/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 cc9cii This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. cc9cii cc9c@iinet.net.au Much of the information on the data structures are based on the information from Tes4Mod:Mod_File_Format and Tes5Mod:File_Formats but also refined by trial & error. See http://en.uesp.net/wiki for details. Also see https://tes5edit.github.io/fopdoc/ for FO3/FONV specific details. */ #ifndef ESM4_SCRIPT_H #define ESM4_SCRIPT_H #include <cstdint> #include <string> #include <vector> namespace ESM4 { enum EmotionType { EMO_Neutral = 0, EMO_Anger = 1, EMO_Disgust = 2, EMO_Fear = 3, EMO_Sad = 4, EMO_Happy = 5, EMO_Surprise = 6, EMO_Pained = 7 // FO3/FONV }; enum ConditionTypeAndFlag { // flag CTF_Combine = 0x01, CTF_RunOnTarget = 0x02, CTF_UseGlobal = 0x04, // condition CTF_EqualTo = 0x00, CTF_NotEqualTo = 0x20, CTF_GreaterThan = 0x40, CTF_GrThOrEqTo = 0x60, CTF_LessThan = 0x80, CTF_LeThOrEqTo = 0xA0 }; enum FunctionIndices { FUN_GetDistance = 1, FUN_GetLocked = 5, FUN_GetPos = 6, FUN_GetAngle = 8, FUN_GetStartingPos = 10, FUN_GetStartingAngle = 11, FUN_GetSecondsPassed = 12, FUN_GetActorValue = 14, FUN_GetCurrentTime = 18, FUN_GetScale = 24, FUN_IsMoving = 25, FUN_IsTurning = 26, FUN_GetLineOfSight = 27, FUN_GetIsInSameCell = 32, FUN_GetDisabled = 35, FUN_GetMenuMode = 36, FUN_GetDisease = 39, FUN_GetVampire = 40, FUN_GetClothingValue = 41, FUN_SameFaction = 42, FUN_SameRace = 43, FUN_SameSex = 44, FUN_GetDetected = 45, FUN_GetDead = 46, FUN_GetItemCount = 47, FUN_GetGold = 48, FUN_GetSleeping = 49, FUN_GetTalkedToPC = 50, FUN_GetScriptVariable = 53, FUN_GetQuestRunning = 56, FUN_GetStage = 58, FUN_GetStageDone = 59, FUN_GetFactionRankDifference = 60, FUN_GetAlarmed = 61, FUN_IsRaining = 62, FUN_GetAttacked = 63, FUN_GetIsCreature = 64, FUN_GetLockLevel = 65, FUN_GetShouldAttack = 66, FUN_GetInCell = 67, FUN_GetIsClass = 68, FUN_GetIsRace = 69, FUN_GetIsSex = 70, FUN_GetInFaction = 71, FUN_GetIsID = 72, FUN_GetFactionRank = 73, FUN_GetGlobalValue = 74, FUN_IsSnowing = 75, FUN_GetDisposition = 76, FUN_GetRandomPercent = 77, FUN_GetQuestVariable = 79, FUN_GetLevel = 80, FUN_GetArmorRating = 81, FUN_GetDeadCount = 84, FUN_GetIsAlerted = 91, FUN_GetPlayerControlsDisabled = 98, FUN_GetHeadingAngle = 99, FUN_IsWeaponOut = 101, FUN_IsTorchOut = 102, FUN_IsShieldOut = 103, FUN_IsFacingUp = 106, FUN_GetKnockedState = 107, FUN_GetWeaponAnimType = 108, FUN_IsWeaponSkillType = 109, FUN_GetCurrentAIPackage = 110, FUN_IsWaiting = 111, FUN_IsIdlePlaying = 112, FUN_GetMinorCrimeCount = 116, FUN_GetMajorCrimeCount = 117, FUN_GetActorAggroRadiusViolated = 118, FUN_GetCrime = 122, FUN_IsGreetingPlayer = 123, FUN_IsGuard = 125, FUN_HasBeenEaten = 127, FUN_GetFatiguePercentage = 128, FUN_GetPCIsClass = 129, FUN_GetPCIsRace = 130, FUN_GetPCIsSex = 131, FUN_GetPCInFaction = 132, FUN_SameFactionAsPC = 133, FUN_SameRaceAsPC = 134, FUN_SameSexAsPC = 135, FUN_GetIsReference = 136, FUN_IsTalking = 141, FUN_GetWalkSpeed = 142, FUN_GetCurrentAIProcedure = 143, FUN_GetTrespassWarningLevel = 144, FUN_IsTrespassing = 