local ui = require('openmw.ui') local util = require('openmw.util') local self = require('openmw.self') local core = require('openmw.core') local ambient = require('openmw.ambient') local MODE = ui._getAllUiModes() local WINDOW = ui._getAllWindowIds() local replacedWindows = {} local hiddenWindows = {} local modeStack = {} local modePause = {} for _, mode in pairs(MODE) do modePause[mode] = true end local function registerWindow(window, showFn, hideFn) if not WINDOW[window] then error('At the moment it is only possible to override existing windows. Window "'.. tostring(window)..'" not found.') end ui._setWindowDisabled(window, true) if replacedWindows[window] then replacedWindows[window].hideFn() end replacedWindows[window] = {showFn = showFn, hideFn = hideFn, visible = false} hiddenWindows[window] = nil end local function updateHidden(mode, options) local toHide = {} if options and options.windows then for _, w in pairs(ui._getAllowedWindows(mode)) do toHide[w] = true end for _, w in pairs(options.windows) do toHide[w] = nil end end for w, _ in pairs(hiddenWindows) do if toHide[w] then toHide[w] = nil else hiddenWindows[w] = nil if not replacedWindows[w] then ui._setWindowDisabled(w, false) end end end for w, _ in pairs(toHide) do hiddenWindows[w] = true if not replacedWindows[w] then ui._setWindowDisabled(w, true) end end end local function setMode(mode, options) local function impl() updateHidden(mode, options) ui._setUiModeStack({mode}, options and options.target) end if mode then if not pcall(impl) then error('Invalid mode: ' .. tostring(mode)) end else ui._setUiModeStack({}) end end local function addMode(mode, options) local function impl() updateHidden(mode, options) ui._setUiModeStack(modeStack, options and options.target) end modeStack[#modeStack + 1] = mode if not pcall(impl) then modeStack[#modeStack] = nil error('Invalid mode: ' .. tostring(mode)) end end local function removeMode(mode) local sizeBefore = #modeStack local j = 1 for i = 1, sizeBefore do if modeStack[i] ~= mode then modeStack[j] = modeStack[i] j = j + 1 end end for i = j, sizeBefore do modeStack[i] = nil end if sizeBefore > #modeStack then ui._setUiModeStack(modeStack) end end local oldMode = nil local function onUiModeChanged(changedByLua, arg) local newStack = ui._getUiModeStack() for i = 1, math.max(#modeStack, #newStack) do modeStack[i] = newStack[i] end for w, state in pairs(replacedWindows) do if state.visible then state.hideFn() state.visible = false end end local mode = newStack[#newStack] if mode then if not changedByLua then updateHidden(mode) end for _, w in pairs(ui._getAllowedWindows(mode)) do local state = replacedWindows[w] if state and not hiddenWindows[w] then state.showFn(arg) state.visible = true end end end local shouldPause = false for _, m in pairs(modeStack) do shouldPause = shouldPause or modePause[m] end if shouldPause then core.sendGlobalEvent('Pause', 'ui') else core.sendGlobalEvent('Unpause', 'ui') end self:sendEvent('UiModeChanged', {oldMode = oldMode, newMode = mode, arg = arg}) oldMode = mode end local function onUiModeChangedEvent(data) if data.oldMode == data.newMode then return end -- Sounds are processed in the event handler rather than in engine handler -- in order to allow them to be overridden in mods. if data.newMode == MODE.Journal or data.newMode == MODE.Book then ambient.playSound('book open', {scale = false}) elseif data.oldMode == MODE.Journal or data.oldMode == MODE.Book then if not ambient.isSoundPlaying('item book up') then ambient.playSound('book close', {scale = false}) end elseif data.newMode == MODE.Scroll or data.oldMode == MODE.Scroll then if not ambient.isSoundPlaying('item book up') then ambient.playSound('scroll', {scale = false}) end end end return { interfaceName = 'UI', --- -- @module UI -- @usage require('openmw.interfaces').UI interface = { --- Interface version -- @field [parent=#UI] #number version version = 1, --- All available UI modes. -- Use `view(I.UI.MODE)` in `luap` console mode to see the list. -- @field [parent=#UI] #table MODE MODE = util.makeStrictReadOnly(MODE), --- All windows. -- Use `view(I.UI.WINDOW)` in `luap` console mode to see the list. -- @field [parent=#UI] #table WINDOW WINDOW = util.makeStrictReadOnly(WINDOW), --- Register new implementation for the window with given name; overrides previous implementation. -- Adding new windows is not supported yet. At the moment it is only possible to override built-in windows. -- @function [parent=#UI] registerWindow -- @param #string windowName -- @param #function showFn Callback that will be called when the window should become visible -- @param #function hideFn Callback that will be called when the window should be hidden registerWindow = registerWindow, --- Returns windows that can be shown in given mode. -- @function [parent=#UI] getWindowsForMode -- @param #string mode -- @return #table getWindowsForMode = ui._getAllowedWindows, --- Stack of currently active modes -- @field [parent=#UI] modes modes = util.makeReadOnly(modeStack), --- Get current mode (nil if all windows are closed), equivalent to `I.UI.modes[#I.UI.modes]` -- @function [parent=#UI] getMode -- @return #string getMode = function() return modeStack[#modeStack] end, --- Drop all active modes and set mode. -- @function [parent=#UI] setMode -- @param #string mode (optional) New mode -- @param #table options (optional) Table with keys 'windows' and/or 'target' (see example). -- @usage I.UI.setMode() -- drop all modes -- @usage I.UI.setMode('Interface') -- drop all modes and open interface -- @usage -- Drop all modes, open interface, but show only the map window. -- I.UI.setMode('Interface', {windows = {'Map'}}) setMode = setMode, --- Add mode to stack without dropping other active modes. -- @function [parent=#UI] addMode -- @param #string mode New mode -- @param #table options (optional) Table with keys 'windows' and/or 'target' (see example). -- @usage I.UI.addMode('Journal') -- open journal without dropping active modes. -- @usage -- Open barter with an NPC -- I.UI.addMode('Barter', {target = actor}) addMode = addMode, --- Remove the specified mode from active modes. -- @function [parent=#UI] removeMode -- @param #string mode Mode to drop removeMode = removeMode, --- Set whether the mode should pause the game. -- @function [parent=#UI] setPauseOnMode -- @param #string mode Mode to configure -- @param #boolean shouldPause setPauseOnMode = function(mode, shouldPause) modePause[mode] = shouldPause end, --- Set whether the UI should be visible. -- @function [parent=#UI] setHudVisibility -- @param #boolean showHud setHudVisibility = function(showHud) ui._setHudVisibility(showHud) end, --- -- Returns if the player HUD is visible or not -- @function [parent=#UI] isHudVisible -- @return #bool isHudVisible = function() return ui._isHudVisible() end, -- TODO -- registerHudElement = function(name, showFn, hideFn) end, -- showHudElement = function(name, bool) end, -- hudElements, -- map from element name to its visibility }, engineHandlers = { _onUiModeChanged = onUiModeChanged, }, eventHandlers = { UiModeChanged = onUiModeChangedEvent, AddUiMode = function(options) addMode(options.mode, options) end, SetUiMode = function(options) setMode(options.mode, options) end, }, }