#include "extensions.hpp"

#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "generator.hpp"
#include "literals.hpp"

namespace Compiler
        : mNextKeywordIndex(-1)

    int Extensions::searchKeyword(const std::string& keyword) const
        auto iter = mKeywords.find(keyword);
        if (iter == mKeywords.end())
            return 0;

        return iter->second;

    bool Extensions::isFunction(
        int keyword, ScriptReturn& returnType, ScriptArgs& argumentType, bool& explicitReference) const
        auto iter = mFunctions.find(keyword);
        if (iter == mFunctions.end())
            return false;

        if (explicitReference && iter->second.mCodeExplicit == -1)
            explicitReference = false;

        returnType = iter->second.mReturn;
        argumentType = iter->second.mArguments;
        return true;

    bool Extensions::isInstruction(int keyword, ScriptArgs& argumentType, bool& explicitReference) const
        auto iter = mInstructions.find(keyword);
        if (iter == mInstructions.end())
            return false;

        if (explicitReference && iter->second.mCodeExplicit == -1)
            explicitReference = false;

        argumentType = iter->second.mArguments;
        return true;

    void Extensions::registerFunction(
        std::string_view keyword, ScriptReturn returnType, std::string_view argumentType, int code, int codeExplicit)
        Function function;

        if (argumentType.find('/') == std::string_view::npos)
            function.mSegment = 5;
            assert(code >= 33554432 && code <= 67108863);
            assert(codeExplicit == -1 || (codeExplicit >= 33554432 && codeExplicit <= 67108863));
            function.mSegment = 3;
            assert(code >= 0x20000 && code <= 0x2ffff);
            assert(codeExplicit == -1 || (codeExplicit >= 0x20000 && codeExplicit <= 0x2ffff));

        int keywordIndex = mNextKeywordIndex--;

        mKeywords.emplace(keyword, keywordIndex);

        function.mReturn = returnType;
        function.mArguments = argumentType;
        function.mCode = code;
        function.mCodeExplicit = codeExplicit;

        mFunctions.emplace(keywordIndex, std::move(function));

    void Extensions::registerInstruction(
        std::string_view keyword, std::string_view argumentType, int code, int codeExplicit)
        Instruction instruction;

        if (argumentType.find('/') == std::string_view::npos)
            instruction.mSegment = 5;
            assert(code >= 33554432 && code <= 67108863);
            assert(codeExplicit == -1 || (codeExplicit >= 33554432 && codeExplicit <= 67108863));
            instruction.mSegment = 3;
            assert(code >= 0x20000 && code <= 0x2ffff);
            assert(codeExplicit == -1 || (codeExplicit >= 0x20000 && codeExplicit <= 0x2ffff));

        int keywordIndex = mNextKeywordIndex--;

        mKeywords.emplace(keyword, keywordIndex);

        instruction.mArguments = argumentType;
        instruction.mCode = code;
        instruction.mCodeExplicit = codeExplicit;

        mInstructions.emplace(keywordIndex, std::move(instruction));

    void Extensions::generateFunctionCode(int keyword, std::vector<Interpreter::Type_Code>& code, Literals& literals,
        const std::string& id, int optionalArguments) const
        assert(optionalArguments >= 0);

        auto iter = mFunctions.find(keyword);
        if (iter == mFunctions.end())
            throw std::logic_error("unknown custom function keyword");

        if (optionalArguments && iter->second.mSegment != 3)
            throw std::logic_error("functions with optional arguments must be placed into segment 3");

        if (!id.empty())
            if (iter->second.mCodeExplicit == -1)
                throw std::logic_error("explicit references not supported");

            int index = literals.addString(id);
            Generator::pushInt(code, literals, index);

        switch (iter->second.mSegment)
            case 3:

                if (optionalArguments >= 256)
                    throw std::logic_error("number of optional arguments is too large for segment 3");

                    id.empty() ? iter->second.mCode : iter->second.mCodeExplicit, optionalArguments));


            case 5:

                code.push_back(Generator::segment5(id.empty() ? iter->second.mCode : iter->second.mCodeExplicit));



                throw std::logic_error("unsupported code segment");

    void Extensions::generateInstructionCode(int keyword, std::vector<Interpreter::Type_Code>& code, Literals& literals,
        const std::string& id, int optionalArguments) const
        assert(optionalArguments >= 0);

        auto iter = mInstructions.find(keyword);
        if (iter == mInstructions.end())
            throw std::logic_error("unknown custom instruction keyword");

        if (optionalArguments && iter->second.mSegment != 3)
            throw std::logic_error("instructions with optional arguments must be placed into segment 3");

        if (!id.empty())
            if (iter->second.mCodeExplicit == -1)
                throw std::logic_error("explicit references not supported");

            int index = literals.addString(id);
            Generator::pushInt(code, literals, index);

        switch (iter->second.mSegment)
            case 3:

                if (optionalArguments >= 256)
                    throw std::logic_error("number of optional arguments is too large for segment 3");

                    id.empty() ? iter->second.mCode : iter->second.mCodeExplicit, optionalArguments));


            case 5:

                code.push_back(Generator::segment5(id.empty() ? iter->second.mCode : iter->second.mCodeExplicit));



                throw std::logic_error("unsupported code segment");

    void Extensions::listKeywords(std::vector<std::string>& keywords) const
        for (const auto& mKeyword : mKeywords)