/* Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2018, 2020-2021 cc9cii This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. cc9cii cc9c@iinet.net.au Much of the information on the data structures are based on the information from Tes4Mod:Mod_File_Format and Tes5Mod:File_Formats but also refined by trial & error. See http://en.uesp.net/wiki for details. */ #include "loadnavm.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <stdexcept> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> #include "reader.hpp" //#include "writer.hpp" void ESM4::NavMesh::NVNMstruct::load(ESM4::Reader& reader) { // std::cout << "start: divisor " << std::dec << divisor << ", segments " << triSegments.size() << //std::endl; //"this 0x" << this << std::endl; // FIXME std::uint32_t count; reader.get(unknownNVER); reader.get(unknownLCTN); reader.getFormId(worldSpaceId); // FLG_Tamriel = 0x0000003c, // grid info follows, possibly Tamriel? // FLG_Morrowind = 0x01380000, // grid info follows, probably Skywind // FIXME: this check doesn't work because `getFormId` adjusts content file index if (worldSpaceId == ESM::FormId{ 0x3c, 0 } || worldSpaceId == ESM::FormId{ 380000, 1 }) { // ^ // Y | X Y Index // | 0,0 0 // 1 |23 0,1 1 // 0 |01 1,0 2 // +--- 1,1 3 // 01 -> // X // // e.g. Dagonfel X:13,14,15,16 Y:43,44,45,46 (Morrowind X:7 Y:22) // // Skywind: -4,-3 -2,-1 0,1 2,3 4,5 6,7 // Morrowind: -2 -1 0 1 2 3 // // Formula seems to be floor(Skywind coord / 2) <cmath> // Grid grid; reader.get(grid.y); // NOTE: reverse order reader.get(grid.x); cellGrid = grid; // FIXME: debugging only #if 0 std::string padding; padding.insert(0, reader.stackSize()*2, ' '); if (worldSpaceId == ESM4::FLG_Morrowind) std::cout << padding << "NVNM MW: X " << std::dec << cellGrid.grid.x << ", Y " << cellGrid.grid.y << std::endl; else std::cout << padding << "NVNM SR: X " << std::dec << cellGrid.grid.x << ", Y " << cellGrid.grid.y << std::endl; #endif } else { ESM::FormId cellId; reader.getFormId(cellId); cellGrid = cellId; #if 0 std::string padding; // FIXME padding.insert(0, reader.stackSize()*2, ' '); if (worldSpaceId == 0) // interior std::cout << padding << "NVNM Interior: cellId " << std::hex << cellGrid.cellId << std::endl; else std::cout << padding << "NVNM FormID: cellId " << std::hex << cellGrid.cellId << std::endl; #endif } reader.get(count); // numVerticies if (count) { verticies.resize(count); for (std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it = verticies.begin(); it != verticies.end(); ++it) { reader.get(*it); // FIXME: debugging only #if 0 //if (reader.hdr().record.id == 0x2004ecc) // FIXME std::cout << "nvnm vert " << (*it).x << ", " << (*it).y << ", " << (*it).z << std::endl; #endif } } reader.get(count); // numTriangles; if (count) { triangles.resize(count); for (std::vector<Triangle>::iterator it = triangles.begin(); it != triangles.end(); ++it) { reader.get(*it); } } reader.get(count); // numExtConn; if (count) { extConns.resize(count); for (std::vector<ExtConnection>::iterator it = extConns.begin(); it != extConns.end(); ++it) { reader.get(*it); // FIXME: debugging only #if 0 std::cout << "nvnm ext 0x" << std::hex << (*it).navMesh << std::endl; #endif } } reader.get(count); // numDoorTriangles; if (count) { doorTriangles.resize(count); for (std::vector<DoorTriangle>::iterator it = doorTriangles.begin(); it != doorTriangles.end(); ++it) { reader.get(*it); } } reader.get(count); // numCoverTriangles; if (count) { coverTriangles.resize(count); for (std::vector<std::uint16_t>::iterator it = coverTriangles.begin(); it != coverTriangles.end(); ++it) { reader.get(*it); } } // abs((maxX - minX) / divisor) = Max X Distance reader.get(divisor); // FIXME: latest over-writes old reader.get(maxXDist); // FIXME: update with formula reader.get(maxYDist); reader.get(minX); // FIXME: use std::min reader.get(minY); reader.get(minZ); reader.get(maxX); reader.get(maxY); reader.get(maxZ); // FIXME: should check remaining size here // there are divisor^2 segments, each segment is a vector of triangle indices for (unsigned int i = 0; i < divisor * divisor; ++i) { reader.get(count); // NOTE: count may be zero std::vector<std::uint16_t> indices; indices.resize(count); for (std::vector<std::uint16_t>::iterator it = indices.begin(); it != indices.end(); ++it) { reader.get(*it); } triSegments.push_back(indices); } if (triSegments.size() != divisor * divisor) throw std::runtime_error("Triangle segments size is not the square of divisor"); #if 0 if (triSegments.size() != divisor*divisor) std::cout << "divisor " << std::dec << divisor << ", segments " << triSegments.size() << //std::endl; "this 0x" << this << std::endl; #endif } void ESM4::NavMesh::load(ESM4::Reader& reader) { mId = reader.getFormIdFromHeader(); mFlags = reader.hdr().record.flags; std::uint32_t esmVer = reader.esmVersion(); // std::cout << "NavMesh 0x" << std::hex << this << std::endl; // FIXME // FIXME: debugging only #if 0 std::string padding; padding.insert(0, reader.stackSize()*2, ' '); std::cout << padding << "NAVM flags 0x" << std::hex << reader.hdr().record.flags << std::endl; std::cout << padding << "NAVM id 0x" << std::hex << reader.hdr().record.id << std::endl; #endif while (reader.getSubRecordHeader()) { const ESM4::SubRecordHeader& subHdr = reader.subRecordHeader(); switch (subHdr.typeId) { case ESM4::SUB_NVNM: { // See FIXME in ESM4::Navigation::load. // FO4 updates the format if (reader.hasFormVersion() && (esmVer == ESM::VER_095 || esmVer == ESM::VER_100)) { reader.skipSubRecordData(); break; } NVNMstruct nvnm; nvnm.load(reader); mData.push_back(nvnm); // FIXME try swap break; } case ESM4::SUB_ONAM: case ESM4::SUB_PNAM: case ESM4::SUB_NNAM: case ESM4::SUB_NVER: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_DATA: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_NVVX: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_NVTR: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_NVCA: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_NVDP: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_NVGD: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_NVEX: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_EDID: // FO3 case ESM4::SUB_MNAM: // FO4 reader.skipSubRecordData(); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::NAVM::load - Unknown subrecord " + ESM::printName(subHdr.typeId)); } } // std::cout << "num nvnm " << std::dec << mData.size() << std::endl; // FIXME } // void ESM4::NavMesh::save(ESM4::Writer& writer) const //{ // } void ESM4::NavMesh::blank() {}