "Camera" || category == "GUI" || category == "Hud" ||
category == "Windows" || category == "Input") && !player)
throw std::runtime_error("This setting is only available in player scripts");
config["_getBoolFromSettingsCfg"] = [=](const std::string& category, const std::string& setting)
return Settings::Manager::getBool(setting, category);
config["_getIntFromSettingsCfg"] = [=](const std::string& category, const std::string& setting)
return Settings::Manager::getInt(setting, category);
config["_getFloatFromSettingsCfg"] = [=](const std::string& category, const std::string& setting)
return Settings::Manager::getFloat(setting, category);
config["_getStringFromSettingsCfg"] = [=](const std::string& category, const std::string& setting)
return Settings::Manager::getString(setting, category);
config["_getVector2FromSettingsCfg"] = [=](const std::string& category, const std::string& setting)
return Settings::Manager::getVector2(setting, category);
config["_getVector3FromSettingsCfg"] = [=](const std::string& category, const std::string& setting)
return Settings::Manager::getVector3(setting, category);
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting>* gmst = &MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>();
config["getGMST"] = [lua, gmst](const std::string setting) -> sol::object
const ESM::Variant& value = gmst->find(setting)->mValue;
if (value.getType() == ESM::VT_String)
return sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), value.getString());
else if (value.getType() == ESM::VT_Int)
return sol::make_object<int>(lua->sol(), value.getInteger());
return sol::make_object<float>(lua->sol(), value.getFloat());
return LuaUtil::makeReadOnly(config);
sol::table initGlobalSettingsPackage(const Context& context) { return initSettingsPackage(context, false); }
sol::table initPlayerSettingsPackage(const Context& context) { return initSettingsPackage(context, true); }
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
Camera: "OpenMW Camera"
settingsPageDescription: "OpenMW Camera settings"
thirdPersonSettings: "Third person mode"
viewOverShoulder: "View over the shoulder"
viewOverShoulderDescription: |
Controls third person view mode.
No: view is centered on the character's head. Crosshair is hidden.
Yes: while weapon sheathed the camera is positioned behind the character's shoulder, crosshair is always visible.
shoulderOffsetX: "Shoulder view horizontal offset"
shoulderOffsetXDescription: >
Horizontal offset of the over-the-shoulder view.
For the left shoulder use a negative value.
shoulderOffsetY: "Shoulder view vertical offset"
shoulderOffsetYDescription: >
Vertical offset of the over-the-shoulder view.
autoSwitchShoulder: "Auto switch shoulder"
autoSwitchShoulderDescription: >
When there are obstacles that would push the camera close to the player character,
this setting makes the camera automatically switch to the shoulder farther away from the obstacles.
zoomOutWhenMoveCoef: "Zoom out when move coef"
zoomOutWhenMoveCoefDescription: >
Moves the camera away (positive value) or towards (negative value) the player character while the character is moving.
Works only if "view over the shoulder" is enabled. Set this to zero to disable (default: 20.0).
previewIfStandStill: "Preview if stand still"
previewIfStandStillDescription: >
Prevents the player character from turning towards the camera direction while they're idle and have their weapon sheathed.
deferredPreviewRotation: "Deferred preview rotation"
deferredPreviewRotationDescription: |
If enabled then the character smoothly rotates to the view direction after exiting preview or vanity mode.
If disabled then the camera rotates rather than the character.
ignoreNC: "Ignore 'No Collision' flag"
ignoreNCDescription: >
Prevents the camera from clipping through objects that have NC (No Collision) flag turned on in the NIF model.
move360: "Move 360"
move360Description: >
Makes the movement direction independent from the camera direction while the player character's weapon
is sheathed. For example, the player character will look at the camera while running backwards.
move360TurnSpeed: "Move 360 turning speed"
move360TurnSpeedDescription: "Turning speed multiplier (default: 5.0)."
slowViewChange: "Smooth view change"
slowViewChangeDescription: "Makes the transition from 1st person to 3rd person view non-instantaneous."
povAutoSwitch: "First person auto switch"
povAutoSwitchDescription: "Auto switch to the first person view if there is an obstacle right behind the player."
headBobbingSettings: "Head bobbing in first person view"
headBobbing_enabled: "Enabled"
headBobbing_enabledDescription: ""
headBobbing_step: "Base step length"
headBobbing_stepDescription: "The length of each step (default: 90.0)."
headBobbing_height: "Step height"
headBobbing_heightDescription: "The amplitude of the head bobbing (default: 3.0)."
headBobbing_roll: "Max roll angle"
headBobbing_rollDescription: "The maximum roll angle in degrees (default: 0.2)."
