#ifndef OPENCS_VIEW_RENDER_ACTOR_H #define OPENCS_VIEW_RENDER_ACTOR_H #include <string> #include <string_view> #include <osg/Group> #include <osg/ref_ptr> #include <QObject> #include <components/esm3/loadarmo.hpp> #include <components/sceneutil/visitor.hpp> #include "../../model/world/actoradapter.hpp" namespace CSMWorld { class Data; } namespace SceneUtil { class Skeleton; } namespace CSVRender { /// Handles loading an npc or creature class Actor : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /// Creates an actor. /// \param id The referenceable id /// \param type The record type /// \param data The data store Actor(const ESM::RefId& id, CSMWorld::Data& data); /// Retrieves the base node that meshes are attached to osg::Group* getBaseNode(); /// (Re)creates the npc or creature renderable void update(); private slots: void handleActorChanged(const ESM::RefId& refId); private: void loadSkeleton(const std::string& model); void loadBodyParts(); void attachBodyPart(ESM::PartReferenceType, const std::string& mesh); std::string getBodyPartMesh(const ESM::RefId& bodyPartId); static const std::string MeshPrefix; ESM::RefId mId; CSMWorld::Data& mData; CSMWorld::ActorAdapter::ActorDataPtr mActorData; osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> mBaseNode; SceneUtil::Skeleton* mSkeleton; SceneUtil::NodeMapVisitor::NodeMap mNodeMap; }; } #endif