#!/bin/bash set -xeo pipefail SRC="${PWD:?}" VERSION=$(git rev-parse HEAD) mkdir -p build cd build cmake \ -G Ninja \ -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc \ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ \ -D USE_SYSTEM_TINYXML=ON \ -D OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_RECASTNAVIGATION=ON \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE='-DNDEBUG -E -w' \ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE='-DNDEBUG -E -w' \ -D CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON \ -D BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON \ -D BUILD_BSATOOL=ON \ -D BUILD_BULLETOBJECTTOOL=ON \ -D BUILD_ESMTOOL=ON \ -D BUILD_ESSIMPORTER=ON \ -D BUILD_LAUNCHER=ON \ -D BUILD_LAUNCHER_TESTS=ON \ -D BUILD_MWINIIMPORTER=ON \ -D BUILD_NAVMESHTOOL=ON \ -D BUILD_NIFTEST=ON \ -D BUILD_OPENCS=ON \ -D BUILD_OPENCS_TESTS=ON \ -D BUILD_OPENMW=ON \ -D BUILD_UNITTESTS=ON \ -D BUILD_WIZARD=ON \ "${SRC}" cmake --build . --parallel cd .. scripts/preprocessed_file_size_stats.py --remove_prefix "${SRC}/" build > "${VERSION:?}.json" ls -al "${VERSION:?}.json" if [[ "${GENERATE_ONLY}" ]]; then exit 0 fi git remote add target "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL:-https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git}" TARGET_BRANCH="${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME:-master}" git fetch target "${TARGET_BRANCH:?}" if [[ "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME}" ]]; then git remote add source "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_URL}" git fetch source "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME}" elif [[ "${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}" ]]; then git fetch origin "${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH:?}" else git fetch origin fi BASE_VERSION=$(git merge-base "target/${TARGET_BRANCH:?}" "${VERSION:?}") # Save and use scripts from this commit because they may be absent or different in the base version cp scripts/preprocessed_file_size_stats.py scripts/preprocessed_file_size_stats.bak.py cp CI/ubuntu_gcc_preprocess.sh CI/ubuntu_gcc_preprocess.bak.sh git checkout "${BASE_VERSION:?}" mv scripts/preprocessed_file_size_stats.bak.py scripts/preprocessed_file_size_stats.py mv CI/ubuntu_gcc_preprocess.bak.sh CI/ubuntu_gcc_preprocess.sh env GENERATE_ONLY=1 CI/ubuntu_gcc_preprocess.sh git checkout --force "${VERSION:?}" scripts/preprocessed_file_size_stats_diff.py "${BASE_VERSION:?}.json" "${VERSION:?}.json"