#include "reader.hpp" //#ifdef NDEBUG //#undef NDEBUG //#endif #include <cassert> #include <stdexcept> #include <components/files/constrainedfilestream.hpp> #include "components/esm3/esmreader.hpp" #include "components/esm4/reader.hpp" namespace ESM { Reader* Reader::getReader(const std::string &filename) { Files::IStreamPtr esmStream(Files::openConstrainedFileStream (filename.c_str ())); std::uint32_t modVer = 0; // get the first 4 bytes of the record header only esmStream->read((char*)&modVer, sizeof(modVer)); if (esmStream->gcount() == sizeof(modVer)) { esmStream->seekg(0); if (modVer == ESM4::REC_TES4) { return new ESM4::Reader(esmStream, filename); } else { //return new ESM3::ESMReader(esmStream, filename); } } throw std::runtime_error("Unknown file format"); } bool Reader::getStringImpl(std::string& str, std::size_t size, Files::IStreamPtr filestream, ToUTF8::StatelessUtf8Encoder* encoder, bool hasNull) { std::size_t newSize = size; if (encoder) { std::string input(size, '\0'); filestream->read(input.data(), size); if (filestream->gcount() == static_cast<std::streamsize>(size)) { encoder->getUtf8(input, ToUTF8::BufferAllocationPolicy::FitToRequiredSize, str); return true; } } else { if (hasNull) newSize -= 1; // don't read the null terminator yet str.resize(newSize); // assumed C++11 filestream->read(&str[0], newSize); if ((std::size_t)filestream->gcount() == newSize) { if (hasNull) { char ch; filestream->read(&ch, 1); // read the null terminator assert (ch == '\0' && "ESM4::Reader::getString string is not terminated with a null"); } #if 0 else { // NOTE: normal ESMs don't but omwsave has locals or spells with null terminator assert (str[newSize - 1] != '\0' && "ESM4::Reader::getString string is unexpectedly terminated with a null"); } #endif return true; } } str.clear(); return false; // FIXME: throw instead? } }