mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git
Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openmw/openmw into lua_record_services
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
#include "vfsbindings.hpp"
#include <components/files/istreamptr.hpp>
#include <components/resource/resourcesystem.hpp>
#include <components/settings/values.hpp>
#include <components/vfs/manager.hpp>
#include <components/vfs/pathutil.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "context.hpp"
#include "luamanagerimp.hpp"
namespace MWLua
// Too many arguments may cause stack corruption and crash.
constexpr std::size_t sMaximumReadArguments = 20;
// Print a message if we read a large chunk of file to string.
constexpr std::size_t sFileSizeWarningThreshold = 1024 * 1024;
struct FileHandle
FileHandle(Files::IStreamPtr stream, std::string_view fileName)
mFilePtr = std::move(stream);
mFileName = fileName;
Files::IStreamPtr mFilePtr;
std::string mFileName;
std::ios_base::seekdir getSeekDir(FileHandle& self, std::string_view whence)
if (whence == "cur")
return std::ios_base::cur;
if (whence == "set")
return std::ios_base::beg;
if (whence == "end")
return std::ios_base::end;
throw std::runtime_error(
"Error when handling '" + self.mFileName + "': invalid seek direction: '" + std::string(whence) + "'.");
size_t getBytesLeftInStream(Files::IStreamPtr& file)
auto oldPos = file->tellg();
file->seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
auto newPos = file->tellg();
file->seekg(oldPos, std::ios_base::beg);
return newPos - oldPos;
void printLargeDataMessage(FileHandle& file, size_t size)
if (!file.mFilePtr || !Settings::lua().mLuaDebug || size < sFileSizeWarningThreshold)
Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Read a large data chunk (" << size << " bytes) from '" << file.mFileName << "'.";
sol::object readFile(LuaUtil::LuaState* lua, FileHandle& file)
std::ostringstream os;
if (file.mFilePtr && file.mFilePtr->peek() != EOF)
os << file.mFilePtr->rdbuf();
auto result = os.str();
printLargeDataMessage(file, result.size());
return sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), std::move(result));
sol::object readLineFromFile(LuaUtil::LuaState* lua, FileHandle& file)
std::string result;
if (file.mFilePtr && std::getline(*file.mFilePtr, result))
printLargeDataMessage(file, result.size());
return sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), result);
return sol::nil;
sol::object readNumberFromFile(LuaUtil::LuaState* lua, Files::IStreamPtr& file)
double number = 0;
if (file && *file >> number)
return sol::make_object<double>(lua->sol(), number);
return sol::nil;
sol::object readCharactersFromFile(LuaUtil::LuaState* lua, FileHandle& file, size_t count)
if (count <= 0 && file.mFilePtr->peek() != EOF)
return sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), std::string());
auto bytesLeft = getBytesLeftInStream(file.mFilePtr);
if (bytesLeft <= 0)
return sol::nil;
if (count > bytesLeft)
count = bytesLeft;
std::string result(count, '\0');
if (file.mFilePtr->read(&result[0], count))
printLargeDataMessage(file, result.size());
return sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), result);
return sol::nil;
void validateFile(const FileHandle& self)
if (self.mFilePtr)
throw std::runtime_error("Error when handling '" + self.mFileName + "': attempt to use a closed file.");
sol::variadic_results seek(
LuaUtil::LuaState* lua, FileHandle& self, std::ios_base::seekdir dir, std::streamoff off)
sol::variadic_results values;
self.mFilePtr->seekg(off, dir);
if (self.mFilePtr->fail() || self.mFilePtr->bad())
auto msg = "Failed to seek in file '" + self.mFileName + "'";
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), msg));
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::streampos>(lua->sol(), self.mFilePtr->tellg()));
catch (std::exception& e)
auto msg = "Failed to seek in file '" + self.mFileName + "': " + std::string(e.what());
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), msg));
return values;
sol::table initVFSPackage(const Context& context)
sol::table api(context.mLua->sol(), sol::create);
auto vfs = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getVFS();
sol::usertype<FileHandle> handle = context.mLua->sol().new_usertype<FileHandle>("FileHandle");
