#include "mousestate.hpp"

#include <OgreSceneNode.h>
#include <OgreSceneManager.h>
#include <OgreEntity.h>
#include <OgreMeshManager.h>

#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QElapsedTimer>

#include "../../model/settings/usersettings.hpp"
#include "../world/physicssystem.hpp"

#include "elements.hpp"
#include "worldspacewidget.hpp"

namespace CSVRender
    // mouse picking
    // FIXME: need to virtualise mouse buttons
    // State machine:
    // [default] mousePressEvent->check if the mouse is pointing at an object
    //         if yes, create collision planes then go to [grab]
    //         else check for terrain
    // [grab]  mouseReleaseEvent->if same button and new obj, go to [edit]
    //         mouseMoveEvent->if same button, go to [drag]
    //         other mouse events or buttons, go back to [default] (i.e. like 'cancel')
    // [drag]  mouseReleaseEvent->if same button, place the object at the new
    //         location, update the document then go to [edit]
    //         mouseMoveEvent->update position to the user based on ray to the collision
    //         planes and render the object at the new location, but do not update
    //         the document yet
    // [edit]  TODO, probably fine positional adjustments or rotations; clone/delete?
    //               press               press (obj)
    //   [default] --------> [grab] <-------------------- [edit]
    //       ^       (obj)    |  |  ------> [drag] ----->   ^
    //       |                |  |   move     ^ |  release  |
    //       |                |  |            | |           |
    //       |                |  |            +-+           |
    //       |                |  |            move          |
    //       +----------------+  +--------------------------+
    //            release                  release
    //           (same obj)               (new obj)

    MouseState::MouseState(WorldspaceWidget *parent)
        : mParent(parent), mPhysics(parent->getPhysics()), mSceneManager(parent->getSceneManager())
        , mCurrentObj(""), mMouseState(Mouse_Default), mOldPos(0,0), mMouseEventTimer(0), mPlane(0)
        , mGrabbedSceneNode(""), mOrigObjPos(Ogre::Vector3()), mOrigMousePos(Ogre::Vector3())
        , mCurrentMousePos(Ogre::Vector3()), mOffset(0.0f)
        mMouseEventTimer = new QElapsedTimer();

        std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3> planeRes = planeAxis();
        mPlane = new Ogre::Plane(planeRes.first, 0);
        Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane("mouse",
            300000,300000, // FIXME: use far clip dist?
            1,1, // segments
            true,  // normals
            1,     // numTexCoordSets
            1,1, // uTile, vTile
            planeRes.second // upVector

    MouseState::~MouseState ()
        delete mMouseEventTimer;
        delete mPlane;

    void MouseState::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
            case Mouse_Grab:
                // check if min elapsed time to stop false detection of drag
                if(!mMouseEventTimer->isValid() || !mMouseEventTimer->hasExpired(100)) // ms

                mMouseState = Mouse_Drag;

                /* FALL_THROUGH */
            case Mouse_Drag:
                if(event->pos() != mOldPos) // TODO: maybe don't update less than a quantum?
                    mOldPos = event->pos();

                    // ray test against the plane to provide feedback to the user the
                    // relative movement of the object on the x-y plane
                    std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> planeResult = mousePositionOnPlane(event->pos(), *mPlane);
                        if(mGrabbedSceneNode != "")
                            std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3> planeRes = planeAxis();
                            Ogre::Vector3 pos = mOrigObjPos + planeRes.first*mOffset;
                            mCurrentMousePos = planeResult.second;
                            mPhysics->moveSceneNodes(mGrabbedSceneNode, pos+planeResult.second-mOrigMousePos);
            case Mouse_Edit:
            case Mouse_Default:
                break; // error event, ignore
            /* NO_DEFAULT_CASE */

    void MouseState::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
            case Mouse_Grab:
            case Mouse_Drag:
                if(0 /*event->buttons() & ~Qt::RightButton*/)
                    // cancel operation & return the object to the original position
                    placeObject(mGrabbedSceneNode, mOrigObjPos);
                    mMouseState = Mouse_Default;

