@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "shadervisitor.hpp"
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <set>
#include <osg/AlphaFunc>
@ -28,6 +29,15 @@
namespace Shader
* Miniature version of osg::StateSet used to track state added by the shader visitor which should be ignored when
* it's applied a second time, and removed when shaders are removed.
* Actual StateAttributes aren't kept as they're recoverable from the StateSet this is attached to - we just want
* the TypeMemberPair as that uniquely identifies which of those StateAttributes it was we're tracking.
* Not all StateSet features have been added yet - we implement an equivalently-named method to each of the StateSet
* methods called in createProgram, and implement new ones as they're needed.
* When expanding tracking to cover new things, ensure they're accounted for in ensureFFP.
class AddedState : public osg::Object
@ -37,6 +47,7 @@ namespace Shader
, mUniforms(rhs.mUniforms)
, mModes(rhs.mModes)
, mAttributes(rhs.mAttributes)
, mTextureModes(rhs.mTextureModes)
@ -60,16 +71,44 @@ namespace Shader
template<typename T>
void setAttributeAndModes(osg::ref_ptr<T> attribute) { setAttributeAndModes(attribute.get()); }
void setTextureMode(unsigned int unit, osg::StateAttribute::GLMode mode) { mTextureModes[unit].emplace(mode); }
void setTextureAttribute(int unit, osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair typeMemberPair) { mTextureAttributes[unit].emplace(typeMemberPair); }
void setTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit, const osg::StateAttribute* attribute)
template<typename T>
void setTextureAttribute(unsigned int unit, osg::ref_ptr<T> attribute) { setTextureAttribute(unit, attribute.get()); }
void setTextureAttributeAndModes(unsigned int unit, const osg::StateAttribute* attribute)
setTextureAttribute(unit, attribute);
InterrogateModesHelper helper(this, unit);
template<typename T>
void setTextureAttributeAndModes(unsigned int unit, osg::ref_ptr<T> attribute) { setTextureAttributeAndModes(unit, attribute.get()); }
bool hasUniform(const std::string& name) { return mUniforms.count(name); }
bool hasMode(osg::StateAttribute::GLMode mode) { return mModes.count(mode); }
bool hasAttribute(const osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair &typeMemberPair) { return mAttributes.count(typeMemberPair); }
bool hasAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member) { return hasAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair(type, member)); }
bool hasTextureMode(int unit, osg::StateAttribute::GLMode mode)
auto it = mTextureModes.find(unit);
if (it == mTextureModes.cend())
return false;
return it->second.count(mode);
const std::set<osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair>& getAttributes() { return mAttributes; }
const std::unordered_map<unsigned int, std::set<osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair>>& getTextureAttributes() { return mTextureAttributes; }
bool empty()
return mUniforms.empty() && mModes.empty() && mAttributes.empty();
return mUniforms.empty() && mModes.empty() && mAttributes.empty() && mTextureModes.empty() && mTextureAttributes.empty();
META_Object(Shader, AddedState)
@ -78,17 +117,26 @@ namespace Shader
class InterrogateModesHelper : public osg::StateAttribute::ModeUsage
InterrogateModesHelper(AddedState* tracker) : mTracker(tracker) {}
InterrogateModesHelper(AddedState* tracker, unsigned int textureUnit = 0)
: mTracker(tracker)
, mTextureUnit(textureUnit)
void usesMode(osg::StateAttribute::GLMode mode) override { mTracker->setMode(mode); }
void usesTextureMode(osg::StateAttribute::GLMode mode) override {}
void usesTextureMode(osg::StateAttribute::GLMode mode) override { mTracker->setTextureMode(mTextureUnit, mode); }
AddedState* mTracker;
unsigned int mTextureUnit;
using ModeSet = std::unordered_set<osg::StateAttribute::GLMode>;
using AttributeSet = std::set<osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair>;
std::unordered_set<std::string> mUniforms;
std::unordered_set<osg::StateAttribute::GLMode> mModes;
std::set<osg::StateAttribute::TypeMemberPair> mAttributes;
ModeSet mModes;
AttributeSet mAttributes;
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, ModeSet> mTextureModes;
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, AttributeSet> mTextureAttributes;
@ -102,6 +150,8 @@ namespace Shader
, mAlphaBlend(false)
, mNormalHeight(false)
, mTexStageRequiringTangents(-1)
, mSoftParticles(false)
, mSoftParticleSize(0.f)
, mNode(nullptr)
@ -213,6 +263,9 @@ namespace Shader
if (node.getUserValue("shaderRequired", shaderRequired) && shaderRequired)
mRequirements.back().mShaderRequired = true;
// Make sure to disregard any state that came from a previous call to createProgram
osg::ref_ptr<AddedState> addedState = getAddedState(*stateset);
if (!texAttributes.empty())
const osg::Texture* diffuseMap = nullptr;
@ -224,6 +277,11 @@ namespace Shader
const osg::StateAttribute *attr = stateset->getTextureAttribute(unit, osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE);
if (attr)
// If textures ever get removed in createProgram, expand this to check we're operating on main texture attribute list
