# Debug window DebugWindow: "Debug" LogViewer: "Log Viewer" LuaProfiler: "Lua Profiler" PhysicsProfiler: "Physics Profiler" # Messages BuildingNavigationMesh: "Building navigation mesh" # Save game menu SelectCharacter: "Select Character..." TimePlayed: "Time played" # Settings menu ActorsProcessingRange: "Actors Processing Range" Anisotropy: "Anisotropy" CameraSensitivity: "Camera Sensitivity" CameraZoomIn: "Zoom Camera In" CameraZoomOut: "Zoom Camera Out" ChangeRequiresRestart: "This change requires a restart to take effect." Controller: "Controller" FieldOfView: "Field of View" FrameRateHint: "Hint: press F3 to show\nthe current frame rate." InvertXAxis: "Invert X Axis" Language: "Language" LanguageNote: "Note: these settings do not affect strings from ESM files." LightingMethod: "Lighting Method" LightingMethodLegacy: "Legacy" LightingMethodShaders: "Shaders" LightingMethodShadersCompatibility: "Shaders (compatibility)" LightingResetToDefaults: "Resets to default values, would you like to continue? Changes to lighting method will require a restart." Lights: "Lights" LightsBoundingSphereMultiplier: "Bounding Sphere Multiplier" LightsBoundingSphereMultiplierTooltip: "Default: 1.65\nMultipler for bounding sphere of lights.\nHigher numbers allows for smooth falloff but require an increase in number of max lights.\n\nDoes not effect the illumination or strength of lights." LightsFadeStartMultiplier: "Fade Start Multiplier" LightsFadeStartMultiplierTooltip: "Default: 0.85\nFraction of maximum distance at which lights will start to fade.\n\nSet this to a low value for slower transitions or a high value for quicker transitions." LightsMaximumDistance: "Maximum Light Distance" LightsMaximumDistanceTooltip: "Default: 8192\nMaximum distance at which lights will appear (measured in units).\n\nSet this to 0 to use an unlimited distance." LightsMinimumInteriorBrightness: "Minimum Interior Brightness" LightsMinimumInteriorBrightnessTooltip: "Default: 0.08\nMinimum ambient interior brightness.\n\nIncrease this if you feel interiors are too dark." MaxLights: "Max Lights" MaxLightsTooltip: "Default: 8\nMaximum number of lights per object.\n\nA low number near default will cause light popping similar to what you would see with legacy lighting." MouseAndKeyboard: "Mouse/Keyboard" PostProcessing: "Post Processing" PostProcessingTooltip: "Tweaked via Post Processor HUD, see input bindings." PrimaryLanguage: "Primary Language" PrimaryLanguageTooltip: "Localization files for this language have the highest priority." RainRippleDetail: "Rain ripple detail" RainRippleDetailDense: "Dense" RainRippleDetailSimple: "Simple" RainRippleDetailSparse: "Sparse" ReflectionShaderDetail: "Reflection shader detail" ReflectionShaderDetailActors: "Actors" ReflectionShaderDetailGroundcover: "Groundcover" ReflectionShaderDetailObjects: "Objects" ReflectionShaderDetailSky: "Sky" ReflectionShaderDetailTerrain: "Terrain" ReflectionShaderDetailWorld: "World" Refraction: "Refraction" Screenshot: "Screenshot" Scripts: "Scripts" ScriptsDisabled: "Load a game to access script settings." SecondaryLanguage: "Secondary Language" SecondaryLanguageTooltip: "Localization files for this language may be used if the primary language files lack the necessary lines." TextureFiltering: "Texture Filtering" TextureFilteringBilinear: "Bilinear" TextureFilteringDisabled: "None" TextureFilteringOther: "Other" TextureFilteringTrilinear: "Trilinear" ToggleHUD: "Toggle HUD" TogglePostProcessorHUD: "Toggle Post Processor HUD" VSync: "VSync" VSyncAdaptive: "Adaptive" Water: "Water" WaterShader: "Water shader" WaterShaderTextureQuality: "Texture quality" WindowBorder: "Window Border" WindowMode: "Window Mode" WindowModeFullscreen: "Fullscreen" WindowModeHint: "Hint: Windowed Fullscreen mode\nalways uses the native display resolution." WindowModeWindowed: "Windowed" WindowModeWindowedFullscreen: "Windowed Fullscreen"