/* Copyright (C) 2015-2021 cc9cii This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. cc9cii cc9c@iinet.net.au */ #include "reader.hpp" #ifdef NDEBUG // FIXME: debugging only #undef NDEBUG #endif #undef DEBUG_GROUPSTACK #include #include #include #include // for debugging #include // for debugging #include // for debugging #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable : 4706) #include #pragma warning (pop) #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "formid.hpp" namespace ESM4 { ReaderContext::ReaderContext() : modIndex(0), recHeaderSize(sizeof(RecordHeader)), filePos(0), recordRead(0), currWorld(0), currCell(0), cellGridValid(false) { currCellGrid.cellId = 0; currCellGrid.grid.x = 0; currCellGrid.grid.y = 0; } Reader::Reader(Files::IStreamPtr esmStream, const std::string& filename) : mEncoder(nullptr), mFileSize(0), mStream(esmStream) { // used by ESMReader only? mCtx.filename = filename; mCtx.fileRead = 0; mStream->seekg(0, mStream->end); mFileSize = mStream->tellg(); mStream->seekg(20); // go to the start but skip the "TES4" record header mSavedStream.reset(); // determine header size std::uint32_t subRecName = 0; mStream->read((char*)&subRecName, sizeof(subRecName)); if (subRecName == 0x52444548) // "HEDR" mCtx.recHeaderSize = sizeof(RecordHeader) - 4; // TES4 header size is 4 bytes smaller than TES5 header else mCtx.recHeaderSize = sizeof(RecordHeader); // restart from the beginning (i.e. "TES4" record header) mStream->seekg(0, mStream->beg); #if 0 unsigned int esmVer = mHeader.mData.version.ui; bool isTes4 = esmVer == ESM::VER_080 || esmVer == ESM::VER_100; //bool isTes5 = esmVer == ESM::VER_094 || esmVer == ESM::VER_170; //bool isFONV = esmVer == ESM::VER_132 || esmVer == ESM::VER_133 || esmVer == ESM::VER_134; // TES4 header size is 4 bytes smaller than TES5 header mCtx.recHeaderSize = isTes4 ? sizeof(ESM4::RecordHeader) - 4 : sizeof(ESM4::RecordHeader); #endif getRecordHeader(); if (mCtx.recordHeader.record.typeId == REC_TES4) { mHeader.load(*this); mCtx.fileRead += mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize; buildLStringIndex(); // for localised strings in Skyrim } else fail("Unknown file format"); } Reader::~Reader() { close(); } // Since the record data may have been compressed, it is not always possible to use seek() to // go to a position of a sub record. // // The record header needs to be saved in the context or the header needs to be re-loaded after // restoring the context. The latter option was chosen. ReaderContext Reader::getContext() { mCtx.filePos = mStream->tellg(); mCtx.filePos -= mCtx.recHeaderSize; // update file position return mCtx; } // NOTE: Assumes that the caller has reopened the file if necessary bool Reader::restoreContext(const ReaderContext& ctx) { if (mSavedStream) // TODO: doesn't seem to ever happen { mStream = mSavedStream; mSavedStream.reset(); } mCtx.groupStack.clear(); // probably not necessary since it will be overwritten mCtx = ctx; mStream->seekg(ctx.filePos); // update file position return getRecordHeader(); } void Reader::close() { mStream.reset(); //clearCtx(); //mHeader.blank(); } void Reader::openRaw(Files::IStreamPtr esmStream, const std::string& filename) { close(); mStream = esmStream; mCtx.filename = filename; mCtx.fileRead = 0; mStream->seekg(0, mStream->end); mFileSize = mStream->tellg(); mStream->seekg(0, mStream->beg); } void Reader::open(Files::IStreamPtr esmStream, const std::string &filename) { openRaw(esmStream, filename); // should at least have the size of ESM3 record header (20 or 24 bytes for ESM4) assert (mFileSize >= 16); std::uint32_t modVer = 0; if (getExact(modVer)) // get the first 4 bytes of the record header only { // FIXME: need to setup header/context if (modVer == REC_TES4) { } else { } } throw std::runtime_error("Unknown file format"); // can't yet use fail() as mCtx is not setup } void Reader::setRecHeaderSize(const std::size_t size) { mCtx.recHeaderSize = size; } // FIXME: only "English" strings supported for now void Reader::buildLStringIndex() { if ((mHeader.mFlags & Rec_ESM) == 0 || (mHeader.mFlags & Rec_Localized) == 0) return; boost::filesystem::path p(mCtx.filename); std::string filename = p.stem().filename().string(); buildLStringIndex("Strings/" + filename + "_English.STRINGS", Type_Strings); buildLStringIndex("Strings/" + filename + "_English.ILSTRINGS", Type_ILStrings); buildLStringIndex("Strings/" + filename + "_English.DLSTRINGS", Type_DLStrings); } void Reader::buildLStringIndex(const std::string& stringFile, LocalizedStringType stringType) { std::uint32_t numEntries; std::uint32_t dataSize; std::uint32_t stringId; LStringOffset sp; sp.type = stringType; // TODO: possibly check if the resource exists? Files::IStreamPtr filestream = Files::IStreamPtr(Files::openConstrainedFileStream(stringFile)); filestream->seekg(0, std::ios::end); std::size_t fileSize = filestream->tellg(); filestream->seekg(0, std::ios::beg); switch (stringType) { case Type_Strings: mStrings = filestream; break; case Type_ILStrings: mILStrings = filestream; break; case Type_DLStrings: mDLStrings = filestream; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::Reader::unknown localised string type"); } filestream->read((char*)&numEntries, sizeof(numEntries)); filestream->read((char*)&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize)); std::size_t dataStart = fileSize - dataSize; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { filestream->read((char*)&stringId, sizeof(stringId)); filestream->read((char*)&sp.offset, sizeof(sp.offset)); sp.offset += (std::uint32_t)dataStart; mLStringIndex[stringId] = sp; } //assert (dataStart - filestream->tell() == 0 && "String file start of data section mismatch"); } void Reader::getLocalizedString(std::string& str) { if (!hasLocalizedStrings()) return (void)getZString(str); std::uint32_t stringId; // FormId get(stringId); if (stringId) // TES5 FoxRace, BOOK getLocalizedStringImpl(stringId, str); } // FIXME: very messy and probably slow/inefficient void Reader::getLocalizedStringImpl(const FormId stringId, std::string& str) { const std::map::const_iterator it = mLStringIndex.find(stringId); if (it != mLStringIndex.end()) { Files::IStreamPtr filestream; switch (it->second.type) { case Type_Strings: // no string size provided { filestream = mStrings; filestream->seekg(it->second.offset); char ch; std::vector data; do { filestream->read(&ch, sizeof(ch)); data.push_back(ch); } while (ch != 0); str = std::string(data.data()); return; } case Type_ILStrings: filestream = mILStrings; break; case Type_DLStrings: filestream = mDLStrings; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::Reader::getLocalizedString unknown string type"); } // get ILStrings or DLStrings (they provide string size) filestream->seekg(it->second.offset); std::uint32_t size = 0; filestream->read((char*)&size, sizeof(size)); getStringImpl(str, size, filestream, mEncoder, true); // expect null terminated string } else throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::Reader::getLocalizedString localized string not found"); } bool Reader::getRecordHeader() { // FIXME: this seems very hacky but we may have skipped subrecords from within an inflated data block if (/*mStream->eof() && */mSavedStream) { mStream = mSavedStream; mSavedStream.reset(); } mStream->read((char*)&mCtx.recordHeader, mCtx.recHeaderSize); std::size_t bytesRead = (std::size_t)mStream->gcount(); // keep track of data left to read from the file mCtx.fileRead += mCtx.recHeaderSize; mCtx.recordRead = 0; // for keeping track of sub records // After reading the record header we can cache a WRLD or CELL formId for convenient access later. // FIXME: currently currWorld and currCell are set manually when loading the WRLD and CELL records // HACK: mCtx.groupStack.back() is updated before the record data are read/skipped // N.B. the data must be fully read/skipped for this to work if (mCtx.recordHeader.record.typeId != REC_GRUP && !mCtx.groupStack.empty()) { mCtx.groupStack.back().second += (std::uint32_t)mCtx.recHeaderSize + mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize; // keep track of data left to read from the file mCtx.fileRead += mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize; } return bytesRead == mCtx.recHeaderSize; } void Reader::getRecordData(bool dump) { std::uint32_t uncompressedSize = 0; if ((mCtx.recordHeader.record.flags & Rec_Compressed) != 0) { mStream->read(reinterpret_cast(&uncompressedSize), sizeof(std::uint32_t)); std::size_t recordSize = mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize - sizeof(std::uint32_t); Bsa::MemoryInputStream compressedRecord(recordSize); mStream->read(compressedRecord.getRawData(), recordSize); std::istream *fileStream = (std::istream*)&compressedRecord; mSavedStream = mStream; mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize = uncompressedSize - sizeof(uncompressedSize); std::shared_ptr memoryStreamPtr = std::make_shared(uncompressedSize); boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf inputStreamBuf; inputStreamBuf.push(boost::iostreams::zlib_decompressor()); inputStreamBuf.push(*fileStream); boost::iostreams::basic_array_sink sr(memoryStreamPtr->getRawData(), uncompressedSize); boost::iostreams::copy(inputStreamBuf, sr); // For debugging only //#if 0 if (dump) { std::ostringstream ss; char* data = memoryStreamPtr->getRawData(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uncompressedSize; ++i) { if (data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) ss << (char)(data[i]) << " "; else ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << (int)(data[i]); if ((i & 0x000f) == 0xf) ss << "\n"; else if (i < uncompressedSize-1) ss << " "; } std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl; } //#endif mStream = std::shared_ptr(memoryStreamPtr, (std::istream*)memoryStreamPtr.get()); } } void Reader::skipRecordData() { assert (mCtx.recordRead <= mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize && "Skipping after reading more than available"); mStream->ignore(mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize - mCtx.recordRead); mCtx.recordRead = mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize; // for getSubRecordHeader() } bool Reader::getSubRecordHeader() { bool result = false; // NOTE: some SubRecords have 0 dataSize (e.g. SUB_RDSD in one of REC_REGN records in Oblivion.esm). // Also SUB_XXXX has zero dataSize and the following 4 bytes represent the actual dataSize // - hence it require manual updtes to mCtx.recordRead via updateRecordRead() // See ESM4::NavMesh and ESM4::World. if (mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize - mCtx.recordRead >= sizeof(mCtx.subRecordHeader)) { result = getExact(mCtx.subRecordHeader); // HACK: below assumes sub-record data will be read or skipped in full; // this hack aims to avoid updating mCtx.recordRead each time anything is read mCtx.recordRead += (sizeof(mCtx.subRecordHeader) + mCtx.subRecordHeader.dataSize); } else if (mCtx.recordRead > mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize) { // try to correct any overshoot, seek to the end of the expected data // this will only work if mCtx.subRecordHeader.dataSize was fully read or skipped // (i.e. it will only correct mCtx.subRecordHeader.dataSize being incorrect) // TODO: not tested std::uint32_t overshoot = (std::uint32_t)mCtx.recordRead - mCtx.recordHeader.record.dataSize; std::size_t pos = mStream->tellg(); mStream->seekg(pos - overshoot); return false; } return result; } void Reader::skipSubRecordData() { mStream->ignore(mCtx.subRecordHeader.dataSize); } void Reader::skipSubRecordData(std::uint32_t size) { mStream->ignore(size); } void Reader::enterGroup() { #ifdef DEBUG_GROUPSTACK std::string padding = ""; // FIXME: debugging only padding.insert(0, mCtx.groupStack.size()*2, ' '); std::cout << padding << "Starting record group " << printLabel(mCtx.recordHeader.group.label, mCtx.recordHeader.group.type) << std::endl; #endif // empty group if the group size is same as the header size if (mCtx.recordHeader.group.groupSize == (std::uint32_t)mCtx.recHeaderSize) { #ifdef DEBUG_GROUPSTACK std::cout << padding << "Ignoring record group " // FIXME: debugging only << printLabel(mCtx.recordHeader.group.label, mCtx.recordHeader.group.type) << " (empty)" << std::endl; #endif if (!mCtx.groupStack.empty()) // top group may be empty (e.g. HAIR in Skyrim) { // don't put on the stack, exitGroupCheck() may not get called before recursing into this method mCtx.groupStack.back().second += mCtx.recordHeader.group.groupSize; exitGroupCheck(); } return; // don't push an empty group, just return } // push group mCtx.groupStack.push_back(std::make_pair(mCtx.recordHeader.group, (std::uint32_t)mCtx.recHeaderSize)); } void Reader::exitGroupCheck() { if (mCtx.groupStack.empty()) return; // pop finished groups (note reading too much is allowed here) std::uint32_t lastGroupSize = mCtx.groupStack.back().first.groupSize; while (mCtx.groupStack.back().second >= lastGroupSize) { #ifdef DEBUG_GROUPSTACK GroupTypeHeader grp = mCtx.groupStack.back().first; // FIXME: grp is for debugging only #endif // try to correct any overshoot // TODO: not tested std::uint32_t overshoot = mCtx.groupStack.back().second - lastGroupSize; if (overshoot > 0) { std::size_t pos = mStream->tellg(); mStream->seekg(pos - overshoot); } mCtx.groupStack.pop_back(); #ifdef DEBUG_GROUPSTACK std::string padding = ""; // FIXME: debugging only padding.insert(0, mCtx.groupStack.size()*2, ' '); std::cout << padding << "Finished record group " << printLabel(grp.label, grp.type) << std::endl; #endif // if the previous group was the final one no need to do below if (mCtx.groupStack.empty()) return; mCtx.groupStack.back().second += lastGroupSize; lastGroupSize = mCtx.groupStack.back().first.groupSize; assert (lastGroupSize >= mCtx.groupStack.back().second && "Read more records than available"); //#if 0 if (mCtx.groupStack.back().second > lastGroupSize) // FIXME: debugging only std::cerr << printLabel(mCtx.groupStack.back().first.label, mCtx.groupStack.back().first.type) << " read more records than available" << std::endl; //#endif } } // WARNING: this method should be used after first calling enterGroup() // else the method may try to dereference an element that does