// rather than the removed list
if (addedState && addedState->hasTextureMode(unit, GL_TEXTURE_2D))
const osg::Texture* texture = attr->asTexture();
if (texture)
@ -350,7 +408,6 @@ namespace Shader
osg::StateSet::AttributeList removedAttributes;
if (osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> removedState = getRemovedState(*stateset))
removedAttributes = removedState->getAttributeList();
osg::ref_ptr<AddedState> addedState = getAddedState(*stateset);
for (const auto* attributeMap : std::initializer_list<const osg::StateSet::AttributeList*>{ &attributes, &removedAttributes })
@ -442,6 +499,22 @@ namespace Shader
* The shader visitor is supposed to be idempotent and undoable.
* That means we need to back up state we've removed (so it can be restored and/or considered by further
* applications of the visitor) and track which state we added (so it can be removed and/or ignored by further
* applications of the visitor).
* Before editing writableStateSet in a way that explicitly removes state or might overwrite existing state, it
* should be copied to removedState, another StateSet, unless it's there already or was added by a previous
* application of the visitor (is in previousAddedState).
* If it's a new class of state that's not already handled by ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor::apply, make sure to
* add handling there.
* Similarly, any time new state is added to writableStateSet, the equivalent method should be called on
* addedState.
* If that method doesn't exist yet, implement it - we don't use a full StateSet as we only need to check
* existence, not equality, and don't need to actually get the value as we can get it from writableStateSet
* instead.
osg::Node& node = *reqs.mNode;
osg::StateSet* writableStateSet = nullptr;
if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets)
@ -466,7 +539,10 @@ namespace Shader
if (defineMap["diffuseMap"] == "0")
writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha", false));
defineMap["parallax"] = reqs.mNormalHeight ? "1" : "0";
@ -475,7 +551,6 @@ namespace Shader
defineMap["alphaFunc"] = std::to_string(reqs.mAlphaFunc);
// back up removed state in case recreateShaders gets rid of the shader later
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> removedState;
if ((removedState = getRemovedState(*writableStateSet)) && !mAllowedToModifyStateSets)
removedState = new osg::StateSet(*removedState, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
@ -545,38 +620,24 @@ namespace Shader
updateRemovedState(*writableUserData, removedState);
if (!addedState->empty())
if (reqs.mSoftParticles)
// user data is normally shallow copied so shared with the original stateset
osg::ref_ptr<osg::UserDataContainer> writableUserData;
if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets)
writableUserData = writableStateSet->getOrCreateUserDataContainer();
writableUserData = getWritableUserDataContainer(*writableStateSet);
updateAddedState(*writableUserData, addedState);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Depth> depth = new SceneUtil::AutoDepth;
writableStateSet->setAttributeAndModes(depth, osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);
bool softParticles = false;
writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("particleSize", reqs.mSoftParticleSize));
if (mOpaqueDepthTex)
auto partsys = dynamic_cast<osgParticle::ParticleSystem*>(&node);
writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("opaqueDepthTex", 2));
if (partsys)
softParticles = true;
auto depth = new SceneUtil::AutoDepth;
writableStateSet->setAttributeAndModes(depth, osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);
writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("particleSize", partsys->getDefaultParticleTemplate().getSizeRange().maximum));
writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("opaqueDepthTex", 2));
writableStateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(2, mOpaqueDepthTex, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
writableStateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(2, mOpaqueDepthTex, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
addedState->setTextureAttributeAndModes(2, mOpaqueDepthTex);
defineMap["softParticles"] = softParticles ? "1" : "0";
defineMap["softParticles"] = reqs.mSoftParticles ? "1" : "0";
std::string shaderPrefix;
if (!node.getUserValue("shaderPrefix", shaderPrefix))
@ -597,6 +658,18 @@ namespace Shader
if (!addedState->empty())
// user data is normally shallow copied so shared with the original stateset
osg::ref_ptr<osg::UserDataContainer> writableUserData;
if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets)
writableUserData = writableStateSet->getOrCreateUserDataContainer();
writableUserData = getWritableUserDataContainer(*writableStateSet);
updateAddedState(*writableUserData, addedState);
void ShaderVisitor::ensureFFP(osg::Node& node)
@ -609,6 +682,18 @@ namespace Shader
writableStateSet = getWritableStateSet(node);
* We might have been using shaders temporarily with the node (e.g. if a GlowUpdater applied a temporary
* environment map for a temporary enchantment).