handle["fileName"] = sol::readonly_property([](const FileHandle& self) { return self.mFileName; });
handle[sol::meta_function::to_string] = [](const FileHandle& self) {
return "FileHandle{'" + self.mFileName + "'" + (!self.mFilePtr ? ", closed" : "") + "}";
handle["seek"] = sol::overload(
[lua = context.mLua](FileHandle& self, std::string_view whence, sol::optional<long> offset) {
auto off = static_cast<std::streamoff>(offset.value_or(0));
auto dir = getSeekDir(self, whence);
return seek(lua, self, dir, off);
[lua = context.mLua](FileHandle& self, sol::optional<long> offset) {
auto off = static_cast<std::streamoff>(offset.value_or(0));
return seek(lua, self, std::ios_base::cur, off);
handle["lines"] = [lua = context.mLua](FileHandle& self) {
return sol::as_function([&lua, &self]() mutable {
return readLineFromFile(lua, self);
api["lines"] = [lua = context.mLua, vfs](std::string_view fileName) {
auto normalizedName = VFS::Path::normalizeFilename(fileName);
return sol::as_function(
[lua, file = FileHandle(vfs->getNormalized(normalizedName), normalizedName)]() mutable {
auto result = readLineFromFile(lua, file);
if (result == sol::nil)
return result;
handle["close"] = [lua = context.mLua](FileHandle& self) {
sol::variadic_results values;
if (self.mFilePtr)
auto msg = "Can not close file '" + self.mFileName + "': file handle is still opened.";
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), msg));
values.push_back(sol::make_object<bool>(lua->sol(), true));
catch (std::exception& e)
auto msg = "Can not close file '" + self.mFileName + "': " + std::string(e.what());
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), msg));
return values;
handle["read"] = [lua = context.mLua](FileHandle& self, const sol::variadic_args args) {
if (args.size() > sMaximumReadArguments)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Error when handling '" + self.mFileName + "': too many arguments for 'read'.");
sol::variadic_results values;
// If there are no arguments, read a string
if (args.size() == 0)
values.push_back(readLineFromFile(lua, self));
return values;
bool success = true;
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < args.size() && success; i++)
if (args[i].is<std::string_view>())
auto format = args[i].as<std::string_view>();
if (format == "*a" || format == "*all")
values.push_back(readFile(lua, self));
if (format == "*n" || format == "*number")
auto result = readNumberFromFile(lua, self.mFilePtr);
if (result == sol::nil)
success = false;
if (format == "*l" || format == "*line")
auto result = readLineFromFile(lua, self);
if (result == sol::nil)
success = false;
throw std::runtime_error("Error when handling '" + self.mFileName + "': bad argument #"
+ std::to_string(i + 1) + " to 'read' (invalid format)");
else if (args[i].is<int>())
int number = args[i].as<int>();
auto result = readCharactersFromFile(lua, self, number);
if (result == sol::nil)
success = false;
// We should return nil if we just reached the end of stream
if (!success && self.mFilePtr->eof())
return values;
if (!success && (self.mFilePtr->fail() || self.mFilePtr->bad()))
auto msg = "Error when handling '" + self.mFileName + "': can not read data for argument #"
+ std::to_string(i);
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), msg));
return values;
api["open"] = [lua = context.mLua, vfs](std::string_view fileName) {
sol::variadic_results values;
auto normalizedName = VFS::Path::normalizeFilename(fileName);
auto handle = FileHandle(vfs->getNormalized(normalizedName), normalizedName);
values.push_back(sol::make_object<FileHandle>(lua->sol(), std::move(handle)));
catch (std::exception& e)
auto msg = "Can not open file: " + std::string(e.what());
values.push_back(sol::make_object<std::string>(lua->sol(), msg));
return values;
api["type"] = sol::overload(
[](const FileHandle& handle) -> std::string {
if (handle.mFilePtr)
return "file";
return "closed file";
[](const sol::object&) -> sol::object { return sol::nil; });
api["fileExists"] = [vfs](std::string_view fileName) -> bool { return vfs->exists(fileName); };
api["pathsWithPrefix"] = [vfs](std::string_view prefix) {
auto iterator = vfs->getRecursiveDirectoryIterator(prefix);
return sol::as_function([iterator, current = iterator.begin()]() mutable -> sol::optional<std::string> {
