#include <string>

#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>

class QAction;
class QWidget;

namespace CSMPrefs
    /// A class similar in purpose to QShortcut, but with the ability to use mouse buttons
    class Shortcut : public QObject

        enum ActivationStatus

        enum SecondaryMode
            SM_Replace, ///< The secondary signal replaces the regular signal when the modifier is active
            SM_Detach, ///< The secondary signal is emitted independent of the regular signal, even if not active
            SM_Ignore ///< The secondary signal will not ever be emitted

        Shortcut(const std::string& name, QWidget* parent);
        Shortcut(const std::string& name, const std::string& modName, QWidget* parent);
        Shortcut(const std::string& name, const std::string& modName, SecondaryMode secMode, QWidget* parent);


        bool isEnabled() const;

        const std::string& getName() const;
        const std::string& getModifierName() const;

        SecondaryMode getSecondaryMode() const;

        const QKeySequence& getSequence() const;
        int getModifier() const;

        /// The position in the sequence
        int getPosition() const;
        /// The position in the sequence
        int getLastPosition() const;

        ActivationStatus getActivationStatus() const;
        bool getModifierStatus() const;

        void enable(bool state);

        void setSequence(const QKeySequence& sequence);
        void setModifier(int modifier);

        /// The position in the sequence
        void setPosition(int pos);

        void setActivationStatus(ActivationStatus status);
        void setModifierStatus(bool status);

        /// Appends the sequence to the QAction text, also keeps it up to date
        void associateAction(QAction* action);

        // Workaround for Qt4 signals being "protected"
        void signalActivated(bool state);
        void signalActivated();

        void signalSecondary(bool state);
        void signalSecondary();

        QString toString() const;

        bool mEnabled;

        std::string mName;
        std::string mModName;
        SecondaryMode mSecondaryMode;
        QKeySequence mSequence;
        int mModifier;

        int mCurrentPos;
        int mLastPos;

        ActivationStatus mActivationStatus;
        bool mModifierStatus;

        QAction* mAction;
        QString mActionText;

    private slots:

        void actionDeleted();


        /// Triggered when the shortcut is activated or deactivated; can be determined from \p state
        void activated(bool state);

        /// Convenience signal.
        void activated();

        /// Triggered depending on SecondaryMode
        void secondary(bool state);

        /// Convenience signal.
        void secondary();
