#include "shadowsbin.hpp"
#include <osg/AlphaFunc>
#include <osg/Material>
#include <osg/Program>
#include <osg/StateSet>
#include <osgUtil/StateGraph>
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace osgUtil;

    template <typename T>
    inline void accumulateState(T& currentValue, T newValue, bool& isOverride, unsigned int overrideFlags)
        if (isOverride && !(overrideFlags & osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED))

        if (overrideFlags & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE)
            isOverride = true;

        currentValue = newValue;

    inline void accumulateModeState(const osg::StateSet* ss, bool& currentValue, bool& isOverride, int mode)
        const osg::StateSet::ModeList& l = ss->getModeList();
        osg::StateSet::ModeList::const_iterator mf = l.find(mode);
        if (mf == l.end())
        unsigned int flags = mf->second;
        bool newValue = flags & osg::StateAttribute::ON;
        accumulateState(currentValue, newValue, isOverride, flags);

    inline bool materialNeedShadows(osg::Material* m)
        // I'm pretty sure this needs to check the colour mode - vertex colours might override this value.
        return m->getDiffuse(osg::Material::FRONT).a() > 0.5;

namespace SceneUtil

    ShadowsBin::ShadowsBin(const CastingPrograms& castingPrograms)
        mNoTestStateSet = new osg::StateSet;
        mNoTestStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha", false));
        mNoTestStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("alphaTestShadows", false));

        mShaderAlphaTestStateSet = new osg::StateSet;
        mShaderAlphaTestStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("alphaTestShadows", true));
        mShaderAlphaTestStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha", true));
            GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < castingPrograms.size(); ++i)
            mAlphaFuncShaders[i] = new osg::StateSet;
                osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);

    StateGraph* ShadowsBin::cullStateGraph(
        StateGraph* sg, StateGraph* root, std::unordered_set<StateGraph*>& uninterestingCache, bool cullFaceOverridden)
        std::vector<StateGraph*> return_path;
        State state;
        StateGraph* sg_new = sg;
            if (uninterestingCache.find(sg_new) != uninterestingCache.end())
            sg_new = sg_new->_parent;
        } while (sg_new && sg_new != root);

        for (auto itr = return_path.rbegin(); itr != return_path.rend(); ++itr)
            const osg::StateSet* ss = (*itr)->getStateSet();
            if (!ss)

            accumulateModeState(ss, state.mAlphaBlend, state.mAlphaBlendOverride, GL_BLEND);

            const osg::StateSet::AttributeList& attributes = ss->getAttributeList();
            osg::StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator found
                = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL, 0));
            if (found != attributes.end())
                const osg::StateSet::RefAttributePair& rap = found->second;
                    state.mMaterial, static_cast<osg::Material*>(rap.first.get()), state.mMaterialOverride, rap.second);
                if (state.mMaterial && !materialNeedShadows(state.mMaterial))
                    state.mMaterial = nullptr;

            found = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::ALPHAFUNC, 0));
            if (found != attributes.end())
                // As force shaders is on, we know this is really a RemovedAlphaFunc
                const osg::StateSet::RefAttributePair& rap = found->second;
                accumulateState(state.mAlphaFunc, static_cast<osg::AlphaFunc*>(rap.first.get()),
                    state.mAlphaFuncOverride, rap.second);

            if (!cullFaceOverridden)
                // osg::FrontFace specifies triangle winding, not front-face culling. We can't safely reparent anything
                // under it unless GL_CULL_FACE is off or we flip face culling.
                found = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::FRONTFACE, 0));
                if (found != attributes.end())
                    state.mImportantState = true;

            if ((*itr) != sg && !state.interesting())

        if (!state.needShadows())
            return nullptr;

        if (!state.needTexture() && !state.mImportantState)
            for (RenderLeaf* leaf : sg->_leaves)
                leaf->_parent = root;
            return nullptr;

        if (state.mAlphaBlend)
            sg_new = sg->find_or_insert(mShaderAlphaTestStateSet);
            sg_new->_leaves = std::move(sg->_leaves);
            for (RenderLeaf* leaf : sg_new->_leaves)
                leaf->_parent = sg_new;
            sg = sg_new;

        // GL_ALWAYS is set by default by mwshadowtechnique
        if (state.mAlphaFunc && state.mAlphaFunc->getFunction() != GL_ALWAYS)
            sg_new = sg->find_or_insert(mAlphaFuncShaders[state.mAlphaFunc->getFunction() - GL_NEVER]);
            sg_new->_leaves = std::move(sg->_leaves);
            for (RenderLeaf* leaf : sg_new->_leaves)
                leaf->_parent = sg_new;
            sg = sg_new;

        return sg;

    inline bool ShadowsBin::State::needTexture() const
        return mAlphaBlend || (mAlphaFunc && mAlphaFunc->getFunction() != GL_ALWAYS);

    bool ShadowsBin::State::needShadows() const
        if (mAlphaFunc && mAlphaFunc->getFunction() == GL_NEVER)
            return false;
        // other alpha func + material combinations might be skippable
        if (mAlphaBlend && mMaterial)
            return materialNeedShadows(mMaterial);
        return true;

    void ShadowsBin::sortImplementation()
        // The cull visitor contains a stategraph.
        // When a stateset is pushed, it's added/found as a child of the current stategraph node, then that node becomes
        // the new current stategraph node. When a drawable is added, the current stategraph node is added to the
        // current renderbin (if it's not there already) and the drawable is added as a renderleaf to the stategraph
        // This means our list only contains stategraph nodes with directly-attached renderleaves, but they might have
        // parents with more state set that needs to be considered.
        if (!_stateGraphList.size())
        StateGraph* root = _stateGraphList[0];
        while (root->_parent)
            root = root->_parent;
            const osg::StateSet* ss = root->getStateSet();
            if (ss->getMode(GL_NORMALIZE) & osg::StateAttribute::ON // that is root stategraph of renderingmanager cpp
                || ss->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::VIEWPORT)) // fallback to rendertarget's sg just in case
            if (!root->_parent)
        StateGraph* noTestRoot = root->find_or_insert(mNoTestStateSet.get());
        // noTestRoot is now a stategraph with useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha disabled but minimal other state

        bool cullFaceOverridden = false;
        while (root->_parent)
            root = root->_parent;
            if (!root->getStateSet())
            unsigned int cullFaceFlags = root->getStateSet()->getMode(GL_CULL_FACE);
            if (cullFaceFlags & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE && !(cullFaceFlags & osg::StateAttribute::ON))
                cullFaceOverridden = true;

        StateGraphList newList;
        std::unordered_set<StateGraph*> uninterestingCache;
        for (StateGraph* graph : _stateGraphList)
            // Render leaves which shouldn't use the diffuse map for shadow alpha but do cast shadows become children of
            // root, so graph is now empty. Don't add to newList. Graphs containing just render leaves which don't cast
            // shadows are discarded. Don't add to newList. Graphs containing other leaves need to be in newList.
            StateGraph* graphToAdd = cullStateGraph(graph, noTestRoot, uninterestingCache, cullFaceOverridden);
            if (graphToAdd)
        if (!noTestRoot->_leaves.empty())
        _stateGraphList = std::move(newList);
