-- @{#Item} functions (all items that can be placed to an inventory or container)
-- @field [parent=#types] #Item Item
--- Functions for pickable items that can be placed to an inventory or container
--- Functions for items that can be placed to an inventory or container
-- @type Item
@ -607,16 +608,26 @@
-- Get this item's current enchantment charge.
-- @function [parent=#Item] getEnchantmentCharge
-- @param #Item item
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject item
-- @return #number The charge remaining. -1 if the enchantment has never been used, implying the charge is full. Unenchanted items will always return a value of -1.
-- Set this item's enchantment charge.
-- @function [parent=#Item] setEnchantmentCharge
-- @param #Item item
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject item
-- @param #number charge
--- @{#Creature} functions
-- Whether the object is supposed to be carriable. It is true for all items except
-- lights without the Carry flag. Non-carriable lights can still be put into
-- an inventory with an explicit `object:moveInto` call.