#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SETTINGS_CATEGORIES_SHADERS_H #define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SETTINGS_CATEGORIES_SHADERS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Settings { struct ShadersCategory : WithIndex { using WithIndex::WithIndex; SettingValue mForceShaders{ mIndex, "Shaders", "force shaders" }; SettingValue mForcePerPixelLighting{ mIndex, "Shaders", "force per pixel lighting" }; SettingValue mClampLighting{ mIndex, "Shaders", "clamp lighting" }; SettingValue mAutoUseObjectNormalMaps{ mIndex, "Shaders", "auto use object normal maps" }; SettingValue mAutoUseObjectSpecularMaps{ mIndex, "Shaders", "auto use object specular maps" }; SettingValue mAutoUseTerrainNormalMaps{ mIndex, "Shaders", "auto use terrain normal maps" }; SettingValue mAutoUseTerrainSpecularMaps{ mIndex, "Shaders", "auto use terrain specular maps" }; SettingValue mNormalMapPattern{ mIndex, "Shaders", "normal map pattern" }; SettingValue mNormalHeightMapPattern{ mIndex, "Shaders", "normal height map pattern" }; SettingValue mSpecularMapPattern{ mIndex, "Shaders", "specular map pattern" }; SettingValue mTerrainSpecularMapPattern{ mIndex, "Shaders", "terrain specular map pattern" }; SettingValue mApplyLightingToEnvironmentMaps{ mIndex, "Shaders", "apply lighting to environment maps" }; SettingValue mLightingMethod{ mIndex, "Shaders", "lighting method" }; SettingValue mClassicFalloff{ mIndex, "Shaders", "classic falloff" }; SettingValue mMatchSunlightToSun{ mIndex, "Shaders", "match sunlight to sun" }; SettingValue mLightBoundsMultiplier{ mIndex, "Shaders", "light bounds multiplier", makeClampSanitizerFloat(0, 5) }; SettingValue mMaximumLightDistance{ mIndex, "Shaders", "maximum light distance", makeMaxSanitizerFloat(0) }; SettingValue mLightFadeStart{ mIndex, "Shaders", "light fade start", makeClampSanitizerFloat(0, 1) }; SettingValue mMaxLights{ mIndex, "Shaders", "max lights", makeClampSanitizerInt(2, 64) }; SettingValue mMinimumInteriorBrightness{ mIndex, "Shaders", "minimum interior brightness", makeClampSanitizerFloat(0, 1) }; SettingValue mAntialiasAlphaTest{ mIndex, "Shaders", "antialias alpha test" }; SettingValue mAdjustCoverageForAlphaTest{ mIndex, "Shaders", "adjust coverage for alpha test" }; SettingValue mSoftParticles{ mIndex, "Shaders", "soft particles" }; SettingValue mWeatherParticleOcclusion{ mIndex, "Shaders", "weather particle occlusion" }; SettingValue mWeatherParticleOcclusionSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize{ mIndex, "Shaders", "weather particle occlusion small feature culling pixel size" }; }; } #endif