#include "configurationmanager.hpp" #include <fstream> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> #include <components/fallback/validate.hpp> #include <components/files/configfileparser.hpp> #include <components/misc/strings/conversion.hpp> #include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp> #include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp> /** * \namespace Files */ namespace Files { namespace bpo = boost::program_options; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WINDOWS__) static const char* const applicationName = "OpenMW"; #else static const char* const applicationName = "openmw"; #endif static constexpr auto localToken = u8"?local?"; static constexpr auto userConfigToken = u8"?userconfig?"; static constexpr auto userDataToken = u8"?userdata?"; static constexpr auto globalToken = u8"?global?"; ConfigurationManager::ConfigurationManager(bool silent) : mFixedPath(applicationName) , mSilent(silent) { setupTokensMapping(); // Initialize with fixed paths, will be overridden in `readConfiguration`. mUserDataPath = mFixedPath.getUserDataPath(); mScreenshotPath = mFixedPath.getUserDataPath() / "screenshots"; } ConfigurationManager::~ConfigurationManager() {} void ConfigurationManager::setupTokensMapping() { mTokensMapping.insert(std::make_pair(localToken, &FixedPath<>::getLocalPath)); mTokensMapping.insert(std::make_pair(userConfigToken, &FixedPath<>::getUserConfigPath)); mTokensMapping.insert(std::make_pair(userDataToken, &FixedPath<>::getUserDataPath)); mTokensMapping.insert(std::make_pair(globalToken, &FixedPath<>::getGlobalDataPath)); } static bool hasReplaceConfig(const bpo::variables_map& variables) { if (variables["replace"].empty()) return false; for (const std::string& var : variables["replace"].as<std::vector<std::string>>()) { if (var == "config") return true; } return false; } void ConfigurationManager::readConfiguration( bpo::variables_map& variables, const bpo::options_description& description, bool quiet) { bool silent = mSilent; mSilent = quiet; std::optional<bpo::variables_map> config = loadConfig(mFixedPath.getLocalPath(), description); if (config) mActiveConfigPaths.push_back(mFixedPath.getLocalPath()); else { mActiveConfigPaths.push_back(mFixedPath.getGlobalConfigPath()); config = loadConfig(mFixedPath.getGlobalConfigPath(), description); } if (!config) { if (!quiet) Log(Debug::Error) << "Neither local config nor global config are available."; mSilent = silent; return; } std::stack<std::filesystem::path> extraConfigDirs; addExtraConfigDirs(extraConfigDirs, variables); if (!hasReplaceConfig(variables)) addExtraConfigDirs(extraConfigDirs, *config); std::vector<bpo::variables_map> parsedConfigs{ *std::move(config) }; std::set<std::filesystem::path> alreadyParsedPaths; // needed to prevent infinite loop in case of a circular link alreadyParsedPaths.insert(mActiveConfigPaths.front()); while (!extraConfigDirs.empty()) { auto path = extraConfigDirs.top(); extraConfigDirs.pop(); if (alreadyParsedPaths.count(path) > 0) { if (!quiet) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Repeated config dir: " << path; continue; } alreadyParsedPaths.insert(path); config = loadConfig(path, description); if (config && hasReplaceConfig(*config) && parsedConfigs.size() > 1) { mActiveConfigPaths.resize(1); parsedConfigs.resize(1); Log(Debug::Info) << "Skipping previous configs except " << (mActiveConfigPaths.front() / "openmw.cfg") << " due to replace=config in " << (path / "openmw.cfg"); } mActiveConfigPaths.emplace_back(std::move(path)); if (config) { addExtraConfigDirs(extraConfigDirs, *config); parsedConfigs.push_back(*std::move(config)); } } for (auto it = parsedConfigs.rbegin(); it != parsedConfigs.rend(); ++it) { auto composingVariables = separateComposingVariables(variables, description); for (auto& [k, v] : *it) { auto variable = variables.find(k); if (variable == variables.end()) variables.insert({ k, v }); else if (variable->second.defaulted()) variable->second = v; } mergeComposingVariables(variables, composingVariables, description); } mUserDataPath = variables["user-data"] .as<Files::MaybeQuotedPath>() .u8string(); // This call to u8string is redundant, but required to build on MSVC 14.26 due // to implementation bugs. if (mUserDataPath.empty()) { if (!quiet) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Error: `user-data` is not specified"; mUserDataPath = mFixedPath.getUserDataPath(); } mScreenshotPath = mUserDataPath / "screenshots"; std::filesystem::create_directories(getUserConfigPath()); std::filesystem::create_directories(mScreenshotPath); // probably not necessary but validate the creation of the screenshots directory and fallback to the original // behavior if it fails if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(mScreenshotPath)) mScreenshotPath = mUserDataPath; if (!quiet) { Log(Debug::Info) << "Logs dir: " << getUserConfigPath(); Log(Debug::Info) << "User data dir: " << mUserDataPath; Log(Debug::Info) << "Screenshots dir: " << mScreenshotPath; } mSilent = silent; } void