local camera = require('openmw.camera') local core = require('openmw.core') local input = require('openmw.input') local settings = require('openmw.settings') local util = require('openmw.util') local self = require('openmw.self') local nearby = require('openmw.nearby') local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor local head_bobbing = require('scripts.omw.head_bobbing') local third_person = require('scripts.omw.third_person') local MODE = camera.MODE local previewIfStandSill = settings._getBoolFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'preview if stand still') local showCrosshairInThirdPerson = settings._getBoolFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'view over shoulder') local primaryMode local noModeControl = 0 local noStandingPreview = 0 local noHeadBobbing = 0 local noZoom = 0 local function init() camera.setCollisionType(util.bitOr(util.bitAnd(nearby.COLLISION_TYPE.Default, util.bitNot(nearby.COLLISION_TYPE.Actor)), nearby.COLLISION_TYPE.Camera)) camera.setFieldOfView(camera.getBaseFieldOfView()) camera.allowCharacterDeferredRotation(settings._getBoolFromSettingsCfg('Camera', 'deferred preview rotation')) if camera.getMode() == MODE.FirstPerson then primaryMode = MODE.FirstPerson else primaryMode = MODE.ThirdPerson camera.setMode(MODE.ThirdPerson) end end local smoothedSpeed = 0 local previewTimer = 0 local function updatePOV(dt) local switchLimit = 0.25 if input.isActionPressed(input.ACTION.TogglePOV) and input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) then previewTimer = previewTimer + dt if primaryMode == MODE.ThirdPerson or previewTimer >= switchLimit then third_person.standingPreview = false camera.setMode(MODE.Preview) end elseif previewTimer > 0 then if previewTimer <= switchLimit then if primaryMode == MODE.FirstPerson then primaryMode = MODE.ThirdPerson else primaryMode = MODE.FirstPerson end end camera.setMode(primaryMode) previewTimer = 0 end end local idleTimer = 0 local vanityDelay = settings.getGMST('fVanityDelay') local function updateVanity(dt) if input.isIdle() then idleTimer = idleTimer + dt else idleTimer = 0 end local vanityAllowed = input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.VanityMode) if vanityAllowed and idleTimer > vanityDelay and camera.getMode() ~= MODE.Vanity then camera.setMode(MODE.Vanity) end if camera.getMode() == MODE.Vanity then if not vanityAllowed or idleTimer == 0 then camera.setMode(primaryMode) else camera.setYaw(camera.getYaw() + math.rad(3) * dt) end end end local function updateSmoothedSpeed(dt) local speed = Actor.currentSpeed(self) speed = speed / (1 + speed / 500) local maxDelta = 300 * dt smoothedSpeed = smoothedSpeed + util.clamp(speed - smoothedSpeed, -maxDelta, maxDelta) end local minDistance = 30 local maxDistance = 800 local function zoom(delta) if not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.ViewMode) or not input.getControlSwitch(input.CONTROL_SWITCH.Controls) or camera.getMode() == MODE.Static or noZoom > 0 then return end if camera.getMode() ~= MODE.FirstPerson then local obstacleDelta = third_person.preferredDistance - camera.getThirdPersonDistance() if delta > 0 and third_person.baseDistance == minDistance and (camera.getMode() ~= MODE.Preview or third_person.standingPreview) and noModeControl == 0 then primaryMode = MODE.FirstPerson camera.setMode(primaryMode) elseif delta > 0 or obstacleDelta < -delta then third_person.baseDistance = util.clamp(third_person.baseDistance - delta - obstacleDelta, minDistance, maxDistance) end elseif delta < 0 and noModeControl == 0 then primaryMode = MODE.ThirdPerson camera.setMode(primaryMode) third_person.baseDistance = minDistance end end local function applyControllerZoom(dt) if camera.getMode() == MODE.Preview then local triggerLeft = input.getAxisValue(input.CONTROLLER_AXIS.TriggerLeft) local triggerRight = input.getAxisValue(input.CONTROLLER_AXIS.TriggerRight) local controllerZoom = (triggerRight - triggerLeft) * 100 * dt if controllerZoom ~= 0 then zoom(controllerZoom) end end end local function updateStandingPreview() local mode = camera.getMode() if not previewIfStandSill or noStandingPreview > 0 or mode == MODE.FirstPerson or mode == MODE.Static or mode == MODE.Vanity then third_person.standingPreview = false return end local standingStill = Actor.currentSpeed(self) == 0 and Actor.stance(self) == Actor.STANCE.Nothing if standingStill and mode == MODE.ThirdPerson then third_person.standingPreview = true camera.setMode(MODE.Preview) elseif not standingStill and third_person.standingPreview