local core = require('openmw.core') local camera = require('openmw.camera') local input = require('openmw.input') local self = require('openmw.self') local util = require('openmw.util') local I = require('openmw.interfaces') local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor local MODE = camera.MODE local active = false local M = { enabled = false, turnSpeed = 5, } local function turnOn() I.Camera.disableStandingPreview() active = true end local function turnOff() I.Camera.enableStandingPreview() active = false if camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview then camera.setMode(MODE.ThirdPerson) end end function M.onFrame(dt) if core.isWorldPaused() then return end local newActive = M.enabled and Actor.getStance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Nothing if newActive and not active then turnOn() elseif not newActive and active then turnOff() end if not active then return end if camera.getMode() == MODE.Static then return end if camera.getMode() == MODE.ThirdPerson then camera.setMode(MODE.Preview) end if camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview and not input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) then camera.showCrosshair(camera.getFocalPreferredOffset():length() > 5) local move = util.vector2(self.controls.sideMovement, self.controls.movement) local yawDelta = camera.getYaw() - self.rotation.z move = move:rotate(-yawDelta) self.controls.sideMovement = move.x self.controls.movement = move.y self.controls.pitchChange = camera.getPitch() * math.cos(yawDelta) - self.rotation.x if move:length() > 0.05 then local delta = math.atan2(move.x, move.y) local maxDelta = math.max(delta, 1) * M.turnSpeed * dt self.controls.yawChange = util.clamp(delta, -maxDelta, maxDelta) else self.controls.yawChange = 0 end end end function M.onInputAction(action) if not active or core.isWorldPaused() or not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) or not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) or input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) or not I.Camera.isModeControlEnabled() then return end if action == input.ACTION.ZoomIn and camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview and I.Camera.getBaseThirdPersonDistance() == 30 then self.controls.yawChange = camera.getYaw() - self.rotation.z camera.setMode(MODE.FirstPerson) elseif action == input.ACTION.ZoomOut and camera.getMode() == MODE.FirstPerson then camera.setMode(MODE.Preview) I.Camera.setBaseThirdPersonDistance(30) end end return M