if (current != iterator.end())
const std::string& result = *current;
return result;
return sol::nullopt;
return LuaUtil::makeReadOnly(api);
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include <sol/forward.hpp>
#include "context.hpp"
namespace MWLua
sol::table initVFSPackage(const Context&);
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
#include <codecvt>
#include <components/misc/strings/format.hpp>
#include "utf8.hpp"
constexpr std::string_view UTF8PATT = "[%z\x01-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]*"; // %z is deprecated in Lua5.2
constexpr uint32_t MAXUTF = 0x7FFFFFFFu;
// constexpr uint32_t MAXUNICODE = 0x10FFFFu;
inline bool isNilOrNone(const sol::stack_proxy arg)
return (arg.get_type() == sol::type::lua_nil || arg.get_type() == sol::type::none);
inline double getInteger(const sol::stack_proxy arg, const size_t n, std::string_view name)
double integer;
if (!arg.is<double>())
throw std::runtime_error(Misc::StringUtils::format("bad argument #%i to '%s' (number expected, got %s)", n,
name, sol::type_name(arg.lua_state(), arg.get_type())));
if (std::modf(arg, &integer) != 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
Misc::StringUtils::format("bad argument #{} to '{}' (number has no integer representation)", n, name));
return integer;
// If the input 'pos' is negative, it is treated as counting from the end of the string,
// where -1 represents the last character position, -2 represents the second-to-last position,
// and so on. If 'pos' is non-negative, it is used as-is.
inline void relativePosition(int64_t& pos, const size_t len)
if (pos < 0)
pos = std::max<int64_t>(0, pos + len + 1);
// returns: first - character pos in bytes, second - character codepoint
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> decodeNextUTF8Character(std::string_view s, std::vector<int64_t>& pos_byte)
const int64_t pos = pos_byte.back() - 1;
const unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(s[pos]);
int64_t codepoint = -1;
size_t byteSize = 0;
if ((ch & 0b10000000) == 0)
codepoint = ch;
byteSize = 1;
else if ((ch & 0b11100000) == 0b11000000)
codepoint = ch & 0b00011111;
byteSize = 2;
else if ((ch & 0b11110000) == 0b11100000)
codepoint = ch & 0b00001111;
byteSize = 3;
else if ((ch & 0b11111000) == 0b11110000)
codepoint = ch & 0b00000111;
byteSize = 4;
// construct codepoint for non-ascii
for (size_t i = 1; i < byteSize; ++i)
// if not a continuation byte
if ((pos + i) >= s.size() || (static_cast<unsigned char>(s[pos + i]) & 0b11000000) != 0b10000000)
return std::make_pair(0, -1);
codepoint = (codepoint << 6) | (static_cast<unsigned char>(s[pos + i]) & 0b00111111);
std::pair<size_t, int64_t> res = std::make_pair(pos_byte.back(), codepoint);
pos_byte.push_back(pos_byte.back() + byteSize); /* the next character (if exists) starts at this byte */
return res;
namespace LuaUtf8
sol::table initUtf8Package(sol::state_view& lua)
sol::table utf8(lua, sol::create);
utf8["charpattern"] = UTF8PATT;
utf8["char"] = [](const sol::variadic_args args) -> std::string {
std::string result{};
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
int64_t codepoint = getInteger(args[i], (i + 1), "char");
if (codepoint < 0 || codepoint > MAXUTF)
throw std::runtime_error(
Misc::StringUtils::format("bad argument #{} to 'char' (value out of range)", (i + 1)));
result += converter.to_bytes(codepoint);
return result;
utf8["codes"] = [](std::string_view s) {
std::vector<int64_t> pos_byte{ 1 };
return sol::as_function([s, pos_byte]() mutable -> sol::optional<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> {
if (pos_byte.back() <= static_cast<int64_t>(s.size()))
const auto pair = decodeNextUTF8Character(s, pos_byte);
if (pair.second == -1)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid UTF-8 code at position " + std::to_string(pos_byte.size()));
return pair;
return sol::nullopt;
utf8["len"] = [](std::string_view s,
const sol::variadic_args args) -> std::variant<size_t, std::pair<sol::object, int64_t>> {
const size_t len = s.size();
int64_t iv = isNilOrNone(args[0]) ? 1 : getInteger(args[0], 2, "len");
int64_t fv = isNilOrNone(args[1]) ? -1 : getInteger(args[1], 3, "len");
relativePosition(iv, len);
relativePosition(fv, len);
