#include <map>
#include <memory>

#include <apps/opencs/model/world/universalid.hpp>

#include <components/to_utf8/to_utf8.hpp>

#include <QObject>

#include "../doc/operationholder.hpp"

namespace CSMWorld
    class Data;

namespace CSMDoc
    class Operation;
    class Document;
    struct Message;

namespace CSMTools
    class ReportModel;
    class Search;
    class SearchOperation;
    class MergeOperation;

    class Tools : public QObject

        CSMDoc::Document& mDocument;
        CSMWorld::Data& mData;
        CSMDoc::Operation* mVerifierOperation;
        CSMDoc::OperationHolder mVerifier;
        SearchOperation* mSearchOperation;
        CSMDoc::OperationHolder mSearch;
        MergeOperation* mMergeOperation;
        CSMDoc::OperationHolder mMerge;
        std::map<int, ReportModel*> mReports;
        int mNextReportNumber;
        std::map<int, int> mActiveReports; // type, report number
        ToUTF8::FromType mEncoding;

        // not implemented
        Tools(const Tools&);
        Tools& operator=(const Tools&);

        CSMDoc::OperationHolder* getVerifier();

        CSMDoc::OperationHolder* get(int type);
        ///< Returns a 0-pointer, if operation hasn't been used yet.

        const CSMDoc::OperationHolder* get(int type) const;
        ///< Returns a 0-pointer, if operation hasn't been used yet.

        Tools(CSMDoc::Document& document, ToUTF8::FromType encoding);

        virtual ~Tools();

        /// \param reportId If a valid VerificationResults ID, run verifier for the
        /// specified report instead of creating a new one.
        /// \return ID of the report for this verification run
        CSMWorld::UniversalId runVerifier(const CSMWorld::UniversalId& reportId = CSMWorld::UniversalId());

        /// Return ID of the report for this search.
        CSMWorld::UniversalId newSearch();

        void runSearch(const CSMWorld::UniversalId& searchId, const Search& search);

        void runMerge(std::unique_ptr<CSMDoc::Document> target);

        void abortOperation(int type);
        ///< \attention The operation is not aborted immediately.

        int getRunningOperations() const;

        ReportModel* getReport(const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id);
        ///< The ownership of the returned report is not transferred.

    private slots:

        void verifierMessage(const CSMDoc::Message& message, int type);


        void progress(int current, int max, int type);

        void done(int type, bool failed);

        /// \attention When this signal is emitted, *this hands over the ownership of the
        /// document. This signal must be handled to avoid a leak.
        void mergeDone(CSMDoc::Document* document);
