#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_DETOURNAVIGATOR_NAVIGATORUTILS_H #define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_DETOURNAVIGATOR_NAVIGATORUTILS_H #include "findsmoothpath.hpp" #include "flags.hpp" #include "navigator.hpp" #include "navmeshcacheitem.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include #include #include namespace DetourNavigator { /** * @brief findPath fills output iterator with points of scene surfaces to be used for actor to walk through. * @param agentBounds allows to find navmesh for given actor. * @param start path from given point. * @param end path at given point. * @param includeFlags setup allowed surfaces for actor to walk. * @param out the beginning of the destination range. * @param endTolerance defines maximum allowed distance to end path point in addition to agentHalfExtents * @return Status. * Equal to out if no path is found. */ inline Status findPath(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds, const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end, const Flags includeFlags, const AreaCosts& areaCosts, float endTolerance, std::output_iterator auto out) { const auto navMesh = navigator.getNavMesh(agentBounds); if (navMesh == nullptr) return Status::NavMeshNotFound; const Settings& settings = navigator.getSettings(); FromNavMeshCoordinatesIterator outTransform(out, settings.mRecast); const auto locked = navMesh->lock(); return findSmoothPath(locked->getQuery(), toNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, agentBounds.mHalfExtents), toNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, start), toNavMeshCoordinates(settings.mRecast, end), includeFlags, areaCosts, settings.mDetour, endTolerance, outTransform); } /** * @brief findRandomPointAroundCircle returns random location on navmesh within the reach of specified location. * @param agentBounds allows to find navmesh for given actor. * @param start is a position where the search starts. * @param maxRadius limit maximum distance from start. * @param includeFlags setup allowed surfaces for actor to walk. * @return not empty optional with position if point is found and empty optional if point is not found. */ std::optional findRandomPointAroundCircle(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds, const osg::Vec3f& start, const float maxRadius, const Flags includeFlags, float (*prng)()); /** * @brief raycast finds farest navmesh point from start on a line from start to end that has path from start. * @param agentBounds allows to find navmesh for given actor. * @param start of the line * @param end of the line * @param includeFlags setup allowed surfaces for actor to walk. * @return not empty optional with position if point is found and empty optional if point is not found. */ std::optional raycast(const Navigator& navigator, const AgentBounds& agentBounds, const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end, const Flags includeFlags); } #endif