if (iv <= 0)
throw std::runtime_error("bad argument #2 to 'len' (initial position out of bounds)");
if (fv > static_cast<int64_t>(len))
throw std::runtime_error("bad argument #3 to 'len' (final position out of bounds)");
if (len == 0)
return len;
std::vector<int64_t> pos_byte = { iv };
while (pos_byte.back() <= fv)
if (decodeNextUTF8Character(s, pos_byte).second == -1)
return std::pair(sol::lua_nil, pos_byte.back());
return pos_byte.size() - 1;
= [](std::string_view s, const sol::variadic_args args) -> sol::as_returns_t<std::vector<int64_t>> {
size_t len = s.size();
int64_t iv = isNilOrNone(args[0]) ? 1 : getInteger(args[0], 2, "codepoint");
int64_t fv = isNilOrNone(args[1]) ? iv : getInteger(args[1], 3, "codepoint");
relativePosition(iv, len);
relativePosition(fv, len);
if (iv <= 0)
throw std::runtime_error("bad argument #2 to 'codepoint' (initial position out of bounds)");
if (fv > static_cast<int64_t>(len))
throw std::runtime_error("bad argument #3 to 'codepoint' (final position out of bounds)");
if (iv > fv)
return sol::as_returns(std::vector<int64_t>{}); /* empty interval; return nothing */
std::vector<int64_t> pos_byte = { iv };
std::vector<int64_t> codepoints;
while (pos_byte.back() <= fv)
codepoints.push_back(decodeNextUTF8Character(s, pos_byte).second);
if (codepoints.back() == -1)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid UTF-8 code at position " + std::to_string(pos_byte.size()));
return sol::as_returns(std::move(codepoints));
= [](std::string_view s, const int64_t n, const sol::variadic_args args) -> sol::optional<int64_t> {
size_t len = s.size();
int64_t iv;
if (isNilOrNone(args[0]))
if (n >= 0)
iv = 1;
iv = s.size() + 1;
iv = getInteger(args[0], 3, "offset");
std::vector<int64_t> pos_byte = { 1 };
relativePosition(iv, len);
if (iv > static_cast<int64_t>(len) + 1)
throw std::runtime_error("bad argument #3 to 'offset' (position out of bounds)");
while (pos_byte.back() <= static_cast<int64_t>(len))
decodeNextUTF8Character(s, pos_byte);
for (auto it = pos_byte.begin(); it != pos_byte.end(); ++it)
if (*it == iv)
if (n <= 0 && it + n >= pos_byte.begin())
return *(it + n);
if (n > 0 && it + n - 1 < pos_byte.end())
return *(it + n - 1);
else if (*it > iv) /* a continuation byte */
if (n == 0)
return *(it - 1); /* special case */
throw std::runtime_error("initial position is a continuation byte");
return sol::nullopt;
return utf8;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include <sol/sol.hpp>
namespace LuaUtf8
sol::table initUtf8Package(sol::state_view&);
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
#include "controlled.hpp"
#include "data.hpp"
namespace Nif
void NiSourceTexture::read(NIFStream* nif)
external = nif->getChar() != 0;
bool internal = false;
if (external)
filename = nif->getString();
if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 3))
internal = nif->getChar();
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
filename = nif->getString(); // Original file path of the internal texture
if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 3))
if (!external && internal)
pixel = nif->getUInt();
mipmap = nif->getUInt();
alpha = nif->getUInt();
// Renderer hints, typically of no use for us
/* bool mIsStatic = */ nif->getChar();
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 103))
/* bool mDirectRendering = */ nif->getBoolean();
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(20, 2, 0, 4))
/* bool mPersistRenderData = */ nif->getBoolean();
void NiSourceTexture::post(Reader& nif)
void BSShaderTextureSet::read(NIFStream* nif)
nif->getSizedStrings(textures, nif->getUInt());
void NiParticleModifier::read(NIFStream* nif)
void NiParticleModifier::post(Reader& nif)
void NiParticleGrowFade::read(NIFStream* nif)
growTime = nif->getFloat();
fadeTime = nif->getFloat();
void NiParticleColorModifier::read(NIFStream* nif)
void NiParticleColorModifier::post(Reader& nif)
void NiGravity::read(NIFStream* nif)
mDecay = nif->getFloat();
mForce = nif->getFloat();
mType = nif->getUInt();
mPosition = nif->getVector3();
mDirection = nif->getVector3();
void NiParticleCollider::read(NIFStream* nif)
mBounceFactor = nif->getFloat();
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(4, 2, 0, 2))
// Unused in NifSkope. Need to figure out what these do.