then third_person.standingPreview = false camera.setMode(primaryMode) end end local function updateCrosshair() camera.showCrosshair( camera.getMode() == MODE.FirstPerson or (showCrosshairInThirdPerson and (camera.getMode() == MODE.ThirdPerson or third_person.standingPreview))) end local function onUpdate(dt) camera.setExtraPitch(0) camera.setExtraYaw(0) camera.setExtraRoll(0) camera.setFirstPersonOffset(util.vector3(0, 0, 0)) updateSmoothedSpeed(dt) end local function onInputUpdate(dt) local mode = camera.getMode() if mode == MODE.FirstPerson or mode == MODE.ThirdPerson then primaryMode = mode end if mode ~= MODE.Static then if not camera.getQueuedMode() or camera.getQueuedMode() == MODE.Preview then if noModeControl == 0 then updatePOV(dt) updateVanity(dt) end updateStandingPreview() end updateCrosshair() end applyControllerZoom(dt) third_person.update(dt, smoothedSpeed) if noHeadBobbing == 0 then head_bobbing.update(dt, smoothedSpeed) end end return { interfaceName = 'Camera', --- -- @module Camera -- @usage require('openmw.interfaces').Camera interface = { --- Interface version -- @field [parent=#Camera] #number version version = 0, --- Return primary mode (MODE.FirstPerson or MODE.ThirdPerson). -- @function [parent=#Camera] getPrimaryMode getPrimaryMode = function() return primaryMode end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] getBaseThirdPersonDistance getBaseThirdPersonDistance = function() return third_person.baseDistance end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] setBaseThirdPersonDistance setBaseThirdPersonDistance = function(v) third_person.baseDistance = v end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] getTargetThirdPersonDistance getTargetThirdPersonDistance = function() return third_person.preferredDistance end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] isModeControlEnabled isModeControlEnabled = function() return noModeControl == 0 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] disableModeControl disableModeControl = function() noModeControl = noModeControl + 1 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] enableModeControl enableModeControl = function() noModeControl = math.max(0, noModeControl - 1) end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] isStandingPreviewEnabled isStandingPreviewEnabled = function() return previewIfStandSill and noStandingPreview == 0 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] disableStandingPreview disableStandingPreview = function() noStandingPreview = noStandingPreview + 1 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] enableStandingPreview enableStandingPreview = function() noStandingPreview = math.max(0, noStandingPreview - 1) end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] isHeadBobbingEnabled isHeadBobbingEnabled = function() return head_bobbing.enabled and noHeadBobbing == 0 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] disableHeadBobbing disableHeadBobbing = function() noHeadBobbing = noHeadBobbing + 1 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] enableHeadBobbing enableHeadBobbing = function() noHeadBobbing = math.max(0, noHeadBobbing - 1) end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] isZoomEnabled isZoomEnabled = function() return noZoom == 0 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] disableZoom disableZoom = function() noZoom = noZoom + 1 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] enableZoom enableZoom = function() noZoom = math.max(0, noZoom - 1) end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] isThirdPersonOffsetControlEnabled isThirdPersonOffsetControlEnabled = function() return third_person.noOffsetControl == 0 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] disableThirdPersonOffsetControl disableThirdPersonOffsetControl = function() third_person.noOffsetControl = third_person.noOffsetControl + 1 end, --- @function [parent=#Camera] enableThirdPersonOffsetControl enableThirdPersonOffsetControl = function() third_person.noOffsetControl = math.max(0, third_person.noOffsetControl - 1) end, }, engineHandlers = { onUpdate = onUpdate, onInputUpdate = onInputUpdate, onInputAction = function(action) if core.isWorldPaused() then return end if action == input.ACTION.ZoomIn then zoom(10) elseif action == input.ACTION.ZoomOut then zoom(-10) end end, onActive = init, onLoad = function(data) if data and data.distance then third_person.baseDistance = data.distance end end, onSave = function() return {version = 0, distance = third_person.baseDistance} end, }, }