#!/usr/bin/env python3 import click import json import termtables @click.command() @click.argument('first', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.argument('second', type=click.Path(exists=True)) def main(first, second): stats = tuple(read_stats(v) for v in (first, second)) keys = set() for v in stats: keys.update(v.keys()) keys = sorted(keys - {'total'}) result = list() for k in keys: first_size = stats[0].get(k, 0) second_size = stats[1].get(k, 0) diff = second_size - first_size if diff != 0: result.append((k, first_size, diff, (second_size / first_size - 1) * 100 if first_size != 0 else 100)) result.sort(key=lambda v: tuple(reversed(v))) diff = stats[1]['total'] - stats[0]['total'] first_total = stats[0]['total'] result.append(('total', first_total, diff, (stats[1]['total'] / first_total - 1) * 100) if first_total != 0 else 100) print(f'Preprocessed code size diff between {first} and {second}:\n') termtables.print( [(v[0], v[1], f'{v[2]:+}', f'{v[3]:+}') for v in result], header=['file', 'size, bytes', 'diff, bytes', 'diff, %'], style=termtables.styles.markdown, ) def read_stats(path): with open(path) as stream: return json.load(stream) if __name__ == '__main__': main()