/*bool mSpawnOnCollision = */ nif->getBoolean();
/*bool mDieOnCollision = */ nif->getBoolean();
void NiPlanarCollider::read(NIFStream* nif)
mExtents = nif->getVector2();
mPosition = nif->getVector3();
mXVector = nif->getVector3();
mYVector = nif->getVector3();
mPlaneNormal = nif->getVector3();
mPlaneDistance = nif->getFloat();
void NiParticleRotation::read(NIFStream* nif)
/* bool mRandomInitialAxis = */ nif->getChar();
/* osg::Vec3f mInitialAxis = */ nif->getVector3();
/* float mRotationSpeed = */ nif->getFloat();
void NiSphericalCollider::read(NIFStream* nif)
mRadius = nif->getFloat();
mCenter = nif->getVector3();
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nicolay Korslund
Email: < korslund@gmail.com >
WWW: https://openmw.org/
This file (controlled.h) is part of the OpenMW package.
OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
version 3 along with this program. If not, see
https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
#include "base.hpp"
namespace Nif
struct NiSourceTexture : public Named
// Is this an external (references a separate texture file) or
// internal (data is inside the nif itself) texture?
bool external;
std::string filename; // In case of external textures
NiPixelDataPtr data; // In case of internal textures
/* Pixel layout
0 - Palettised
1 - High color 16
2 - True color 32
3 - Compressed
4 - Bumpmap
5 - Default */
unsigned int pixel;
/* Mipmap format
0 - no
1 - yes
2 - default */
unsigned int mipmap;
/* Alpha
0 - none
1 - binary
2 - smooth
3 - default (use material alpha, or multiply material with texture if present)
unsigned int alpha;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
void post(Reader& nif) override;
struct BSShaderTextureSet : public Record
enum TextureType
TextureType_Base = 0,
TextureType_Normal = 1,
TextureType_Glow = 2,
TextureType_Parallax = 3,
TextureType_Env = 4,
TextureType_EnvMask = 5,
TextureType_Subsurface = 6,
TextureType_BackLighting = 7
std::vector<std::string> textures;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleModifier : public Record
NiParticleModifierPtr next;
ControllerPtr controller;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
void post(Reader& nif) override;
struct NiParticleGrowFade : public NiParticleModifier
float growTime;
float fadeTime;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleColorModifier : public NiParticleModifier
NiColorDataPtr data;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
void post(Reader& nif) override;
struct NiGravity : public NiParticleModifier
float mForce;
/* 0 - Wind (fixed direction)
* 1 - Point (fixed origin)
int mType;
float mDecay;
osg::Vec3f mPosition;
osg::Vec3f mDirection;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleCollider : public NiParticleModifier
float mBounceFactor;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
// NiPinaColada
struct NiPlanarCollider : public NiParticleCollider
osg::Vec2f mExtents;
osg::Vec3f mPosition;
osg::Vec3f mXVector, mYVector;
osg::Vec3f mPlaneNormal;
float mPlaneDistance;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiSphericalCollider : public NiParticleCollider
float mRadius;
osg::Vec3f mCenter;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleRotation : public NiParticleModifier
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
} // Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include "particle.hpp"
#include "data.hpp"
namespace Nif
void NiParticleModifier::read(NIFStream* nif)
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(3, 3, 0, 13))
void NiParticleModifier::post(Reader& nif)
void NiParticleGrowFade::read(NIFStream* nif)
void NiParticleColorModifier::read(NIFStream* nif)
void NiParticleColorModifier::post(Reader& nif)
void NiGravity::read(NIFStream* nif)
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(3, 3, 0, 13))
mType = static_cast<ForceType>(nif->get<uint32_t>());