ConfigurationManager::addExtraConfigDirs( std::stack<std::filesystem::path>& dirs, const bpo::variables_map& variables) const { auto configIt = variables.find("config"); if (configIt == variables.end()) return; Files::PathContainer newDirs = asPathContainer(configIt->second.as<Files::MaybeQuotedPathContainer>()); for (auto it = newDirs.rbegin(); it != newDirs.rend(); ++it) dirs.push(*it); } void ConfigurationManager::addCommonOptions(bpo::options_description& description) { auto addOption = description.add_options(); addOption("config", bpo::value<Files::MaybeQuotedPathContainer>() ->default_value(Files::MaybeQuotedPathContainer(), "") ->multitoken() ->composing(), "additional config directories"); addOption("replace", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>() ->default_value(std::vector<std::string>(), "") ->multitoken() ->composing(), "settings where the values from the current source should replace those from lower-priority sources " "instead of being appended"); addOption("user-data", bpo::value<Files::MaybeQuotedPath>()->default_value(Files::MaybeQuotedPath(), ""), "set user data directory (used for saves, screenshots, etc)"); } bpo::variables_map separateComposingVariables( bpo::variables_map& variables, const bpo::options_description& description) { bpo::variables_map composingVariables; for (auto itr = variables.begin(); itr != variables.end();) { if (description.find(itr->first, false).semantic()->is_composing()) { composingVariables.emplace(*itr); itr = variables.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } return composingVariables; } void mergeComposingVariables( bpo::variables_map& first, bpo::variables_map& second, const bpo::options_description& description) { // There are a few places this assumes all variables are present in second, but it's never crashed in the wild, // so it looks like that's guaranteed. std::set<std::string> replacedVariables; if (description.find_nothrow("replace", false)) { auto replace = second["replace"]; if (!replace.defaulted() && !replace.empty()) { std::vector<std::string> replaceVector = replace.as<std::vector<std::string>>(); replacedVariables.insert(replaceVector.begin(), replaceVector.end()); } } for (const auto& option : description.options()) { if (option->semantic()->is_composing()) { std::string name = option->canonical_display_name(); auto firstPosition = first.find(name); if (firstPosition == first.end()) { first.emplace(name, second[name]); continue; } if (replacedVariables.count(name) || firstPosition->second.defaulted() || firstPosition->second.empty()) { firstPosition->second = second[name]; continue; } if (second[name].defaulted() || second[name].empty()) continue; boost::any& firstValue = firstPosition->second.value(); const boost::any& secondValue = second[name].value(); if (firstValue.type() == typeid(Files::MaybeQuotedPathContainer)) { auto& firstPathContainer = boost::any_cast<Files::MaybeQuotedPathContainer&>(firstValue); const auto& secondPathContainer = boost::any_cast<const Files::MaybeQuotedPathContainer&>(secondValue); firstPathContainer.insert( firstPathContainer.end(), secondPathContainer.begin(), secondPathContainer.end()); } else if (firstValue.type() == typeid(std::vector<std::string>)) { auto& firstVector = boost::any_cast<std::vector<std::string>&>(firstValue); const auto& secondVector = boost::any_cast<const std::vector<std::string>&>(secondValue); firstVector.insert(firstVector.end(), secondVector.begin(), secondVector.end()); } else if (firstValue.type() == typeid(Fallback::FallbackMap)) { auto& firstMap = boost::any_cast<Fallback::FallbackMap&>(firstValue); const auto& secondMap = boost::any_cast<const Fallback::FallbackMap&>(secondValue); std::map<std::string, std::string> tempMap(secondMap.mMap); tempMap.merge(firstMap.mMap); firstMap.mMap.swap(tempMap); } else Log(Debug::Error) << "Unexpected composing variable type. Curse boost and their blasted arcane templates."; } } } void ConfigurationManager::processPath(std::filesystem::path& path, const std::filesystem::path& basePath) const { const auto str = path.u8string(); if (str.empty() || str[0] != u8'?') { if (!path.is_absolute()) path = basePath / path; return; } const auto pos = str.find('?', 1); if (pos != std::u8string::npos && pos != 0) { auto tokenIt = mTokensMapping.find(str.substr(0, pos + 1)); if (tokenIt != mTokensMapping.end()) { auto tempPath(((mFixedPath).