#ifndef LIB_WATER_RIPPLES #define LIB_WATER_RIPPLES float getTemporalWaveSizeMultiplier(in float time) { return 1.0 + 0.055 * sin(16.0 * time) + 0.065 * sin(12.87645 * time); } vec4 applySprings(in vec4 samplerData, in vec4 n, in vec4 n2) { vec4 storage = vec4(0.0, samplerData.r, 0.0, 0.0); // Tweak to look most like water, not a physically accurate simulation const float a = 0.14; const float udamp = 0.02; const float vdamp = 0.02; // Apply 2d wave equation with dampening // Continous impulse needed to maintain simulation, otherwise ripples will fade float nsum = n.x + n.y + n.z + n.w; storage.r = a * nsum + ((2.0 - udamp - vdamp) - 4.0 * a) * samplerData.r - (1.0 - vdamp) * samplerData.g; // Calculate normal and store in blue-alpha channel storage.ba = 2.0 * (n.xy - n.zw) + 0.5 * (n2.xy - n2.zw); return storage; } #endif