@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/containerstore.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/player.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/scene.hpp"
# include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp"
@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ namespace MWLua
MWWorld : : Ptr newObj = world - > moveObject ( obj , cell , mPos ) ;
world - > rotateObject ( newObj , mRot ) ;
if ( ! newObj . getRefData ( ) . isEnabled ( ) )
world - > enable ( newObj ) ;
@ -198,6 +201,32 @@ namespace MWLua
context . mLuaManager - > addAction ( std : : make_unique < ActivateAction > ( context . mLua , o . id ( ) , actor . id ( ) ) ) ;
} ;
auto isEnabled = [ ] ( const ObjectT & o ) { return o . ptr ( ) . getRefData ( ) . isEnabled ( ) ; } ;
auto setEnabled = [ context ] ( const GObject & object , bool enable ) {
if ( enable & & object . ptr ( ) . getRefData ( ) . isDeleted ( ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Object is removed " ) ;
context . mLuaManager - > addAction ( [ object , enable ] {
if ( object . ptr ( ) . isInCell ( ) )
if ( enable )
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > enable ( object . ptr ( ) ) ;
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > disable ( object . ptr ( ) ) ;
if ( enable )
object . ptr ( ) . getRefData ( ) . enable ( ) ;
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Objects in containers can't be disabled " ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
if constexpr ( std : : is_same_v < ObjectT , GObject > )
objectT [ " enabled " ] = sol : : property ( isEnabled , setEnabled ) ;
objectT [ " enabled " ] = sol : : readonly_property ( isEnabled ) ;
if constexpr ( std : : is_same_v < ObjectT , GObject > )
{ // Only for global scripts
objectT [ " addScript " ] = [ context ] ( const GObject & object , std : : string_view path , sol : : object initData ) {
@ -243,11 +272,74 @@ namespace MWLua
localScripts - > removeScript ( * scriptId ) ;
} ;
objectT [ " teleport " ] = [ context ] ( const GObject & object , std : : string_view cell , const osg : : Vec3f & pos ,
const sol : : optional < osg : : Vec3f > & optRot ) {
auto removeFn = [ context ] ( const GObject & object , int countToRemove ) {
MWWorld : : Ptr ptr = object . ptr ( ) ;
int currentCount = ptr . getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) ;
if ( countToRemove < = 0 | | countToRemove > currentCount )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Can't remove " + std : : to_string ( countToRemove ) + " of "
+ std : : to_string ( currentCount ) + " items " ) ;
ptr . getRefData ( ) . setCount ( currentCount - countToRemove ) ; // Immediately change count
if ( ptr . getContainerStore ( ) | | currentCount = = countToRemove )
// Delayed action to trigger side effects
context . mLuaManager - > addAction ( [ object , countToRemove ] {
MWWorld : : Ptr ptr = object . ptr ( ) ;
// Restore original count
ptr . getRefData ( ) . setCount ( ptr . getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) + countToRemove ) ;
// And now remove properly
if ( ptr . getContainerStore ( ) )
ptr . getContainerStore ( ) - > remove ( ptr , countToRemove ) ;
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > disable ( object . ptr ( ) ) ;
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > deleteObject ( ptr ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
objectT [ " remove " ] = [ removeFn ] ( const GObject & object , sol : : optional < int > count ) {
removeFn ( object , count . value_or ( object . ptr ( ) . getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) ) ) ;
} ;
objectT [ " split " ] = [ removeFn ] ( const GObject & object , int count ) - > GObject {
removeFn ( object , count ) ;
// Doesn't matter which cell to use because the new instance will be in disabled state.
MWWorld : : CellStore * cell = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorldScene ( ) - > getCurrentCell ( ) ;
const MWWorld : : Ptr & ptr = object . ptr ( ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr splitted = ptr . getClass ( ) . copyToCell ( ptr , * cell , count ) ;
splitted . getRefData ( ) . disable ( ) ;
return GObject ( getId ( splitted ) ) ;
} ;
objectT [ " moveInto " ] = [ removeFn , context ] ( const GObject & object , const Inventory < GObject > & inventory ) {
// Currently moving to or from containers makes a copy and removes the original.