not exist const GroupTypeHeader& Reader::grp(std::size_t pos) const { assert (pos <= mCtx.groupStack.size()-1 && "ESM4::Reader::grp - exceeded stack depth"); return (*(mCtx.groupStack.end()-pos-1)).first; } void Reader::skipGroupData() { assert (!mCtx.groupStack.empty() && "Skipping group with an empty stack"); // subtract what was already read/skipped std::uint32_t skipSize = mCtx.groupStack.back().first.groupSize - mCtx.groupStack.back().second; mStream->ignore(skipSize); // keep track of data left to read from the file mCtx.fileRead += skipSize; mCtx.groupStack.back().second = mCtx.groupStack.back().first.groupSize; } void Reader::skipGroup() { #ifdef DEBUG_GROUPSTACK std::string padding = ""; // FIXME: debugging only padding.insert(0, mCtx.groupStack.size()*2, ' '); std::cout << padding << "Skipping record group " << printLabel(mCtx.recordHeader.group.label, mCtx.recordHeader.group.type) << std::endl; #endif // subtract the size of header already read before skipping std::uint32_t skipSize = mCtx.recordHeader.group.groupSize - (std::uint32_t)mCtx.recHeaderSize; mStream->ignore(skipSize); // keep track of data left to read from the file mCtx.fileRead += skipSize; // NOTE: mCtx.groupStack.back().second already has mCtx.recHeaderSize from enterGroup() if (!mCtx.groupStack.empty()) mCtx.groupStack.back().second += mCtx.recordHeader.group.groupSize; } const CellGrid& Reader::currCellGrid() const { // Maybe should throw an exception instead? assert (mCtx.cellGridValid && "Attempt to use an invalid cell grid"); return mCtx.currCellGrid; } // NOTE: the parameter 'files' must have the file names in the loaded order void Reader::updateModIndices(const std::vector& files) { if (files.size() >= 0xff) throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::Reader::updateModIndices too many files"); // 0xff is reserved // NOTE: this map is rebuilt each time this method is called (i.e. each time a file is loaded) // Perhaps there is an opportunity to optimize this by saving the result somewhere. // But then, the number of files is at most around 250 so perhaps keeping it simple might be better. // build a lookup map std::unordered_map fileIndex; for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) // ATTENTION: assumes current file is not included fileIndex[boost::to_lower_copy(files[i])] = i; mCtx.parentFileIndices.resize(mHeader.mMaster.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mHeader.mMaster.size(); ++i) { // locate the position of the dependency in already loaded files std::unordered_map::const_iterator it = fileIndex.find(boost::to_lower_copy(mHeader.mMaster[i].name)); if (it != fileIndex.end()) mCtx.parentFileIndices[i] = (std::uint32_t)((it->second << 24) & 0xff000000); else throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::Reader::updateModIndices required dependency file not loaded"); #if 0 std::cout << "Master Mod: " << mCtx.header.mMaster[i].name << ", " // FIXME: debugging only << formIdToString(mCtx.parentFileIndices[i]) << std::endl; #endif } if (!mCtx.parentFileIndices.empty() && mCtx.parentFileIndices[0] != 0) throw std::runtime_error("ESM4::Reader::updateModIndices base modIndex is not zero"); } // ModIndex adjusted formId according to master file dependencies // (see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:FormID_Fixup) // NOTE: need to update modindex to parentFileIndices.size() before saving // // FIXME: probably should add a parameter to check for mCtx.header::mOverrides // (ACHR, LAND, NAVM, PGRE, PHZD, REFR), but not sure what exactly overrides mean // i.e. use the modindx of its master? // FIXME: Apparently ModIndex '00' in an ESP means the object is defined in one of its masters. // This means we may need to search multiple times to get the correct id. // (see https://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Formid#ModIndex_Zero) void Reader::adjustFormId(FormId& id) { if (mCtx.parentFileIndices.empty()) return; std::size_t index = (id >> 24) & 0xff; if (index < mCtx.parentFileIndices.size()) id = mCtx.parentFileIndices[index] | (id & 0x00ffffff); else id = mCtx.modIndex | (id & 0x00ffffff); } bool Reader::getFormId(FormId& id) { if (!getExact(id)) return false; adjustFormId(id); return true; } void Reader::adjustGRUPFormId() { adjustFormId(mCtx.recordHeader.group.label.value); } [[noreturn]] void Reader::fail(const std::string& msg) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ESM Error: " << msg; ss << "\n File: " << mCtx.filename; ss << "\n Record: " << ESM::printName(mCtx.recordHeader.record.typeId); ss << "\n Subrecord: " << ESM::printName(mCtx.subRecordHeader.typeId); if (mStream.get()) ss << "\n Offset: 0x" << std::hex << mStream->tellg(); throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } }