#include "loaddial.hpp" #include "esmreader.hpp" #include "esmwriter.hpp" #include namespace ESM { void Dialogue::load(ESMReader& esm, bool& isDeleted) { loadId(esm); loadData(esm, isDeleted); } void Dialogue::loadId(ESMReader& esm) { if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion) { mStringId = esm.getHNString("NAME"); mId = ESM::RefId::stringRefId(mStringId); return; } if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxNameIsRefIdOnlyFormatVersion) { mId = esm.getHNRefId("NAME"); return; } mId = esm.getHNRefId("ID__"); } void Dialogue::loadData(ESMReader& esm, bool& isDeleted) { isDeleted = false; while (esm.hasMoreSubs()) { esm.getSubName(); switch (esm.retSubName().toInt()) { case fourCC("DATA"): { esm.getSubHeader(); int size = esm.getSubSize(); if (size == 1) { esm.getT(mType); } else { esm.skip(size); mType = Unknown; } break; } case SREC_DELE: esm.skipHSub(); mType = Unknown; isDeleted = true; break; case SREC_NAME: mStringId = esm.getHString(); break; default: esm.fail("Unknown subrecord"); break; } } if (!isDeleted && MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion < esm.getFormatVersion() && esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxNameIsRefIdOnlyFormatVersion) mStringId = mId.toString(); } void Dialogue::save(ESMWriter& esm, bool isDeleted) const { if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion) { if (mId != mStringId) throw std::runtime_error("Trying to save Dialogue record with name \"" + mStringId + "\" not maching id " + mId.toDebugString()); esm.writeHNString("NAME", mStringId); } else if (esm.getFormatVersion() <= MaxNameIsRefIdOnlyFormatVersion) esm.writeHNRefId("NAME", mId); else esm.writeHNRefId("ID__", mId); if (isDeleted) { esm.writeHNString("DELE", "", 3); } else { if (esm.getFormatVersion() > MaxNameIsRefIdOnlyFormatVersion) esm.writeHNString("NAME", mStringId); esm.writeHNT("DATA", mType); } } void Dialogue::blank() { mType = Unknown; mInfo.clear(); } void Dialogue::readInfo(ESMReader& esm) { DialInfo info; bool isDeleted = false; info.load(esm, isDeleted); mInfoOrder.insertInfo(std::move(info), isDeleted); } void Dialogue::setUp() { mInfoOrder.removeDeleted(); mInfoOrder.extractOrderedInfo(mInfo); } }