*(tokenIt->second))()); if (pos < str.length() - 1) { // There is something after the token, so we should // append it to the path tempPath /= str.substr(pos + 1, str.length() - pos); } path = tempPath; } else { if (!mSilent) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Path starts with unknown token: " << path; path.clear(); } } } void ConfigurationManager::processPaths(Files::PathContainer& dataDirs, const std::filesystem::path& basePath) const { for (auto& path : dataDirs) processPath(path, basePath); } void ConfigurationManager::processPaths( boost::program_options::variables_map& variables, const std::filesystem::path& basePath) const { for (auto& [name, var] : variables) { if (var.defaulted()) continue; if (var.value().type() == typeid(MaybeQuotedPathContainer)) { auto& pathContainer = boost::any_cast<MaybeQuotedPathContainer&>(var.value()); for (MaybeQuotedPath& path : pathContainer) processPath(path, basePath); } else if (var.value().type() == typeid(MaybeQuotedPath)) { std::filesystem::path& path = boost::any_cast<Files::MaybeQuotedPath&>(var.value()); processPath(path, basePath); } } } void ConfigurationManager::filterOutNonExistingPaths(Files::PathContainer& dataDirs) const { dataDirs.erase(std::remove_if(dataDirs.begin(), dataDirs.end(), [this](const std::filesystem::path& p) { bool exists = std::filesystem::is_directory(p); if (!exists && !mSilent) Log(Debug::Warning) << "No such dir: " << p; return !exists; }), dataDirs.end()); } std::optional<bpo::variables_map> ConfigurationManager::loadConfig( const std::filesystem::path& path, const bpo::options_description& description) const { std::filesystem::path cfgFile(path); cfgFile /= openmwCfgFile; if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(cfgFile)) { if (!mSilent) Log(Debug::Info) << "Loading config file: " << cfgFile; std::ifstream configFileStream(cfgFile); if (configFileStream.is_open()) { bpo::variables_map variables; bpo::store(Files::parse_config_file(configFileStream, description, true), variables); processPaths(variables, path); return variables; } else if (!mSilent) Log(Debug::Error) << "Loading failed."; } return std::nullopt; } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getGlobalPath() const { return mFixedPath.getGlobalConfigPath(); } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getUserConfigPath() const { if (mActiveConfigPaths.empty()) return mFixedPath.getUserConfigPath(); else return mActiveConfigPaths.back(); } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getUserDataPath() const { return mUserDataPath; } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getLocalPath() const { return mFixedPath.getLocalPath(); } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getGlobalDataPath() const { return mFixedPath.getGlobalDataPath(); } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getCachePath() const { return mFixedPath.getCachePath(); } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getInstallPath() const { return mFixedPath.getInstallPath(); } const std::filesystem::path& ConfigurationManager::getScreenshotPath() const { return mScreenshotPath; } void parseArgs( int argc, const char* const argv[], bpo::variables_map& variables, const bpo::options_description& description) { bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).allow_unregistered().run(), variables); } void parseConfig(std::istream& stream, bpo::variables_map& variables, const bpo::options_description& description) { bpo::store(Files::parse_config_file(stream, description, true), variables); } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& istream, MaybeQuotedPath& MaybeQuotedPath) { // If the stream starts with a double quote, read from stream using boost::filesystem::path rules (which are not // the same as std::filesystem::path rules), then discard anything remaining. This prevents // boost::program_options getting upset that we've not consumed the whole stream. If it doesn't start with a // double quote, read the whole thing verbatim. // This function's implementation and comments have a history of being changed by well-meaning but incorrect // OpenMW developers. Please be very careful you aren't joining them. If you're insufficiently apprehensive, // here's a 737-word GitLab comment to scare you: // https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/-/merge_requests/2979#note_1371082428. if (istream.peek() == '"') { std::string intermediate; // std::filesystem::path would use '"', '\' here. // We use & because it's easier when copying and pasting Windows paths, which have many backslashes and few // ampersands, and because it's backwards-compatible with the previous format, which used // boost::filesystem::path's operator>>. istream >> std::quoted(intermediate, '"', '&'); static_cast<std::filesystem::path&>(MaybeQuotedPath) = Misc::StringUtils::stringToU8String(intermediate); if (istream && !istream.eof() && istream.peek() != EOF) { std::string remainder{ std::istreambuf_iterator(istream), {} }; Log(Debug::Warning) << "Trailing data in path setting. Used '" << MaybeQuotedPath << "' but '" << remainder << "' remained"; } } else { std::string intermediate{ std::istreambuf_iterator(istream), {} }; static_cast<std::filesystem::path&>(MaybeQuotedPath) = Misc::StringUtils::stringToU8String(intermediate); } return istream; } PathContainer asPathContainer(const MaybeQuotedPathContainer& MaybeQuotedPathContainer) { PathContainer res; res.reserve(MaybeQuotedPathContainer.size()); for (const auto& maybeQuotedPath : MaybeQuotedPathContainer) { res.emplace_back(maybeQuotedPath.u8string()); // This call to u8string is redundant, but required to build // on MSVC 14.26 due to implementation bugs. } return res; } } /* namespace Files */