local ui = require('openmw.ui') local util = require('openmw.util') local async = require('openmw.async') local core = require('openmw.core') local storage = require('openmw.storage') local I = require('openmw.interfaces') local common = require('scripts.omw.settings.common') local renderers = {} local function registerRenderer(name, renderFunction) renderers[name] = renderFunction end local pages = {} local groups = {} local pageOptions = {} local interval = { template = I.MWUI.templates.interval } local growingIntreval = { template = I.MWUI.templates.interval, external = { grow = 1, }, } local spacer = { props = { size = util.vector2(0, 10), }, } local bigSpacer = { props = { size = util.vector2(0, 50), }, } local stretchingLine = { template = I.MWUI.templates.horizontalLine, external = { stretch = 1, }, } local spacedLines = function(count) local content = {} table.insert(content, spacer) table.insert(content, stretchingLine) for i = 2, count do table.insert(content, interval) table.insert(content, stretchingLine) end table.insert(content, spacer) return { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content(content), } end local function interlaceSeparator(layouts, separator) local result = {} result[1] = layouts[1] for i = 2, #layouts do table.insert(result, separator) table.insert(result, layouts[i]) end return result end local function setSettingValue(global, groupKey, settingKey, value) if global then core.sendGlobalEvent(common.setGlobalEvent, { groupKey = groupKey, settingKey = settingKey, value = value, }) else storage.playerSection(groupKey):set(settingKey, value) end end local function renderSetting(group, setting, value, global) local renderFunction = renderers[setting.renderer] if not renderFunction then error(('Setting %s of %s has unknown renderer %s'):format(setting.key, group.key, setting.renderer)) end local set = function(value) setSettingValue(global, group.key, setting.key, value) end local l10n = core.l10n(group.l10n) local titleLayout = { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.textNormal, props = { text = l10n(setting.name), textSize = 18, }, }, }, } if setting.description then titleLayout.content:add(interval) titleLayout.content:add { template = I.MWUI.templates.textNormal, props = { text = l10n(setting.description), textSize = 16, }, } end return { name = setting.key, type = ui.TYPE.Flex, props = { horizontal = true, arrange = ui.ALIGNMENT.Center, }, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content { titleLayout, growingIntreval, renderFunction(value, set, setting.argument), }, } end local groupLayoutName = function(key, global) return ('%s%s'):format(global and 'global_' or 'player_', key) end local function renderGroup(group, global) local l10n = core.l10n(group.l10n) local valueSection = common.getSection(global, group.key) local settingLayouts = {} local sortedSettings = {} for _, setting in pairs(group.settings) do sortedSettings[setting.order] = setting end for _, setting in ipairs(sortedSettings) do table.insert(settingLayouts, renderSetting(group, setting, valueSection:get(setting.key), global)) end local settingsContent = ui.content(interlaceSeparator(settingLayouts, spacedLines(1))) local resetButtonLayout = { template = I.MWUI.templates.box, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.padding, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.textNormal, props = { text = 'Reset', }, events = { mouseClick = async:callback(function() for _, setting in pairs(group.settings) do setSettingValue(global, group.key, setting.key, setting.default) end end), }, }, }, }, }, } local titleLayout = { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.textHeader, props = { text = l10n(group.name), textSize = 20, }, } }, } if group.description then titleLayout.content:add(interval) titleLayout.content:add { template = I.MWUI.templates.textHeader, props = { text = l10n(group.description), textSize = 18, }, } end return { name = groupLayoutName(group.key, global), type = ui.TYPE.Flex, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content { { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, props = { horizontal = true, arrange = ui.ALIGNMENT.Center, }, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content { titleLayout, growingIntreval, resetButtonLayout, }, }, spacedLines(2), { name = 'settings', type = ui.TYPE.Flex, content = settingsContent, external = { stretch = 1, }, }, }, } end local function pageGroupComparator(a, b) return a.order < b.order or ( a.order == b.order and a.key < b.key ) end local function generateSearchHints(page) local hints = {} local l10n = core.l10n(page.l10n) table.insert(hints, l10n(page.name)) if page.description then table.insert(hints, l10n(page.description)) end local pageGroups = groups[page.key] for _, pageGroup in pairs(pageGroups) do local group = common.getSection(pageGroup.global, common.groupSectionKey):get(pageGroup.key) local l10n = core.l10n(group.l10n) table.insert(hints, l10n(group.name)) if group.description then table.insert(hints, l10n(group.description)) end for _, setting in pairs(group.settings) do table.insert(hints, l10n(setting.name)) if setting.description then table.insert(hints, l10n(setting.description)) end end end return table.concat(hints, ' ') end local function renderPage(page) local l10n = core.l10n(page.l10n) local sortedGroups = {} for i, v in ipairs(groups[page.key]) do sortedGroups[i] = v end table.sort(sortedGroups, pageGroupComparator) local groupLayouts = {} for _, pageGroup in ipairs(sortedGroups) do local group = common.getSection(pageGroup.global, common.groupSectionKey):get(pageGroup.key) table.insert(groupLayouts, renderGroup(group, pageGroup.global)) end local groupsLayout = { name = 'groups', type = ui.TYPE.Flex, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content(interlaceSeparator(groupLayouts, bigSpacer)), } local titleLayout = { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, external = { stretch = 1, }, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.textHeader, props = { text = l10n(page.name), textSize = 22, }, }, spacedLines(3), }, } if page.description then titleLayout.content:add { template = I.MWUI.templates.textNormal, props = { text = l10n(page.description), textSize = 20, }, } end local layout = { name = page.key, type = ui.TYPE.Flex, props = { position = util.vector2(10, 10), }, content = ui.content { titleLayout, bigSpacer, groupsLayout, bigSpacer, }, } return { name = l10n(page.name), element = ui.create(layout), searchHints = generateSearchHints(page), } end local function onSettingChanged(global) return async:callback(function(groupKey, settingKey) local group = common.getSection(global, common.groupSectionKey):get(groupKey) if not group or not pageOptions[group.page] then return end local value = common.getSection(global, group.key):get(settingKey) local element = pageOptions[group.page].element local groupsLayout = element.layout.content.groups local groupLayout = groupsLayout.content[groupLayoutName(group.key, global)] local settingsContent = groupLayout.content.settings.content settingsContent[settingKey] = renderSetting(group, group.settings[settingKey], value, global) element:update() end) end local function onGroupRegistered(global, key) local group = common.getSection(global, common.groupSectionKey):get(key) groups[group.page] = groups[group.page] or {} local pageGroup = { key = group.key, global = global, order = group.order, } table.insert(groups[group.page], pageGroup) common.getSection(global, group.key):subscribe(onSettingChanged(global)) if not pages[group.page] then return end local options = renderPage(pages[group.page]) pageOptions[group.page].element:destroy() for k, v in pairs(options) do pageOptions[group.page][k] = v end end local globalGroups = storage.globalSection(common.groupSectionKey) for groupKey in pairs(globalGroups:asTable()) do onGroupRegistered(true, groupKey) end globalGroups:subscribe(async:callback(function(_, key) if key then onGroupRegistered(true, key) end end)) storage.playerSection(common.groupSectionKey):subscribe(async:callback(function(_, key) if key then onGroupRegistered(false, key) end end)) local function registerPage(options) if type(options) ~= 'table' then error('Page options must be a table') end if type(options.key) ~= 'string' then error('Page must have a key') end if type(options.l10n) ~= 'string' then error('Page must have a localization context') end if type(options.name) ~= 'string' then error('Page must have a name') end if options.description ~= nil and type(options.description) ~= 'string' then error('Page description key must be a string') end local page = { key = options.key, l10n = options.l10n, name = options.name, description = options.description, } pages[page.key] = page groups[page.key] = groups[page.key] or {} pageOptions[page.key] = renderPage(page) ui.registerSettingsPage(pageOptions[page.key]) end return { registerPage = registerPage, registerRenderer = registerRenderer, }