#version 120 #if @useGPUShader4 #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4: require #endif uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; varying vec2 diffuseMapUV; varying float alphaPassthrough; uniform bool useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha; uniform bool alphaTestShadows; uniform float alphaRef; #include "lib/material/alpha.glsl" void main() { gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1.0); if (useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha) gl_FragData[0].a = texture2D(diffuseMap, diffuseMapUV).a * alphaPassthrough; else gl_FragData[0].a = alphaPassthrough; gl_FragData[0].a = alphaTest(gl_FragData[0].a); // Prevent translucent things casting shadow (including the player using an invisibility effect). // This replaces alpha blending, which obviously doesn't work with depth buffers if (alphaTestShadows && gl_FragData[0].a <= 0.5) discard; }