void NiParticleCollider::read(NIFStream* nif)
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(4, 2, 0, 2))
void NiPlanarCollider::read(NIFStream* nif)
void NiSphericalCollider::read(NIFStream* nif)
void NiParticleRotation::read(NIFStream* nif)
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include "base.hpp"
namespace Nif
struct NiParticleModifier : public Record
NiParticleModifierPtr mNext;
ControllerPtr mController;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
void post(Reader& nif) override;
struct NiParticleGrowFade : public NiParticleModifier
float mGrowTime;
float mFadeTime;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleColorModifier : public NiParticleModifier
NiColorDataPtr mData;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
void post(Reader& nif) override;
struct NiGravity : public NiParticleModifier
enum class ForceType : uint32_t
Wind = 0, // Fixed direction
Point = 1, // Fixed origin
float mDecay{ 0.f };
float mForce;
ForceType mType;
osg::Vec3f mPosition;
osg::Vec3f mDirection;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleCollider : public NiParticleModifier
float mBounceFactor;
bool mSpawnOnCollision{ false };
bool mDieOnCollision{ false };
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
// NiPinaColada
struct NiPlanarCollider : public NiParticleCollider
osg::Vec2f mExtents;
osg::Vec3f mPosition;
osg::Vec3f mXVector, mYVector;
osg::Vec3f mPlaneNormal;
float mPlaneDistance;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiSphericalCollider : public NiParticleCollider
float mRadius;
osg::Vec3f mCenter;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
struct NiParticleRotation : public NiParticleModifier
uint8_t mRandomInitialAxis;
osg::Vec3f mInitialAxis;
float mRotationSpeed;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#include "texture.hpp"
#include "data.hpp"
namespace Nif
void NiSourceTexture::read(NIFStream* nif)
if (mExternal || nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
bool hasData = nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 4);
if (!hasData && !mExternal)
if (hasData)
mPrefs.mPixelLayout = static_cast<PixelLayout>(nif->get<uint32_t>());
mPrefs.mUseMipMaps = static_cast<MipMapFormat>(nif->get<uint32_t>());
mPrefs.mAlphaFormat = static_cast<AlphaFormat>(nif->get<uint32_t>());
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 103))
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(20, 2, 0, 4))
void NiSourceTexture::post(Reader& nif)
void BSShaderTextureSet::read(NIFStream* nif)
nif->getSizedStrings(mTextures, nif->get<uint32_t>());
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#include "base.hpp"
namespace Nif
struct NiTexture : public Named
struct NiSourceTexture : public NiTexture
enum class PixelLayout : uint32_t
Palette = 0,
HighColor = 1,
TrueColor = 2,
Compressed = 3,
BumpMap = 4,
Default = 5,
enum class MipMapFormat : uint32_t
No = 0,
Yes = 1,
Default = 2,
enum class AlphaFormat : uint32_t
None = 0,
Binary = 1,
Smooth = 2,
Default = 3,
struct FormatPrefs
PixelLayout mPixelLayout;
MipMapFormat mUseMipMaps;
AlphaFormat mAlphaFormat;
char mExternal; // References external file
std::string mFile;
NiPixelDataPtr mData;
FormatPrefs mPrefs;
char mIsStatic{ 1 };
bool mDirectRendering{ true };
bool mPersistRenderData{ false };
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
void post(Reader& nif) override;
struct BSShaderTextureSet : public Record
enum class TextureType : uint32_t
Base = 0,
Normal = 1,
Glow = 2,
Parallax = 3,
Environment = 4,
EnvironmentMask = 5,
Subsurface = 6,
BackLighting = 7,
std::vector<std::string> mTextures;
void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Package openmw.vfs
.. include:: version.rst
.. raw:: html
:file: generated_html/openmw_vfs.html
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
-- `openmw.vfs` provides read-only access to data directories via VFS.