                    // reset states
                    mCurrentMousePos = Ogre::Vector3();
                    mOrigMousePos = Ogre::Vector3();
                    mOrigObjPos = Ogre::Vector3();
                    mGrabbedSceneNode = "";
                    mCurrentObj = "";
                    mOldPos = QPoint(0, 0);
                    mOffset = 0.0f;
            case Mouse_Edit:
            case Mouse_Default:
                if(event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton)
                    std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> result = objectUnderCursor(event->x(), event->y());
                    if(result.first == "")

                    mGrabbedSceneNode = result.first;
                    // ray test agaist the plane to get a starting position of the
                    // mouse in relation to the object position
                    std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3> planeRes = planeAxis();
                    mPlane->redefine(planeRes.first, result.second);
                    std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> planeResult = mousePositionOnPlane(event->pos(), *mPlane);
                        mOrigMousePos = planeResult.second;
                        mCurrentMousePos = planeResult.second;
                        mOffset = 0.0f;

                    mOrigObjPos = mSceneManager->getSceneNode(mGrabbedSceneNode)->getPosition();

                    mMouseState = Mouse_Grab;
            /* NO_DEFAULT_CASE */

    void MouseState::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
            case Mouse_Grab:
                std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> result = objectUnderCursor(event->x(), event->y());
                if(result.first != "")
                    if(result.first == mCurrentObj)
                        // unselect object
                        mMouseState = Mouse_Default;
                        mCurrentObj = "";
                        // select object
                        mMouseState = Mouse_Edit;
                        mCurrentObj = result.first;

                    // print some debug info
                        std::string referenceId = mPhysics->sceneNodeToRefId(result.first);
                        std::cout << "ReferenceId: " << referenceId << std::endl;
                        const CSMWorld::RefCollection& references = mParent->mDocument.getData().getReferences();
                        int index = references.searchId(referenceId);
                        if (index != -1)
                            int columnIndex =
                            std::cout << "  index: " + QString::number(index).toStdString()
                                      +", column index: " + QString::number(columnIndex).toStdString()
                                      << std::endl;
            case Mouse_Drag:
                // final placement
                std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> planeResult = mousePositionOnPlane(event->pos(), *mPlane);
                    if(mGrabbedSceneNode != "")
                        std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3> planeRes = planeAxis();
                        Ogre::Vector3 pos = mOrigObjPos+planeRes.first*mOffset+planeResult.second-mOrigMousePos;
                        placeObject(mGrabbedSceneNode, pos);
                        //mCurrentObj = mGrabbedSceneNode; // FIXME
                        mCurrentObj = "";                   // whether the object is selected

                        // reset states
                        mCurrentMousePos = Ogre::Vector3(); // mouse pos to use in wheel event
                        mOrigMousePos = Ogre::Vector3();    // starting pos of mouse in world space
                        mOrigObjPos = Ogre::Vector3();      // starting pos of object in world space
                        mGrabbedSceneNode = "";             // id of the object
                        mOffset = 0.0f;                    // used for z-axis movement
                        mOldPos = QPoint(0, 0);             // to calculate relative movement of mouse
                                                            //  on screen

                        // FIXME: update document
                        // FIXME: highlight current object?
                        mMouseState = Mouse_Edit;
            case Mouse_Edit:
            case Mouse_Default:
                // probably terrain, check
                std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> result = terrainUnderCursor(event->x(), event->y());
                if(result.first != "")
                        std::cout << "terrain: " << result.first << std::endl;
                        std::cout << "  hit pos "+ QString::number(result.second.x).toStdString()
                                + ", " + QString::number(result.second.y).toStdString()
                                + ", " + QString::number(result.second.z).toStdString() << std::endl;
            /* NO_DEFAULT_CASE */

    void MouseState::mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
        if(0 && isDebug()) // disable
            // FIXME: OEngine::PhysicEngine creates only one child scene node for the
            // debug drawer.  Hence only the first subview that creates the debug drawer
            // can view the debug lines.  Will need to keep a map in OEngine if multiple
            // subviews are to be supported.
            mPhysics->addSceneManager(mSceneManager, mParent);

    bool MouseState::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event)
            case Mouse_Grab:
                mMouseState = Mouse_Drag;

                /* FALL_THROUGH */
            case Mouse_Drag:
                // move the object along the z axis during Mouse_Drag or Mouse_Grab
                if (event->delta())
                    // seems positive is up and negative is down
                    mOffset += (event->delta()/1); // FIXME: arbitrary number, make config option?

                    std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3> planeRes = planeAxis();
                    Ogre::Vector3 pos = mOrigObjPos + planeRes.first*mOffset;
                    mPhysics->moveSceneNodes(mGrabbedSceneNode, pos+mCurrentMousePos-mOrigMousePos);
            case Mouse_Edit:
            case Mouse_Default:
                return false;
            /* NO_DEFAULT_CASE */

        return true;

    //plane Z, upvector Y, mOffset z : x-y plane, wheel up/down
    //plane Y, upvector X, mOffset y : y-z plane, wheel left/right
    //plane X, upvector Y, mOffset x : x-z plane, wheel closer/further
    std::pair<Ogre::Vector3, Ogre::Vector3> MouseState::planeAxis()
        CSMSettings::UserSettings &userSettings = CSMSettings::UserSettings::instance();
        QString coord =  userSettings.setting("debug/mouse-reference", QString("screen"));
        Ogre::Vector3 dir = getCamera()->getDerivedDirection();

