class TextureSplatter { public: inline TextureSplatter(const std::vector& ltex, int texSize, int ltexsize, int border) : mLTEX(ltex), mTexSize(texSize), //the root of the size of the texture mLTEXSize(ltexsize), //the root of the ltex array mBorder(border) { //the size of the border of the ltex mSizeDiff = texSize/(ltexsize-border*2); } int getAlphaAtPixel(int x, int y, int tid) { //offset for border x += (mBorder*mSizeDiff); y += (mBorder*mSizeDiff); if ( getTextureAtPixel(x,y) == tid ) { return 255; } else if ( mBorder > 0 ) { //hacky remove fix. perofrmance issues. skips if not ingame gen. float amount = 0; for ( int ty = y-1; ty <= y+1; ++ty ) { for ( int tx = x-1; tx <= x+1; ++tx ) { if ( ty < -mBorder*mSizeDiff || tx < -mBorder*mSizeDiff || ty >= mTexSize+mBorder*mSizeDiff || tx >= mTexSize+mBorder*mSizeDiff ) continue; if ( getTextureAtPixel(tx,ty) == tid ) amount += 0.18f; } } if ( amount > 1 ) amount = 1; assert(amount>=0&&amount<=1); return amount*255; } return 0; } private: int getTextureAtPixel(int x, int y) { x = (x - x%mSizeDiff)/mSizeDiff; y = (y - y%mSizeDiff)/mSizeDiff; return mLTEX[(y)*mLTEXSize+(x)]; } const std::vector& mLTEX; const int mTexSize; const int mLTEXSize; const int mBorder; int mSizeDiff; }; /** * Handles the runtime generation of materials * */ class MaterialGenerator { public: /** * @brief generates a material for a quad using a single * texture. Only used at runtime, not while generating. */ Ogre::MaterialPtr generateSingleTexture (const std::string& texName, std::list createdResources) { const std::string matname("MAT" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(mCount++)); if ( !Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(matname) ) { Ogre::MaterialPtr mat = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(matname,Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); Ogre::Pass* p = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); p->setLightingEnabled(false); p->createTextureUnitState(texName)->setTextureAddressingMode(TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP); createdResources.push_back(mat); return mat; } return Ogre::MaterialPtr(); } /** * gets the material for the alpha textures */ Ogre::MaterialPtr getAlphaMat(std::vector& ltex, int size, int border, float scaleDiv, std::list& createdResources) { const std::string materialName("MAT" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(mCount++)); const int sizeDiff = 4; size *= sizeDiff; const int rootSideLength = Ogre::Math::Sqrt(ltex.size())-(border*2); //used for looping const int ltexWidth = Ogre::Math::Sqrt(ltex.size()); assert(size%rootSideLength==0); Ogre::MaterialPtr material = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton(). create(materialName,Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); createdResources.push_back(material); Ogre::Pass* np = material->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); np->setLightingEnabled(false); np->createTextureUnitState("")->setTextureScale(0.1f/scaleDiv,0.1f/scaleDiv); std::set textures; for ( int y1 = 0; y1 < ltexWidth; y1++ ) { for ( int x1 = 0; x1 < ltexWidth; x1++ ) { textures.insert(ltex[(y1)*ltexWidth+x1]); } } for ( std::set::iterator itr = textures.begin(); itr != textures.end(); ++itr ) { int tid = *itr; const std::string tn(mTexturePaths[tid]); if ( tn == "" ) continue; //std::cout << " Generating texture " << tn << "\n"; std::string alphaName(materialName + "_A_" + tn); if ( Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(alphaName) ) OGRE_EXCEPT(0, "ALPHA Already Exists", ""); //create alpha map Ogre::TexturePtr texPtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton(). createManual( alphaName, // Name of texture Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, // Name of resource group in which the texture should be created Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, size,size, //size ofc 1, 0, //depth, mipmaps Ogre::PF_A8, //we only need one channel to hold the splatting texture Ogre::TU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY //best performace, we shopuldn't need the data again ); createdResources.push_back(texPtr); Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr pixelBuffer = texPtr->getBuffer(); pixelBuffer->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); const Ogre::PixelBox& pixelBox = pixelBuffer->getCurrentLock(); Ogre::uint8* pDest = static_cast(; memset(pDest,0, sizeof(Ogre::uint8)*size*size); TextureSplatter ts(ltex, size, ltexWidth, border); for ( int ty = 0; ty < size; ty++ ) { for ( int tx = 0; tx < size; tx++ ) { pDest[ty*size+tx] = ts.getAlphaAtPixel(tx,ty, tid); } } pixelBuffer->unlock(); np = material->getTechnique(0)->createPass(); np->setSceneBlending(Ogre::SBT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA); np->setLightingEnabled(false); np->setDepthFunction(Ogre::CMPF_EQUAL); Ogre::TextureUnitState* tus = np->createTextureUnitState(alphaName); tus->setTextureAddressingMode(Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP); tus->setAlphaOperation( Ogre::LBX_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE); tus->setColourOperationEx( Ogre::LBX_BLEND_DIFFUSE_ALPHA, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE); tus->setIsAlpha(true); tus = np->createTextureUnitState(tn); tus->setColourOperationEx( Ogre::LBX_BLEND_DIFFUSE_ALPHA, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE, Ogre::LBS_CURRENT); tus->setTextureScale(0.1f/scaleDiv,0.1f/scaleDiv); } return material; } inline void setTexturePaths( std::map r) { mTexturePaths = r; } private: /** * Merged records accross all mods for LTEX data */ std::map mTexturePaths; unsigned int mCount; };