-- Interface is very similar to "io" library.
-- @module vfs
-- @usage local vfs = require('openmw.vfs')
-- @type FileHandle
-- @field #string fileName VFS path to related file
-- Close a file handle
-- @function [parent=#FileHandle] close
-- @param self
-- @return #boolean true if a call succeeds without errors.
-- @return #nil, #string nil plus the error message in case of any error.
-- Get an iterator function to fetch the next line from given file.
-- Throws an exception if file is closed.
-- Hint: since garbage collection works once per frame,
-- you will get the whole file in RAM if you read it in one frame.
-- So if you need to read a really large file, it is better to split reading
-- between different frames (e.g. by keeping a current position in file
-- and using a "seek" to read from saved position).
-- @function [parent=#FileHandle] lines
-- @param self
-- @return #function Iterator function to get next line
-- @usage f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- for line in f:lines() do
-- print(line);
-- end
-- Set new position in file.
-- Throws an exception if file is closed or seek base is incorrect.
-- @function [parent=#FileHandle] seek
-- @param self
-- @param #string whence Seek base (optional, "cur" by default). Can be:
-- * "set" - seek from beginning of file;
-- * "cur" - seek from current position;
-- * "end" - seek from end of file (offset needs to be <= 0);
-- @param #number offset Offset from given base (optional, 0 by default)
-- @return #number new position in file if a call succeeds without errors.
-- @return #nil, #string nil plus the error message in case of any error.
-- @usage -- set pointer to beginning of file
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- f:seek("set");
-- @usage -- print current position in file
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- print(f:seek());
-- @usage -- print file size
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- print(f:seek("end"));
-- Read data from file to strings.
-- Throws an exception if file is closed, if there is too many arguments or if an invalid format encountered.
-- Hint: since garbage collection works once per frame,
-- you will get the whole file in RAM if you read it in one frame.
-- So if you need to read a really large file, it is better to split reading
-- between different frames (e.g. by keeping a current position in file
-- and using a "seek" to read from saved position).
-- @function [parent=#FileHandle] read
-- @param self
-- @param ... Read formats (up to 20 arguments, default value is one "*l"). Can be:
-- * "\*a" (or "*all") - reads the whole file, starting at the current position as #string. On end of file, it returns the empty string.
-- * "\*l" (or "*line") - reads the next line (skipping the end of line), returning nil on end of file (nil and error message if error occured);
-- * "\*n" (or "*number") - read a floating point value as #number (nil and error message if error occured);
-- * number - reads a #string with up to this number of characters, returning nil on end of file (nil and error message if error occured). If number is 0 and end of file is not reached, it reads nothing and returns an empty string;
-- @return #string One #string for every format if a call succeeds without errors. One #string for every successfully handled format, nil for first failed format.
-- @usage -- read three numbers from file
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- local n1, n2, n3 = f:read("*number", "*number", "*number");
-- @usage -- read 10 bytes from file
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- local n4 = f:read(10);
-- @usage -- read until end of file
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- local n5 = f:read("*all");
-- @usage -- read a line from file
-- f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- local n6 = f:read();
-- @usage -- try to read three numbers from file with "1" content
-- f = vfs.open("one.txt");
-- print(f:read("*number", "*number", "*number"));
-- -- prints(1, nil)
-- Check if file exists in VFS
-- @function [parent=#vfs] fileExists
-- @param #string fileName Path to file in VFS
-- @return #boolean (true - exists, false - does not exist)
-- @usage local exists = vfs.fileExists("Test\\test.txt");
-- Open a file
-- @function [parent=#vfs] open
-- @param #string fileName Path to file in VFS
-- @return #FileHandle Opened file handle if a call succeeds without errors.
-- @return #nil, #string nil plus the error message in case of any error.
-- @usage f, msg = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- -- print file name or error message
-- if (f == nil)
-- print(msg);
-- else
-- print(f.fileName);
-- end
-- Get an iterator function to fetch the next line from file with given path.
-- Throws an exception if file is closed or file with given path does not exist.
-- Closes file automatically when it fails to read any more bytes.
-- Hint: since garbage collection works once per frame,
-- you will get the whole file in RAM if you read it in one frame.