* We therefore need to remove any state doing so added, and restore any that it removed.
* This is kept track of in createProgram in the StateSet's userdata.
* If new classes of state get added, handling it here is required - not all StateSet features are implemented
* in AddedState yet as so far they've not been necessary.
* Removed state requires no particular special handling as it's dealt with by merging StateSets.
* We don't need to worry about state in writableStateSet having the OVERRIDE flag as if it's in both, it's also
* in addedState, and gets removed first.
// user data is normally shallow copied so shared with the original stateset - we'll need to copy before edits
osg::ref_ptr<osg::UserDataContainer> writableUserData;
@ -643,6 +728,23 @@ namespace Shader
// We don't have access to the function to do that, and can't call removeAttribute with an iterator
for (const auto& [type, member] : addedState->getAttributes())
writableStateSet->removeAttribute(type, member);
for (unsigned int unit = 0; unit < writableStateSet->getTextureModeList().size(); ++unit)
for (auto itr = writableStateSet->getTextureModeList()[unit].begin(); itr != writableStateSet->getTextureModeList()[unit].end();)
if (addedState->hasTextureMode(unit, itr->first))
for (const auto& [unit, attributeList] : addedState->getTextureAttributes())
for (const auto& [type, member] : attributeList)
writableStateSet->removeTextureAttribute(unit, type);
@ -719,13 +821,22 @@ namespace Shader
void ShaderVisitor::apply(osg::Drawable& drawable)
// non-Geometry drawable (e.g. particle system)
bool needPop = (drawable.getStateSet() != nullptr);
auto partsys = dynamic_cast<osgParticle::ParticleSystem*>(&drawable);
if (drawable.getStateSet())
bool needPop = drawable.getStateSet() || partsys;
if (needPop)
applyStateSet(drawable.getStateSet(), drawable);
if (partsys && mOpaqueDepthTex)
mRequirements.back().mSoftParticles = true;
mRequirements.back().mSoftParticleSize = partsys->getDefaultParticleTemplate().getSizeRange().maximum;
if (drawable.getStateSet())
applyStateSet(drawable.getStateSet(), drawable);
if (!mRequirements.empty())
@ -806,6 +917,10 @@ namespace Shader
void ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node)
// TODO: this may eventually need to remove added state.
// If so, we can migrate from explicitly copying removed state to just calling osg::StateSet::merge.
// Not everything is transferred from removedState yet - implement more when createProgram starts marking more
// as removed.
if (node.getStateSet())
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> removedState = getRemovedState(*node.getStateSet());
@ -831,6 +946,12 @@ namespace Shader
for (const auto& attribute : removedState->getAttributeList())
writableStateSet->setAttribute(attribute.second.first, attribute.second.second);
for (unsigned int unit = 0; unit < removedState->getTextureModeList().size(); ++unit)
for (const auto&[mode, value] : removedState->getTextureModeList()[unit])
writableStateSet->setTextureMode(unit, mode, value);