#include <string>

#include <QValidator>

namespace CSVWorld
    class IdValidator : public QValidator
            bool mRelaxed;
            std::string mNamespace;
            mutable std::string mError;


            bool isValid (const QChar& c, bool first) const;


            IdValidator (bool relaxed = false, QObject *parent = nullptr);
            ///< \param relaxed Relaxed rules for IDs that also functino as user visible text

            State validate (QString& input, int& pos) const override;

            void setNamespace (const std::string& namespace_);

            /// Return a description of the error that resulted in the last call of validate
            /// returning QValidator::Intermediate. If the last call to validate returned
            /// a different value (or if there was no such call yet), an empty string is
            /// returned.
            std::string getError() const;

