  OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
  Copyright (C) 2008-2010  Nicolay Korslund
  Email: < korslund@gmail.com >
  WWW: https://openmw.org/

  This file (data.h) is part of the OpenMW package.

  OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  version 3 along with this program. If not, see
  https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .



#include "nifkey.hpp"
#include "niftypes.hpp" // Transformation
#include "recordptr.hpp"

namespace Nif

    // Common ancestor for several data classes
    struct NiGeometryData : public Record
        std::vector<osg::Vec3f> vertices, normals, tangents, bitangents;
        std::vector<osg::Vec4f> colors;
        std::vector<std::vector<osg::Vec2f>> uvlist;
        osg::Vec3f center;
        float radius;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    // Abstract
    struct NiTriBasedGeomData : public NiGeometryData
        size_t mNumTriangles;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiTriShapeData : public NiTriBasedGeomData
        // Triangles, three vertex indices per triangle
        std::vector<unsigned short> triangles;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiTriStripsData : public NiTriBasedGeomData
        // Triangle strips, series of vertex indices.
        std::vector<std::vector<unsigned short>> strips;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiLinesData : public NiGeometryData
        // Lines, series of indices that correspond to connected vertices.
        std::vector<unsigned short> lines;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiParticlesData : public NiGeometryData
        int numParticles{ 0 };

        int activeCount{ 0 };

        std::vector<float> particleRadii, sizes, rotationAngles;
        std::vector<osg::Quat> rotations;
        std::vector<osg::Vec3f> rotationAxes;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiRotatingParticlesData : public NiParticlesData
        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiPosData : public Record
        Vector3KeyMapPtr mKeyList;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiUVData : public Record
        FloatKeyMapPtr mKeyList[4];

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiFloatData : public Record
        FloatKeyMapPtr mKeyList;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiPixelData : public Record
        enum Format
        Format fmt{ NIPXFMT_RGB8 };

        unsigned int colorMask[4]{ 0 };
        unsigned int bpp{ 0 }, pixelTiling{ 0 };
        bool sRGB{ false };

        NiPalettePtr palette;
        unsigned int numberOfMipmaps{ 0 };

        struct Mipmap
            int width, height;
            int dataOffset;
        std::vector<Mipmap> mipmaps;

        std::vector<unsigned char> data;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
        void post(Reader& nif) override;

    struct NiColorData : public Record
        Vector4KeyMapPtr mKeyMap;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiVisData : public Record
        struct VisData
            float time;
            bool isSet;
        std::vector<VisData> mVis;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiSkinInstance : public Record
        NiSkinDataPtr data;
        NiSkinPartitionPtr partitions;
        NodePtr root;
        NodeList bones;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
        void post(Reader& nif) override;

    struct BSDismemberSkinInstance : public NiSkinInstance
        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiSkinData : public Record
        struct VertWeight
            unsigned short vertex;
            float weight;

        struct BoneInfo
            Transformation trafo;
            osg::Vec3f boundSphereCenter;
            float boundSphereRadius;
            std::vector<VertWeight> weights;

        Transformation trafo;
        std::vector<BoneInfo> bones;
        NiSkinPartitionPtr partitions;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;
        void post(Reader& nif) override;

    struct NiSkinPartition : public Record
        struct Partition
            std::vector<unsigned short> bones;
            std::vector<unsigned short> vertexMap;
            std::vector<float> weights;
            std::vector<std::vector<unsigned short>> strips;
            std::vector<unsigned short> triangles;
            std::vector<char> boneIndices;
            void read(NIFStream* nif);
        std::vector<Partition> data;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiMorphData : public Record
        struct MorphData
            FloatKeyMapPtr mKeyFrames;
            std::vector<osg::Vec3f> mVertices;
        std::vector<MorphData> mMorphs;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiKeyframeData : public Record
        QuaternionKeyMapPtr mRotations;

        // may be NULL
        FloatKeyMapPtr mXRotations;
        FloatKeyMapPtr mYRotations;
        FloatKeyMapPtr mZRotations;

        Vector3KeyMapPtr mTranslations;
        FloatKeyMapPtr mScales;

        enum class AxisOrder
            Order_XYZ = 0,
            Order_XZY = 1,
            Order_YZX = 2,
            Order_YXZ = 3,
            Order_ZXY = 4,
            Order_ZYX = 5,
            Order_XYX = 6,
            Order_YZY = 7,
            Order_ZXZ = 8

        AxisOrder mAxisOrder{ AxisOrder::Order_XYZ };

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiPalette : public Record
        // 32-bit RGBA colors that correspond to 8-bit indices
        std::vector<unsigned int> colors;

        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiStringPalette : public Record
        std::string palette;
        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

    struct NiBoolData : public Record
        ByteKeyMapPtr mKeyList;
        void read(NIFStream* nif) override;

} // Namespace