-- So if you need to read a really large file, it is better to split reading
-- between different frames (e.g. by keeping a current position in file
-- and using a "seek" to read from saved position).
-- @function [parent=#vfs] lines
-- @param #string fileName Path to file in VFS
-- @return #function Iterator function to get next line
-- @usage for line in vfs.lines("Test\\test.txt") do
-- print(line);
-- end
-- Get iterator function to fetch file names with given path prefix from VFS
-- @function [parent=#vfs] pathsWithPrefix
-- @param #string path Path prefix
-- @return #function Function to get next file name
-- @usage -- get all files with given prefix from VFS index
-- for fileName in vfs.pathsWithPrefix("Music\\Explore") do
-- print(fileName);
-- end
-- @usage -- get some first files
-- local getNextFile = vfs.pathsWithPrefix("Music\\Explore");
-- local firstFile = getNextFile();
-- local secondFile = getNextFile();
-- Detect a file handle type
-- @function [parent=#vfs] type
-- @param #any handle Object to check
-- @return #string File handle type. Can be:
-- * "file" - an argument is a valid opened @{openmw.vfs#FileHandle};
-- * "closed file" - an argument is a valid closed @{openmw.vfs#FileHandle};
-- * nil - an argument is not a @{openmw.vfs#FileHandle};
-- @usage f = vfs.open("Test\\test.txt");
-- print(vfs.type(f));
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
-- UTF-8 Support.
-- This library provides basic support for UTF-8 encoding.
-- It provides all its functions inside the table utf8.
-- This library does not provide any support for Unicode other than the handling of the encoding.
-- Any operation that needs the meaning of a character, such as character classification, is outside its scope.
-- Unless stated otherwise, all functions that expect a byte position as a parameter assume that
-- the given position is either the start of a byte sequence or one plus the length of the subject string.
-- As in the string library, negative indices count from the end of the string.
-- @module utf8
-- Receives zero or more integers, converts each one to its
-- corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence, and returns a string with the concatenation
-- of all these sequences.
-- @function [parent=#utf8] char
-- @param ... zero or more integers.
-- @return #string
-- The pattern which matches exactly one UTF-8 byte sequence, assuming that
-- the subject is a valid UTF-8 string.
-- @function [parent=#utf8] charpattern
-- @return #string
-- Returns values so that the construction
-- for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do body end
-- will iterate over all characters in string s, with p being the position (in bytes)
-- and c the code point of each character.
-- It raises an error if it meets any invalid byte sequence.
-- @function [parent=#utf8] codes
-- @param #string s string to handle.
-- Returns the codepoints (as integers) from all characters in s that start
-- between byte position i and j (both included). The default for i is 1 and for j is i.
-- It raises an error if it meets any invalid byte sequence.
-- @function [parent=#utf8] codepoint
-- @param #string s string to handle
-- @param #number i the initial position (default value is 1)
-- @param #number j the final position (default value is i)
-- @return #number the codepoints of each character in s
-- Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in string s that start
-- between positions i and j (both inclusive).
-- The default for i is 1 and for j is -1.
-- If it finds any invalid byte sequence,
-- returns a false value plus the position of the first invalid byte.
-- @function [parent=#utf8] len
-- @param #string s string to handle
-- @param #number i the initial position (default value is 1)
-- @param #number j the final position (default value is -1)
-- @return #number the number of utf8 characters in s
-- Returns the position (in bytes) where the encoding of the n-th character of s
-- (counting from position i) starts. A negative n gets characters before position i.
-- The default for i is 1 when n is non-negative and #s + 1 otherwise,
-- so that utf8.offset(s, -n) gets the offset of the n-th character from the end of the string.
-- If the specified character is neither in the subject nor right after its end, the function returns nil.
-- As a special case, when n is 0 the function returns the
-- start of the encoding of the character that contains the i-th byte of s.
-- This function assumes that s is a valid UTF-8 string.
-- @function [parent=#utf8] offset
-- @param #string s string to handle
-- @param #number n the n-th character
-- @param #number i the initial position (default value is 1 if n is is non-negative and #s + 1 otherwise)
-- @return #number
return nil
Reference in New Issue