145, FUN_IsInMyOwnedCell = 146, FUN_GetWindSpeed = 147, FUN_GetCurrentWeatherPercent = 148, FUN_GetIsCurrentWeather = 149, FUN_IsContinuingPackagePCNear = 150, FUN_CanHaveFlames = 153, FUN_HasFlames = 154, FUN_GetOpenState = 157, FUN_GetSitting = 159, FUN_GetFurnitureMarkerID = 160, FUN_GetIsCurrentPackage = 161, FUN_IsCurrentFurnitureRef = 162, FUN_IsCurrentFurnitureObj = 163, FUN_GetDayofWeek = 170, FUN_GetTalkedToPCParam = 172, FUN_IsPCSleeping = 175, FUN_IsPCAMurderer = 176, FUN_GetDetectionLevel = 180, FUN_GetEquipped = 182, FUN_IsSwimming = 185, FUN_GetAmountSoldStolen = 190, FUN_GetIgnoreCrime = 192, FUN_GetPCExpelled = 193, FUN_GetPCFactionMurder = 195, FUN_GetPCEnemyofFaction = 197, FUN_GetPCFactionAttack = 199, FUN_GetDestroyed = 203, FUN_HasMagicEffect = 214, FUN_GetDefaultOpen = 215, FUN_GetAnimAction = 219, FUN_IsSpellTarget = 223, FUN_GetVATSMode = 224, FUN_GetPersuasionNumber = 225, FUN_GetSandman = 226, FUN_GetCannibal = 227, FUN_GetIsClassDefault = 228, FUN_GetClassDefaultMatch = 229, FUN_GetInCellParam = 230, FUN_GetVatsTargetHeight = 235, FUN_GetIsGhost = 237, FUN_GetUnconscious = 242, FUN_GetRestrained = 244, FUN_GetIsUsedItem = 246, FUN_GetIsUsedItemType = 247, FUN_GetIsPlayableRace = 254, FUN_GetOffersServicesNow = 255, FUN_GetUsedItemLevel = 258, FUN_GetUsedItemActivate = 259, FUN_GetBarterGold = 264, FUN_IsTimePassing = 265, FUN_IsPleasant = 266, FUN_IsCloudy = 267, FUN_GetArmorRatingUpperBody = 274, FUN_GetBaseActorValue = 277, FUN_IsOwner = 278, FUN_IsCellOwner = 280, FUN_IsHorseStolen = 282, FUN_IsLeftUp = 285, FUN_IsSneaking = 286, FUN_IsRunning = 287, FUN_GetFriendHit = 288, FUN_IsInCombat = 289, FUN_IsInInterior = 300, FUN_IsWaterObject = 304, FUN_IsActorUsingATorch = 306, FUN_IsXBox = 309, FUN_GetInWorldspace = 310, FUN_GetPCMiscStat = 312, FUN_IsActorEvil = 313, FUN_IsActorAVictim = 314, FUN_GetTotalPersuasionNumber = 315, FUN_GetIdleDoneOnce = 318, FUN_GetNoRumors = 320, FUN_WhichServiceMenu = 323, FUN_IsRidingHorse = 327, FUN_IsInDangerousWater = 332, FUN_GetIgnoreFriendlyHits = 338, FUN_IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse = 339, FUN_IsActor = 353, FUN_IsEssential = 354, FUN_IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace = 358, FUN_GetTimeDead = 361, FUN_GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse = 362, FUN_IsChild = 365, FUN_GetLastPlayerAction = 367, FUN_IsPlayerActionActive = 368, FUN_IsTalkingActivatorActor = 370, FUN_IsInList = 372, FUN_GetHasNote = 382, FUN_GetHitLocation = 391, FUN_IsPC1stPerson = 392, FUN_GetCauseofDeath = 397, FUN_IsLimbGone = 398, FUN_IsWeaponInList = 399, FUN_HasFriendDisposition = 403, FUN_GetVATSValue = 408, FUN_IsKiller = 409, FUN_IsKillerObject = 410, FUN_GetFactionCombatReaction = 411, FUN_Exists = 415, FUN_GetGroupMemberCount = 416, FUN_GetGroupTargetCount = 417, FUN_GetObjectiveCompleted = 420, FUN_GetObjectiveDisplayed = 421, FUN_GetIsVoiceType = 427, FUN_GetPlantedExplosive = 428, FUN_IsActorTalkingThroughActivator = 430, FUN_GetHealthPercentage = 431, FUN_GetIsObjectType = 433, FUN_GetDialogueEmotion = 435, FUN_GetDialogueEmotionValue = 436, FUN_GetIsCreatureType = 438, FUN_GetInZone = 446, FUN_HasPerk = 449, FUN_GetFactionRelation = 450, FUN_IsLastIdlePlayed = 451, FUN_GetPlayerTeammate = 454, FUN_GetPlayerTeammateCount = 455, FUN_GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy = 459, FUN_GetActorFactionPlayerEnemy = 460, FUN_IsPlayerTagSkill = 462, FUN_IsPlayerGrabbedRef = 464, FUN_GetDestructionStage = 471, FUN_GetIsAlignment = 474, FUN_GetThreatRatio = 478, FUN_GetIsUsedItemEquipType = 480, FUN_GetConcussed = 489, FUN_GetMapMarkerVisible = 492, FUN_GetPermanentActorValue = 495, FUN_GetKillingBlowLimb = 496, FUN_GetWeaponHealthPerc = 500, FUN_GetRadiationLevel = 503, FUN_GetLastHitCritical = 510, FUN_IsCombatTarget = 515, FUN_GetVATSRightAreaFree = 518, FUN_GetVATSLeftAreaFree = 519, FUN_GetVATSBackAreaFree = 520, FUN_GetVATSFrontAreaFree = 521, FUN_GetIsLockBroken = 522, FUN_IsPS3 = 523, FUN_IsWin32 = 524, FUN_GetVATSRightTargetVisible = 525, FUN_GetVATSLeftTargetVisible = 526, FUN_GetVATSBackTargetVisible = 527, FUN_GetVATSFrontTargetVisible = 528, FUN_IsInCriticalStage = 531, FUN_GetXPForNextLevel = 533, FUN_GetQuestCompleted = 546, FUN_IsGoreDisabled = 550, FUN_GetSpellUsageNum = 555, FUN_GetActorsInHigh = 557, FUN_HasLoaded3D = 558, FUN_GetReputation = 573, FUN_GetReputationPct = 574, FUN_GetReputationThreshold = 575, FUN_IsHardcore = 586, FUN_GetForceHitReaction = 601, FUN_ChallengeLocked = 607, FUN_GetCasinoWinningStage = 610, FUN_PlayerInRegion = 612, FUN_GetChallengeCompleted = 614, FUN_IsAlwaysHardcore = 619 }; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct TargetResponseData { std::uint32_t emoType; // EmotionType std::int32_t emoValue; std::uint32_t unknown1; std::uint32_t responseNo; // 1 byte + padding // below FO3/FONV FormId sound; // when 20 bytes usually 0 but there are exceptions (FO3 INFO FormId = 0x0002241f) std::uint32_t flags; // 1 byte + padding (0x01 = use emotion anim) }; struct TargetCondition { std::uint32_t condition; // ConditionTypeAndFlag + padding float comparison; // WARN: can be GLOB FormId if flag set std::uint32_t functionIndex; std::uint32_t param1; // FIXME: if formid needs modindex adjustment or not? std::uint32_t param2; std::uint32_t runOn; // 0 subject, 1 target, 2 reference, 3 combat target, 4 linked reference // below FO3/FONV/TES5 FormId reference; }; struct ScriptHeader { std::uint32_t unused; std::uint32_t refCount; std::uint32_t compiledSize; std::uint32_t variableCount; std::uint16_t type; // 0 object, 1 quest, 0x100 effect std::uint16_t flag; // 0x01 enabled }; #pragma pack(pop) struct ScriptLocalVariableData { // SLSD std::uint32_t index; std::uint32_t unknown1; std::uint32_t unknown2; std::uint32_t unknown3; std::uint32_t type; std::uint32_t unknown4; // SCVR std::string variableName; void clear() { index = 0; type = 0; variableName.clear(); } }; struct ScriptDefinition { ScriptHeader scriptHeader; // SDCA compiled source std::string scriptSource; std::vector<ScriptLocalVariableData> localVarData; std::vector<std::uint32_t> localRefVarIndex; FormId globReference; }; } #endif // ESM4_SCRIPT_H