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
local camera = require('openmw.camera')
local util = require('openmw.util')
local nearby = require('openmw.nearby')
local self = require('openmw.self')
local forcedFirstPerson = false
local limitSwitch = 40
local limitReturn = 65
local rayOptions = {collisionType = nearby.COLLISION_TYPE.Default - nearby.COLLISION_TYPE.Actor}
local function castRayBackward()
local from = camera.getTrackedPosition()
local orient = util.transform.rotateZ(camera.getYaw()) * util.transform.rotateX(camera.getPitch())
local resLeft = nearby.castRay(from, from + orient * util.vector3(-30, -limitReturn, 0), rayOptions)
local resRight = nearby.castRay(from, from + orient * util.vector3(30, -limitReturn, 0), rayOptions)
local distLeft = limitReturn + 1
local distRight = limitReturn + 1
if resLeft.hit then distLeft = (resLeft.hitPos - from):length() end
if resRight.hit then distRight = (resRight.hitPos - from):length() end
return math.min(distLeft, distRight)
local M = {
enabled = false,
function M.onUpdate(dt)
if camera.getMode() ~= camera.MODE.FirstPerson then forcedFirstPerson = false end
if not M.enabled then
if forcedFirstPerson then
camera.setMode(camera.MODE.ThirdPerson, false)
forcedFirstPerson = false
if camera.getMode() == camera.MODE.ThirdPerson and camera.getThirdPersonDistance() < limitSwitch
and math.abs(util.normalizeAngle(camera.getYaw() - self.rotation.z)) < math.rad(10) then
if castRayBackward() <= limitSwitch then
camera.setMode(camera.MODE.FirstPerson, true)
forcedFirstPerson = true
if forcedFirstPerson then
if castRayBackward() > limitReturn then
camera.setMode(camera.MODE.ThirdPerson, false)
forcedFirstPerson = false
return M
@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
local camera = require('openmw.camera')
local self = require('openmw.self')
local settings = require('openmw.settings')
local util = require('openmw.util')
local async = require('openmw.async')
local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor
local doubleStepLength = settings._getFloatFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'head bobbing step') * 2
local stepHeight = settings._getFloatFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'head bobbing height')
local maxRoll = math.rad(settings._getFloatFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'head bobbing roll'))
local M = {}
local settings = require('scripts.omw.camera.settings').headBobbing
local doubleStepLength, stepHeight, maxRoll
local function updateSettings()
M.enabled = settings:get('enabled')
doubleStepLength = settings:get('step') * 2
stepHeight = settings:get('height')
maxRoll = math.rad(settings:get('roll'))
local effectWeight = 0
local totalMovement = 0
local M = {
enabled = settings._getBoolFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'head bobbing')
-- Trajectory of each step is a scaled arc of 60 degrees.
