#include "apps/openmw/mwdialogue/keywordsearch.hpp" #include <gtest/gtest.h> struct KeywordSearchTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override {} void TearDown() override {} }; TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_conflict_resolution) { // test to make sure the longest keyword in a chain of conflicting keywords gets chosen MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("foo bar", 0); search.seed("bar lock", 0); search.seed("lock switch", 0); std::string text = "foo bar lock switch"; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); // Should contain: "foo bar", "lock switch" EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches.front().mBeg, matches.front().mEnd), "foo bar"); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches.rbegin()->mBeg, matches.rbegin()->mEnd), "lock switch"); } TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_conflict_resolution2) { MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("the dwemer", 0); search.seed("dwemer language", 0); std::string text = "the dwemer language"; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches.front().mBeg, matches.front().mEnd), "dwemer language"); } TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_conflict_resolution3) { // testing that the longest keyword is chosen, rather than maximizing the // amount of highlighted characters by highlighting the first and last keyword MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("foo bar", 0); search.seed("bar lock", 0); search.seed("lock so", 0); std::string text = "foo bar lock so"; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches.front().mBeg, matches.front().mEnd), "bar lock"); } TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_utf8_word_begin) { // We make sure that the search works well even if the character is not ASCII MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("états", 0); search.seed("ïrradiés", 0); search.seed("ça nous déçois", 0); search.seed("ois", 0); std::string text = "les nations unis ont réunis le monde entier, états units inclus pour parler du problème des gens ïrradiés " "et ça nous déçois"; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 3); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches[0].mBeg, matches[0].mEnd), "états"); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches[1].mBeg, matches[1].mEnd), "ïrradiés"); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches[2].mBeg, matches[2].mEnd), "ça nous déçois"); } TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_non_alpha_non_whitespace_word_begin) { // We make sure that the search works well even if the separator is not a whitespace MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("Report to caius cosades", 0); std::string text = "I was told to \"Report to caius cosades\""; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches[0].mBeg, matches[0].mEnd), "Report to caius cosades"); } TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_russian_non_ascii_before) { // We make sure that the search works well even if the separator is not a whitespace with russian chars MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("Доложить Каю Косадесу", 0); std::string text = "Что? Да. Я Кай Косадес. То есть как это, вам велели «Доложить Каю Косадесу»? О чем вы говорите?"; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches[0].mBeg, matches[0].mEnd), "Доложить Каю Косадесу"); } TEST_F(KeywordSearchTest, keyword_test_russian_ascii_before) { // We make sure that the search works well even if the separator is not a whitespace with russian chars MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int> search; search.seed("Доложить Каю Косадесу", 0); std::string text = "Что? Да. Я Кай Косадес. То есть как это, вам велели 'Доложить Каю Косадесу'? О чем вы говорите?"; std::vector<MWDialogue::KeywordSearch<int>::Match> matches; search.highlightKeywords(text.begin(), text.end(), matches); EXPECT_EQ(matches.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(matches[0].mBeg, matches[0].mEnd), "Доложить Каю Косадесу"); }