Setup logging after setting up paths but before settings loading to get proper
log records earlier.
Read configuration by navmeshtool and bulletobjecttool the same way editor and
engine do to properly handle --replace config and --config arguments.
Remove mode and autoSetupLogging arguments from setupLogging since they are no
longer used.
Use temp path to write crash logs because default paths might not be available
for portable setup.
high_resolution_clock may not give real time. MSVC implements it as
steady_clock that is basically CPU time which is usually desynchronized with
real time.
To minimize overhead for calls when level is less than current. For example
Log(Debug::Debug) should not lock mutex when current logging level is Verbose.
When the crash catcher catch a signal it forks to collect data about its
parent. In the process the child reinitialize the log file, which ends
up empty.
This should fix the issue where Windows Release builds (compiled as
/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS instead of /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) can't have their
output redirected.
Basically, a console application creates a console if not given one, so
you get a console window behind OpenMW while it's running. It was
decided that this was ugly, so we set Release builds to be windows
applications, which don't get an automatic console and don't
automatically connect to a console if given one anyway.
Of course, we still wanted to actually be able to print to a console if
given one, so we manually attach to the parent process' console if it
exists, then reopen the standard streams connected to CON, the Windows
pseudo-file representing the current console.
This is a little like connecting a second wire into a dumb terminal in
that you're pumping characters into the display rather than onto a
pipeline, so output can't be redirected.
It turns out, though, that if a /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS application has its
standard streams redirected by the calling process, it still gets its
handles as normal, so everything starts off connected just how we want
it and we were clobbering this good setup with the straight-to-console
All we need to do to fix that is check if we've got valid standard
handles and that they go somewhere useful, and if so, avoid reopening
them once the console is attached. Simples.