local halfArc = math.rad(30)
local sampleArc = function(x) return 1 - math.cos(x * halfArc) end
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
local core = require('openmw.core')
local camera = require('openmw.camera')
local input = require('openmw.input')
local self = require('openmw.self')
local util = require('openmw.util')
local I = require('openmw.interfaces')
local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor
local MODE = camera.MODE
local active = false
local M = {
enabled = false,
turnSpeed = 5,
local function turnOn()
active = true
local function turnOff()
active = false
if camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview then
function M.onFrame(dt)
if core.isWorldPaused() then return end
local newActive = M.enabled and Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Nothing
if newActive and not active then
elseif not newActive and active then
if not active then return end
if camera.getMode() == MODE.Static then return end
if camera.getMode() == MODE.ThirdPerson then camera.setMode(MODE.Preview) end
if camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview and not input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) then
camera.showCrosshair(camera.getFocalPreferredOffset():length() > 5)
local move = util.vector2(self.controls.sideMovement, self.controls.movement)
local yawDelta = camera.getYaw() - self.rotation.z
move = move:rotate(-yawDelta)
self.controls.sideMovement = move.x
self.controls.movement = move.y
self.controls.pitchChange = camera.getPitch() * math.cos(yawDelta) - self.rotation.x
if move:length() > 0.05 then
local delta = math.atan2(move.x, move.y)
local maxDelta = math.max(delta, 1) * M.turnSpeed * dt
self.controls.yawChange = util.clamp(delta, -maxDelta, maxDelta)
self.controls.yawChange = 0
function M.onInputAction(action)
if not active or core.isWorldPaused() then return end
if action == input.ACTION.ZoomIn and camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview
and I.Camera.getBaseThirdPersonDistance() == 30 then
self.controls.yawChange = camera.getYaw() - self.rotation.z
elseif action == input.ACTION.ZoomOut and camera.getMode() == MODE.FirstPerson then
return M
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
local storage = require('openmw.storage')
local async = require('openmw.async')
local I = require('openmw.interfaces')
key = 'OMWCamera',
l10n = 'OMWCamera',
name = 'Camera',
description = 'settingsPageDescription',
local thirdPersonGroup = 'SettingsOMWCameraThirdPerson'
local headBobbingGroup = 'SettingsOMWCameraHeadBobbing'
local function boolSetting(prefix, key, default)
return {
key = key,
renderer = 'checkbox',
name = prefix..key,
description = prefix..key..'Description',
default = default,
local function floatSetting(prefix, key, default)
return {
key = key,
renderer = 'number',
name = prefix..key,
description = prefix..key..'Description',
default = default,
key = thirdPersonGroup,
page = 'OMWCamera',
l10n = 'OMWCamera',
name = 'thirdPersonSettings',
permanentStorage = true,
order = 0,
settings = {
boolSetting('', 'viewOverShoulder', true),
floatSetting('', 'shoulderOffsetX', 30),
floatSetting('', 'shoulderOffsetY', -10),
boolSetting('', 'autoSwitchShoulder', true),
floatSetting('', 'zoomOutWhenMoveCoef', 20),
boolSetting('', 'previewIfStandStill', true),
boolSetting('', 'deferredPreviewRotation', true),
boolSetting('', 'ignoreNC', true),
boolSetting('', 'move360', false),
floatSetting('', 'move360TurnSpeed', 5),
boolSetting('', 'slowViewChange', false),
boolSetting('', 'povAutoSwitch', false),
key = headBobbingGroup,
page = 'OMWCamera',
l10n = 'OMWCamera',
name = 'headBobbingSettings',
permanentStorage = true,
order = 1,
settings = {
boolSetting('headBobbing_', 'enabled', true),
floatSetting('headBobbing_', 'step', 90),
floatSetting('headBobbing_', 'height', 3),
floatSetting('headBobbing_', 'roll', 0.2),
local settings = {
thirdPerson = storage.playerSection(thirdPersonGroup),
headBobbing = storage.playerSection(headBobbingGroup),
local function updateViewOverShoulderDisabled()
local shoulderDisabled = not settings.thirdPerson:get('viewOverShoulder')
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(thirdPersonGroup, 'shoulderOffsetX', {disabled = shoulderDisabled})
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(thirdPersonGroup, 'shoulderOffsetY', {disabled = shoulderDisabled})
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(thirdPersonGroup, 'autoSwitchShoulder', {disabled = shoulderDisabled})
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(thirdPersonGroup, 'zoomOutWhenMoveCoef', {disabled = shoulderDisabled})
local move360Disabled = not settings.thirdPerson:get('move360')
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(thirdPersonGroup, 'move360TurnSpeed', {disabled = move360Disabled})
local function updateHeadBobbingDisabled()
local disabled = not settings.headBobbing:get('enabled')
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(headBobbingGroup, 'step', {disabled = disabled, min = 1})
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(headBobbingGroup, 'height', {disabled = disabled})
I.Settings.updateRendererArgument(headBobbingGroup, 'roll', {disabled = disabled, min = 0, max = 90})
return settings
Reference in New Issue