#include "navmeshdb.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DetourNavigator { namespace { constexpr const char schema[] = R"( BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tiles ( tile_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, revision INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, worldspace TEXT NOT NULL, tile_position_x INTEGER NOT NULL, tile_position_y INTEGER NOT NULL, version INTEGER NOT NULL, input BLOB, data BLOB ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_unique_tiles_by_worldspace_and_tile_position_and_input ON tiles (worldspace, tile_position_x, tile_position_y, input); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS shapes ( shape_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL, hash BLOB NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_unique_shapes_by_name_and_type_and_hash ON shapes (name, type, hash); COMMIT; )"; constexpr std::string_view getMaxTileIdQuery = R"( SELECT max(tile_id) FROM tiles )"; constexpr std::string_view findTileQuery = R"( SELECT tile_id, version FROM tiles WHERE worldspace = :worldspace AND tile_position_x = :tile_position_x AND tile_position_y = :tile_position_y AND input = :input )"; constexpr std::string_view getTileDataQuery = R"( SELECT tile_id, version, data FROM tiles WHERE worldspace = :worldspace AND tile_position_x = :tile_position_x AND tile_position_y = :tile_position_y AND input = :input )"; constexpr std::string_view insertTileQuery = R"( INSERT INTO tiles ( tile_id, worldspace, version, tile_position_x, tile_position_y, input, data) VALUES (:tile_id, :worldspace, :version, :tile_position_x, :tile_position_y, :input, :data) )"; constexpr std::string_view updateTileQuery = R"( UPDATE tiles SET version = :version, data = :data, revision = revision + 1 WHERE tile_id = :tile_id )"; constexpr std::string_view getMaxShapeIdQuery = R"( SELECT max(shape_id) FROM shapes )"; constexpr std::string_view findShapeIdQuery = R"( SELECT shape_id FROM shapes WHERE name = :name AND type = :type AND hash = :hash )"; constexpr std::string_view insertShapeQuery = R"( INSERT INTO shapes ( shape_id, name, type, hash) VALUES (:shape_id, :name, :type, :hash) )"; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, ShapeType value) { switch (value) { case ShapeType::Collision: return stream << "collision"; case ShapeType::Avoid: return stream << "avoid"; } return stream << "unknown shape type (" << static_cast>(value) << ")"; } NavMeshDb::NavMeshDb(std::string_view path) : mDb(Sqlite3::makeDb(path, schema)) , mGetMaxTileId(*mDb, DbQueries::GetMaxTileId {}) , mFindTile(*mDb, DbQueries::FindTile {}) , mGetTileData(*mDb, DbQueries::GetTileData {}) , mInsertTile(*mDb, DbQueries::InsertTile {}) , mUpdateTile(*mDb, DbQueries::UpdateTile {}) , mGetMaxShapeId(*mDb, DbQueries::GetMaxShapeId {}) , mFindShapeId(*mDb, DbQueries::FindShapeId {}) , mInsertShape(*mDb, DbQueries::InsertShape {}) { } Sqlite3::Transaction NavMeshDb::startTransaction() { return Sqlite3::Transaction(*mDb); } TileId NavMeshDb::getMaxTileId() { TileId tileId {0}; request(*mDb, mGetMaxTileId, &tileId, 1); return tileId; } std::optional NavMeshDb::findTile(const std::string& worldspace, const TilePosition& tilePosition, const std::vector& input) { Tile result; auto row = std::tie(result.mTileId, result.mVersion); const std::vector compressedInput = Misc::compress(input); if (&row == request(*mDb, mFindTile, &row, 1, worldspace, tilePosition, compressedInput)) return {}; return result; } std::optional NavMeshDb::getTileData(const std::string& worldspace, const TilePosition& tilePosition, const std::vector& input) { TileData result; auto row = std::tie(result.mTileId, result.mVersion, result.mData); const std::vector compressedInput = Misc::compress(input); if (&row == request(*mDb, mGetTileData, &row, 1, worldspace, tilePosition, compressedInput)) return {}; result.mData = Misc::decompress(result.mData); return result; } int NavMeshDb::insertTile(TileId tileId, const std::string& worldspace, const TilePosition& tilePosition, TileVersion version, const std::vector& input, const std::vector& data) { const std::vector compressedInput = Misc::compress(input); const std::vector compressedData = Misc::compress(data); return execute(*mDb, mInsertTile, tileId, worldspace, tilePosition, version, compressedInput, compressedData); } int NavMeshDb::updateTile(TileId tileId, TileVersion version, const std::vector& data) { const std::vector compressedData = Misc::compress(data); return execute(*mDb, mUpdateTile, tileId, version, compressedData); } ShapeId NavMeshDb::getMaxShapeId() { ShapeId shapeId {0}; request(*mDb, mGetMaxShapeId, &shapeId, 1); return shapeId; } std::optional NavMeshDb::findShapeId(const std::string& name, ShapeType type, const Sqlite3::ConstBlob& hash) { ShapeId shapeId; if (&shapeId == request(*mDb, mFindShapeId, &shapeId, 1, name, type, hash)) return {}; return shapeId; } int NavMeshDb::insertShape(ShapeId shapeId, const std::string& name, ShapeType type, const Sqlite3::ConstBlob& hash) { return execute(*mDb, mInsertShape, shapeId, name, type, hash); } namespace DbQueries { std::string_view GetMaxTileId::text() noexcept { return getMaxTileIdQuery; } std::string_view FindTile::text() noexcept { return findTileQuery; } void FindTile::bind(sqlite3& db, sqlite3_stmt& statement, const std::string& worldspace, const TilePosition& tilePosition, const std::vector& input) { Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":worldspace", worldspace); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_position_x", tilePosition.x()); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_position_y", tilePosition.y()); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":input", input); } std::string_view GetTileData::text() noexcept { return getTileDataQuery; } void GetTileData::bind(sqlite3& db, sqlite3_stmt& statement, const std::string& worldspace, const TilePosition& tilePosition, const std::vector& input) { Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":worldspace", worldspace); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_position_x", tilePosition.x()); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_position_y", tilePosition.y()); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":input", input); } std::string_view InsertTile::text() noexcept { return insertTileQuery; } void InsertTile::bind(sqlite3& db, sqlite3_stmt& statement, TileId tileId, const std::string& worldspace, const TilePosition& tilePosition, TileVersion version, const std::vector& input, const std::vector& data) { Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_id", tileId); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":worldspace", worldspace); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_position_x", tilePosition.x()); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_position_y", tilePosition.y()); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":version", version); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":input", input); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":data", data); } std::string_view UpdateTile::text() noexcept { return updateTileQuery; } void UpdateTile::bind(sqlite3& db, sqlite3_stmt& statement, TileId tileId, TileVersion version, const std::vector& data) { Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":tile_id", tileId); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":version", version); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":data", data); } std::string_view GetMaxShapeId::text() noexcept { return getMaxShapeIdQuery; } std::string_view FindShapeId::text() noexcept { return findShapeIdQuery; } void FindShapeId::bind(sqlite3& db, sqlite3_stmt& statement, const std::string& name, ShapeType type, const Sqlite3::ConstBlob& hash) { Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":name", name); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":type", static_cast(type)); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":hash", hash); } std::string_view InsertShape::text() noexcept { return insertShapeQuery; } void InsertShape::bind(sqlite3& db, sqlite3_stmt& statement, ShapeId shapeId, const std::string& name, ShapeType type, const Sqlite3::ConstBlob& hash) { Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":shape_id", shapeId); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":name", name); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":type", static_cast(type)); Sqlite3::bindParameter(db, statement, ":hash", hash); } } }