///File to handle keys used by nif file records #ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_NIF_NIFKEY_HPP #define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_NIF_NIFKEY_HPP #include "nifstream.hpp" #include <sstream> #include <map> namespace Nif { template<typename T> struct KeyT { T mValue; // FIXME: Implement Quadratic and TBC interpolation /* T mForwardValue; // Only for Quadratic interpolation, and never for QuaternionKeyList T mBackwardValue; // Only for Quadratic interpolation, and never for QuaternionKeyList float mTension; // Only for TBC interpolation float mBias; // Only for TBC interpolation float mContinuity; // Only for TBC interpolation */ }; typedef KeyT<float> FloatKey; typedef KeyT<osg::Vec3f> Vector3Key; typedef KeyT<osg::Vec4f> Vector4Key; typedef KeyT<osg::Quat> QuaternionKey; template<typename T, T (NIFStream::*getValue)()> struct KeyMapT { typedef std::map< float, KeyT<T> > MapType; static const unsigned int sLinearInterpolation = 1; static const unsigned int sQuadraticInterpolation = 2; static const unsigned int sTBCInterpolation = 3; static const unsigned int sXYZInterpolation = 4; unsigned int mInterpolationType; MapType mKeys; KeyMapT() : mInterpolationType(sLinearInterpolation) {} //Read in a KeyGroup (see http://niftools.sourceforge.net/doc/nif/NiKeyframeData.html) void read(NIFStream *nif, bool force=false) { assert(nif); mInterpolationType = 0; size_t count = nif->getUInt(); if(count == 0 && !force) return; mKeys.clear(); mInterpolationType = nif->getUInt(); KeyT<T> key; NIFStream &nifReference = *nif; if(mInterpolationType == sLinearInterpolation) { for(size_t i = 0;i < count;i++) { float time = nif->getFloat(); readValue(nifReference, key); mKeys[time] = key; } } else if(mInterpolationType == sQuadraticInterpolation) { for(size_t i = 0;i < count;i++) { float time = nif->getFloat(); readQuadratic(nifReference, key); mKeys[time] = key; } } else if(mInterpolationType == sTBCInterpolation) { for(size_t i = 0;i < count;i++) { float time = nif->getFloat(); readTBC(nifReference, key); mKeys[time] = key; } } //XYZ keys aren't actually read here. //data.hpp sees that the last type read was sXYZInterpolation and: // Eats a floating point number, then // Re-runs the read function 3 more times. // When it does that it's reading in a bunch of sLinearInterpolation keys, not sXYZInterpolation. else if(mInterpolationType == sXYZInterpolation) { //Don't try to read XYZ keys into the wrong part if ( count != 1 ) { std::stringstream error; error << "XYZ_ROTATION_KEY count should always be '1' . Retrieved Value: " << count; nif->file->fail(error.str()); } } else if (0 == mInterpolationType) { if (count != 0) nif->file->fail("Interpolation type 0 doesn't work with keys"); } else { std::stringstream error; error << "Unhandled interpolation type: " << mInterpolationType; nif->file->fail(error.str()); } } private: static void readValue(NIFStream &nif, KeyT<T> &key) { key.mValue = (nif.*getValue)(); } template <typename U> static void readQuadratic(NIFStream &nif, KeyT<U> &key) { readValue(nif, key); /*key.mForwardValue = */(nif.*getValue)(); /*key.mBackwardValue = */(nif.*getValue)(); } static void readTBC(NIFStream &nif, KeyT<T> &key) { readValue(nif, key); /*key.mTension = */nif.getFloat(); /*key.mBias = */nif.getFloat(); /*key.mContinuity = */nif.getFloat(); } }; typedef KeyMapT<float,&NIFStream::getFloat> FloatKeyMap; typedef KeyMapT<osg::Vec3f,&NIFStream::getVector3> Vector3KeyMap; typedef KeyMapT<osg::Vec4f,&NIFStream::getVector4> Vector4KeyMap; typedef KeyMapT<osg::Quat,&NIFStream::getQuaternion> QuaternionKeyMap; } // Namespace #endif //#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_NIF_NIFKEY_HPP