local core = require('openmw.core') local input = require('openmw.input') local self = require('openmw.self') local util = require('openmw.util') local ui = require('openmw.ui') local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor local Player = require('openmw.types').Player local storage = require('openmw.storage') local I = require('openmw.interfaces') local settingsGroup = 'SettingsOMWControls' local function boolSetting(key, default) return { key = key, renderer = 'checkbox', name = key, description = key..'Description', default = default, } end I.Settings.registerPage({ key = 'OMWControls', l10n = 'OMWControls', name = 'ControlsPage', description = 'ControlsPageDescription', }) I.Settings.registerGroup({ key = settingsGroup, page = 'OMWControls', l10n = 'OMWControls', name = 'MovementSettings', permanentStorage = true, settings = { boolSetting('alwaysRun', false), boolSetting('toggleSneak', false), }, }) local settings = storage.playerSection(settingsGroup) local attemptJump = false local startAttack = false local autoMove = false local movementControlsOverridden = false local combatControlsOverridden = false local function processMovement() local controllerMovement = -input.getAxisValue(input.CONTROLLER_AXIS.MoveForwardBackward) local controllerSideMovement = input.getAxisValue(input.CONTROLLER_AXIS.MoveLeftRight) if controllerMovement ~= 0 or controllerSideMovement ~= 0 then -- controller movement if util.vector2(controllerMovement, controllerSideMovement):length2() < 0.25 and not self.controls.sneak and Actor.isOnGround(self) and not Actor.isSwimming(self) then self.controls.run = false self.controls.movement = controllerMovement * 2 self.controls.sideMovement = controllerSideMovement * 2 else self.controls.run = true self.controls.movement = controllerMovement self.controls.sideMovement = controllerSideMovement end else -- keyboard movement self.controls.movement = 0 self.controls.sideMovement = 0 if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.MoveLeft) then self.controls.sideMovement = self.controls.sideMovement - 1 end if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.MoveRight) then self.controls.sideMovement = self.controls.sideMovement + 1 end if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.MoveBackward) then self.controls.movement = self.controls.movement - 1 end if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.MoveForward) then self.controls.movement = self.controls.movement + 1 end self.controls.run = input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.Run) ~= settings:get('alwaysRun') end if self.controls.movement ~= 0 or not Actor.canMove(self) then autoMove = false elseif autoMove then self.controls.movement = 1 end self.controls.jump = attemptJump and input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Jumping) if not settings:get('toggleSneak') then self.controls.sneak = input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.Sneak) end end local function processAttacking() if startAttack then self.controls.use = 1 elseif Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Spell then self.controls.use = 0 elseif input.getAxisValue(input.CONTROLLER_AXIS.TriggerRight) < 0.6 and not input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.Use) then -- The value "0.6" shouldn't exceed the triggering threshold in BindingsManager::actionValueChanged. -- TODO: Move more logic from BindingsManager to Lua and consider to make this threshold configurable. self.controls.use = 0 end end local function onFrame(dt) local controlsAllowed = input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) and not core.isWorldPaused() if not movementControlsOverridden then if controlsAllowed then processMovement() else self.controls.movement = 0 self.controls.sideMovement = 0 self.controls.jump = false end end if controlsAllowed and not combatControlsOverridden then processAttacking() end attemptJump = false startAttack = false end local function onInputAction(action) if core.isWorldPaused() or not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) then return end if action == input.ACTION.Jump then attemptJump = true elseif action == input.ACTION.Use then startAttack = Actor.stance(self) ~= Actor.STANCE.Nothing elseif action == input.ACTION.AutoMove and not movementControlsOverridden then autoMove = not autoMove elseif action == input.ACTION.AlwaysRun and not movementControlsOverridden then settings:set('alwaysRun', not settings:get('alwaysRun')) elseif action == input.ACTION.Sneak and not movementControlsOverridden then if settings:get('toggleSneak') then self.controls.sneak = not self.controls.sneak end elseif action == input.ACTION.ToggleSpell and not combatControlsOverridden then if Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Spell then Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Nothing) elseif input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Magic) then if Player.isWerewolf(self) then ui.showMessage(core.getGMST('sWerewolfRefusal')) else Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Spell) end end elseif action == input.ACTION.ToggleWeapon and not combatControlsOverridden then if Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Weapon then Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Nothing) elseif input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Fighting) then Actor.setStance(self, Actor.STANCE.Weapon) end end end return { engineHandlers = { onFrame = onFrame, onInputAction = onInputAction, }, interfaceName = 'Controls', --- -- @module Controls -- @usage require('openmw.interfaces').Controls interface = { --- Interface version -- @field [parent=#Controls] #number version version = 0, --- When set to true then the movement controls including jump and sneak are not processed and can be handled by another script. -- If movement should be dissallowed completely, consider to use `input.setControlSwitch` instead. -- @function [parent=#Controls] overrideMovementControls -- @param #boolean value overrideMovementControls = function(v) movementControlsOverridden = v end, --- When set to true then the controls "attack", "toggle spell", "toggle weapon" are not processed and can be handled by another script. -- If combat should be dissallowed completely, consider to use `input.setControlSwitch` instead. -- @function [parent=#Controls] overrideCombatControls -- @param #boolean value overrideCombatControls = function(v) combatControlsOverridden = v end, } }