// TODO(#6148): actually move rather than copy and preserve RefNum
int count = object . ptr ( ) . getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) ;
removeFn ( object , count ) ;
context . mLuaManager - > addAction ( [ item = object , count , cont = inventory . mObj ] {
auto & refData = item . ptr ( ) . getRefData ( ) ;
refData . setCount ( count ) ; // temporarily undo removal to run ContainerStore::add
cont . ptr ( ) . getClass ( ) . getContainerStore ( cont . ptr ( ) ) . add ( item . ptr ( ) , count , false ) ;
refData . setCount ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
objectT [ " teleport " ] = [ removeFn , context ] ( const GObject & object , std : : string_view cell ,
const osg : : Vec3f & pos , const sol : : optional < osg : : Vec3f > & optRot ) {
MWWorld : : Ptr ptr = object . ptr ( ) ;
if ( ptr . getRefData ( ) . isDeleted ( ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Object is removed " ) ;
if ( ptr . getContainerStore ( ) )
// Currently moving to or from containers makes a copy and removes the original.
// TODO(#6148): actually move rather than copy and preserve RefNum
auto * cellStore = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorldModel ( ) - > getCellByPosition ( pos , cell ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr newPtr = ptr . getClass ( ) . copyToCell ( ptr , * cellStore , ptr . getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) ) ;
newPtr . getRefData ( ) . disable ( ) ;
removeFn ( object , ptr . getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) ) ;
ptr = newPtr ;
osg : : Vec3f rot = optRot ? * optRot : ptr . getRefData ( ) . getPosition ( ) . asRotationVec3 ( ) ;
auto action = std : : make_unique < TeleportAction > ( context . mLua , object . id ( ) , cell , pos , rot ) ;
auto action = std : : make_unique < TeleportAction > ( context . mLua , getId( ptr ) , cell , pos , rot ) ;
if ( ptr = = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > getPlayerPtr ( ) )
context . mLuaManager - > addTeleportPlayerAction ( std : : move ( action ) ) ;
@ -335,24 +427,40 @@ namespace MWLua
return ObjectList < ObjectT > { list } ;
} ;
inventoryT [ " countOf " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory , const std : : string & recordId ) {
inventoryT [ " countOf " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory , std : : string_view recordId ) {
const MWWorld : : Ptr & ptr = inventory . mObj . ptr ( ) ;
MWWorld : : ContainerStore & store = ptr . getClass ( ) . getContainerStore ( ptr ) ;
return store . count ( ESM : : RefId : : stringRefId ( recordId ) ) ;
} ;
if constexpr ( std : : is_same_v < ObjectT , GObject > )
{ // Only for global scripts
// obj.inventory:drop(obj2, [count])
// obj.inventory:drop(recordId, [count])
// obj.inventory:addNew(recordId, [count])
// obj.inventory:remove(obj/recordId, [count])
/*objectT["moveInto"] = [](const GObject& obj, const InventoryT& inventory) {};
inventoryT [ " drop " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory ) { } ;
inventoryT [ " addNew " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory ) { } ;
inventoryT [ " remove " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory ) { } ; */
inventoryT [ " find " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory , std : : string_view recordId ) - > sol : : optional < ObjectT > {
const MWWorld : : Ptr & ptr = inventory . mObj . ptr ( ) ;
MWWorld : : ContainerStore & store = ptr . getClass ( ) . getContainerStore ( ptr ) ;
auto itemId = ESM : : RefId : : stringRefId ( recordId ) ;
for ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & item : store )
if ( item . getCellRef ( ) . getRefId ( ) = = itemId )
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorldModel ( ) - > registerPtr ( item ) ;
return ObjectT ( getId ( item ) ) ;
return sol : : nullopt ;
} ;
inventoryT [ " findAll " ] = [ ] ( const InventoryT & inventory , std : : string_view recordId ) {
const MWWorld : : Ptr & ptr = inventory . mObj . ptr ( ) ;
MWWorld : : ContainerStore & store = ptr . getClass ( ) . getContainerStore ( ptr ) ;
auto itemId = ESM : : RefId : : stringRefId ( recordId ) ;
ObjectIdList list = std : : make_shared < std : : vector < ObjectId > > ( ) ;
for ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & item : store )
if ( item . getCellRef ( ) . getRefId ( ) = = itemId )
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorldModel ( ) - > registerPtr ( item ) ;
list - > push_back ( getId ( item ) ) ;
return ObjectList < ObjectT > { list } ;
} ;
template < class ObjectT >