@ -148,15 +148,23 @@ namespace Crash
bool running = true ;
bool frozen = false ;
while ( isAppAlive ( ) & & running )
while ( isAppAlive ( ) & & running & & ! mFreezeAbort )
if ( isAppFrozen ( ) )
if ( ! frozen )
showFreezeMessageBox ( ) ;
frozen = true ;
handleCrash ( ) ;
running = false ;
if ( ! frozen & & waitApp ( ) )
else if ( frozen )
hideFreezeMessageBox ( ) ;
frozen = false ;
if ( ! mFreezeAbort & & waitApp ( ) )
shmLock ( ) ;
@ -180,6 +188,9 @@ namespace Crash
if ( frozen )
hideFreezeMessageBox ( ) ;
if ( mFreezeAbort )
TerminateProcess ( mAppProcessHandle , 0xDEAD ) ;
std : : string message = " OpenMW appears to have frozen. \n Crash log saved to ' " + std : : string ( mShm - > mStartup . mLogFilePath ) + " '. \n Please report this to https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/issues ! " ;
@ -258,4 +269,43 @@ namespace Crash
void CrashMonitor : : showFreezeMessageBox ( )
std : : thread messageBoxThread ( [ & ] ( ) {
SDL_MessageBoxButtonData button = { SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_RETURNKEY_DEFAULT , 0 , " Abort " } ;
SDL_MessageBoxData messageBoxData = {
nullptr ,
" OpenMW appears to have frozen " ,
" OpenMW appears to have frozen. Press Abort to terminate it and generate a crash dump. \n If OpenMW hasn't actually frozen, this message box will disappear a within a few seconds of it becoming responsive. " ,
1 ,
& button ,
} ;
int buttonId ;
if ( SDL_ShowMessageBox ( & messageBoxData , & buttonId ) = = 0 & & buttonId = = 0 )
mFreezeAbort = true ;
} ) ;
mFreezeMessageBoxThreadId = GetThreadId ( messageBoxThread . native_handle ( ) ) ;
messageBoxThread . detach ( ) ;
void CrashMonitor : : hideFreezeMessageBox ( )
if ( ! mFreezeMessageBoxThreadId )
return ;
EnumWindows ( [ ] ( HWND handle , LPARAM param ) - > BOOL {
CrashMonitor & crashMonitor = * ( CrashMonitor * ) param ;
DWORD processId ;
if ( GetWindowThreadProcessId ( handle , & processId ) = = crashMonitor . mFreezeMessageBoxThreadId & & processId = = GetCurrentProcessId ( ) )
PostMessage ( handle , WM_CLOSE , 0 , 0 ) ;
return true ;
} , ( LPARAM ) this ) ;
mFreezeMessageBoxThreadId = 0 ;
} // namespace Crash