        QString wheelDir =  userSettings.setting("debug/mouse-wheel", QString("Closer/Further"));
        if(wheelDir == "Left/Right")
            if(coord == "world")
                return std::make_pair(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);
                return std::make_pair(getCamera()->getDerivedRight(), getCamera()->getDerivedUp());
        else if(wheelDir == "Up/Down")
            if(coord == "world")
                return std::make_pair(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X);
                return std::make_pair(getCamera()->getDerivedUp(), Ogre::Vector3(-dir.x, -dir.y, -dir.z));
            if(coord == "world")
                return std::make_pair(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);
                return std::make_pair(Ogre::Vector3(-dir.x, -dir.y, -dir.z), getCamera()->getDerivedRight());

    std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> MouseState::mousePositionOnPlane(const QPoint &pos, const Ogre::Plane &plane)
        // using a really small value seems to mess up with the projections
        float nearClipDistance = getCamera()->getNearClipDistance(); // save existing
        getCamera()->setNearClipDistance(10.0f);  // arbitrary number
        Ogre::Ray mouseRay = getCamera()->getCameraToViewportRay(
            (float) pos.x() / getViewport()->getActualWidth(),
            (float) pos.y() / getViewport()->getActualHeight());
        getCamera()->setNearClipDistance(nearClipDistance); // restore
        std::pair<bool, float> planeResult = mouseRay.intersects(plane);

            return std::make_pair(true, mouseRay.getPoint(planeResult.second));
            return std::make_pair(false, Ogre::Vector3()); // should only happen if the plane is too small

    std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> MouseState::terrainUnderCursor(const int mouseX, const int mouseY)
            return std::make_pair("", Ogre::Vector3());

        float x = (float) mouseX / getViewport()->getActualWidth();
        float y = (float) mouseY / getViewport()->getActualHeight();

        std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> result = mPhysics->castRay(x, y, mSceneManager, getCamera());
        if(result.first != "")
            // FIXME: is there  a better way to distinguish terrain from objects?
            QString name  = QString(result.first.c_str());
                return result;

        return std::make_pair("", Ogre::Vector3());

    std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> MouseState::objectUnderCursor(const int mouseX, const int mouseY)
            return std::make_pair("", Ogre::Vector3());

        float x = (float) mouseX / getViewport()->getActualWidth();
        float y = (float) mouseY / getViewport()->getActualHeight();

        std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> result = mPhysics->castRay(x, y, mSceneManager, getCamera());
        if(result.first != "")
            // NOTE: anything not terrain is assumed to be an object
            QString name  = QString(result.first.c_str());
                uint32_t visibilityMask = getViewport()->getVisibilityMask();
                bool ignoreObjects = !(visibilityMask & (uint32_t)CSVRender::Element_Reference);

                if(!ignoreObjects && mSceneManager->hasSceneNode(result.first))
                    return result;

        return std::make_pair("", Ogre::Vector3());

    void MouseState::placeObject(const std::string sceneNode, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos)

        // update physics
        std::string refId = mPhysics->sceneNodeToRefId(sceneNode);
        const CSMWorld::CellRef& cellref = mParent->mDocument.getData().getReferences().getRecord (refId).get();
        Ogre::Quaternion xr (Ogre::Radian (-cellref.mPos.rot[0]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X);
        Ogre::Quaternion yr (Ogre::Radian (-cellref.mPos.rot[1]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);
        Ogre::Quaternion zr (Ogre::Radian (-cellref.mPos.rot[2]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);

        // FIXME: adjustRigidBody() seems to lose objects, work around by deleting and recreating objects
        //mPhysics->moveObject(sceneNode, pos, xr*yr*zr);
        mPhysics->replaceObject(sceneNode, cellref.mScale, pos, xr*yr*zr);

        // update all SceneWidgets and their SceneManagers

    void MouseState::updateSceneWidgets()
        std::map<Ogre::SceneManager*, CSVRender::SceneWidget *> sceneWidgets = mPhysics->sceneWidgets();

        std::map<Ogre::SceneManager*, CSVRender::SceneWidget *>::iterator iter = sceneWidgets.begin();
        for(; iter != sceneWidgets.end(); ++iter)

    Ogre::Camera *MouseState::getCamera()
        return mParent->getCamera();

    Ogre::Viewport *MouseState::getViewport()
        return mParent->getCamera()->getViewport();

    bool MouseState::isDebug()
        CSMSettings::UserSettings &userSettings = CSMSettings::UserSettings::instance();

        return userSettings.setting("debug/mouse-picking", QString("false")) == "true" ? true : false;